







汉语拼音:jūn píng







  1. 平衡;均匀。

    《周礼·地官·贾师》:“贾师各掌其次之货贿之治,辨其物而均平之,展其成而奠其贾,然后令市。”《后汉书·虞诩传》:“臺郎显职,仕之通阶。今或一郡七八,或一州无人。宜令均平,以厌天下之望。” 唐 吕岩 《七言》诗之二九:“水火均平方是药,阴阳差互不成丹。” 李大钊 《青春》:“大宇积热力,每散趋均平,天地乃毁。”

  2. 平正;公允。

    《周书·王罴传》:“每至享会,亲自秤量酒肉,分给将士。时人尚其均平,嗤其鄙碎。”《南史·循吏传·阮长之》:“ 李元德 清勤均平,姦盗止息。”《诗·桧风·鳲鸠》“鳲鳩在桑” 宋 朱熹 集传:“诗人美君子之用心均平专一,故言鳲鳩在桑,则其子七矣。” 清 顾炎武 《日知录·母弟称弟》:“诗人美鳲鳩均爱七子,岂有於父母则望之以均平,於兄弟则教之以疏外!”



  1. On Huang Chao's Concept of "Sharing Equally"


  2. A Study on Adjusting Functions of Governments for Income Distribution


  3. the other is mutual differences, opposites mutual economic complementarity, in order to achieve balance, are flat, and harmony;


  4. Equality as a Motivation in Giving


  5. Government Printer Mr David Tsui Kwan-ping


  1. 所述上面层和下面层的外表面均平整光滑。

    Journalists at upmarket glossy magazines are used to writing promotional copy, but they are almost always paid freelance rates for doing so.

  2. 时间窗口越宽, 均线越平滑。

    The wider the time window, the smoother is a moving average.

  3. 春分者, 阴阳相半也, 故昼夜均而寒暑平。

    Vernal Equinox, the yin and yang with a half also, so days and nights are cold and flat.

  4. 小包装大米和小包装面粉零售价格均与前一周持平。

    Small package of rice and small retail prices of packaged flour flat with the previous week.

  5. 采用特殊纤维线绒,涂料含量较大,平滑面和粗糙面均可使用。

    This roller use special fibers, suitable for smooth and rough surface.

  6. 以身作则,两袖清风,这是职工对刘均平的评价。

    Set oneself an example to others, remain uncorrupted, this is the worker's smooth to Liujun evaluation.

  7. 下倾,拱形,下凹的背部。平或过于陡峭的臀部均为缺陷。

    Sloping backline roach or sway back, flat or steep croup to be faulted.

  8. 在图的右边, 价格走平, 均线在下跌。

    At the right edge of the chart prices are flat and EMA is declining.

  9. 这三个条约均为不平等条约。

    The three unequal treaties are the Treaty.

  10. 横平竖直度均达部颁标准。

    Wang reached the level of vertical Buban standards.

  11. 采用微量分析天平检测脾脏均重。

    Spleen was weighed by Micro analysis scale.

  12. 绝大部分的示威者均表现和平。

    Most of the demonstrators were peaceful.

  13. 绝大部分得示威者均表现和平。

    Most of the demonstrators were peaceful.

  14. 尼莫地平对上述指标均有改善作用。

    Nimodipine antagonized these pathological changes.

  15. 周平在毕业考试中的各科成绩均是优秀。

    Zhou Ping got excellent marks for all the subjects he had taken in the graduation examination.

  16. 等均线走平并上涨, 再开始进仓, 等待上涨。

    Let the EMA flatten out and tick up before positioning for a new major bull move.

  17. 其中聂卫平, 刘小光和常昊均在中盘取胜。

    Among which, Weiping Nie, Xiaoguang Liu and Hao Chang both achieved victories in the middle games.

  18. 沥青混凝土摊铺机找平均衡梁的频率特性

    Frequency Characteristics of Balance Beam in Leveling System of Asphalt Concrete Paver

  19. 所有会员国均享有和平与可持续发展的平等权利。

    All Member States have equal rights to peaceful and sustainable development.

  20. 阻碍和束缚衡平法上的赎回板均是无效的。

    A clog or fetter on the equity of redemption is void.

  21. 阻碍和束缚衡平法上得赎回板均是无效得。

    A clog or fetter on the equity of redemption is void.

  22. 猪后臀尖肉, 猪五花肉价格均持平, 分别为每斤10。47元, 9。50元。

    After the hip tip pig meat, pig pork prices were flat, namely, catty 10.47 yuan, 9.50 yuan.

  23. 又如平顶帽和一些头饰, 均来源于波斯和阿富汗。

    And for example flat caps and some coronets, stem from Persia and Afghanistan.

  24. 灵均标志高如许,忆生平,既纫兰佩,更怀椒糈。

    Spirit are madly, have life high marks, which depends Xu lampe, more bosom pepper.

  25. 平片与体层均能显示一种或多种恶性征者22例。

    Both the plain film and tomogram showed one or more signs of malignancy in22 cases.

  26. 幼虫体躯扁平, 背面及腹面均为黑色, 略具蓝色光泽。

    For Larva, the body was flat, back and ventral surface were black, and had slightly blue luster.

  27. 对搭建场地无特殊要求,一般平地如草地,沥青地,水泥地均可。

    King Tensile Tent can be used in any plains such as grassland, pitch surface ground and concrete ground.

  28. 另外, 矮平不面的撤销还务必使颜色复制到达洋性灰不均。

    In addition, highlight settings you must also enable color copy neutral gray balance is reached.

  29. 结论光化性扁平苔藓在临床及病理上均有较特异的表现。

    Conclusion Actinic Lichen Planus was distinct dermatoses with the special clinical and histopathological feature.

  30. 一边平夹另一边受均布力矩作用的环形薄板大挠度问题

    Circular ring plate bent with large deflection by uniform moment along one edge and clamped at another edge.