


仇恨:~恨。恩~。宿~。~仇。~敌。~府(大家怨恨的对象)。~声载道。不满意,责备:埋(mán )~。抱~。~言。任劳任~。……




特异的,突出的:~为(wéi )。~异。无耻之~。更加,格外:~其。过失:效~(学着别人做坏事)。怨恨,归咎:怨天~人。姓。……





汉语拼音:yuàn tiān yóu rén





遇到挫折或困难时,一味埋怨天,归罪于别人。形容抱怨客观条件不利,不从主观上找原因。《论语·宪问》:“不怨天不尤人,下学而上达。” 天:这里指命运。



  • 【解释】:天:天命,命运;尤:怨恨,归咎。指遇到挫折或出了问题,一味报怨天,责怪别人。
  • 【出自】:《论语·宪问》:“不怨天,不尤人,下学而上达,知我者其天乎!”
  • 【示例】:便是那愤懑不平之气,放诞无忌惮之言,心中口中,~个不了。


  1. He liked to complain about things: people at work, Harry, the council, Harry, the bank, and Harry were just a few of his favorite subjects.


  2. Helen was a tremendous blow, as well as difficulties, not complaining, but rather optimistic attitude to face, so that she was confident.


  3. Let me offer you a different way of thinking about problems that's a lot more empowering and a lot less whiny.


  4. But the EU authorities would have only themselves to blame, since their policies are in effect driving Greece out of the eurozone.


  5. But I never blamed anyone or cried for my bad luck, I just practise, practise, and practise.


  6. Stevens had been failures and setbacks, there is no complaining, no despair, but in a grateful heart to face and all-inclusive.


  7. So excuse me if I don't whine about how the wealthy screw me over.


  8. Complaining gets you nothing, except to attract you to other complainers.


  9. blame it all on yourself cause she's always a woman to me.


  1. 她总是怨天尤人。

    She is always complaining about something.

  2. 我们没有理由怨天尤人。

    We have no cause for complaint.

  3. 怨天尤人毫无好处。

    It boots not to complain.

  4. 然而,那是怨天尤人,自寻烦恼。

    However, that is borrowing trouble.

  5. 怨天尤人并不能解决问题。

    Complaining does nothing.

  6. 别怨天尤人了!你应该知足!

    Don't complain! Count your blessings!

  7. 越怨天尤人, 就越有理由抱怨。

    The more complain, the more reason you have to complain.

  8. 怨天尤人于你毫无好处。

    It boots you not to complain.

  9. 怨天尤人根本就不是她的性格。

    It's simply not in her nature to grumble.

  10. 她再也用不着怨天尤人了。

    She was not going to cry about it.

  11. 事情不顺心时,他就怨天尤人。

    He is given to complaining when things don't go well for him.

  12. 他对生活有点儿怨天尤人的看法

    He has rather a jaundiced view of life

  13. 永远寻找解决方案,不要怨天尤人。

    Seeking for the solution for ever, but don't blame the God.

  14. 别怨天尤人了!你数说数说你的幸福吧!

    Dont complain!Recount your blessings!

  15. 但是,和你不同,他并没有怨天尤人。

    But unlike you, he didn't blame everyone for his fate.

  16. 在指责中成长的孩子, 学会怨天尤人。

    If children live with criticism, they learn to condemn.

  17. 他们怨天尤人,大叹生不逢时,缺少机遇。

    They complained all the time about their bad luck and not being favored by chances.

  18. 为什么人们会因为不开心而怨天尤人?

    Why do people blame everything but themselves for their unhappiness?

  19. 自家掘坑自家埋, 怨天尤人全是错误的。

    They are digging their own graves, and they have no right to blame fate or other people.

  20. 自家掘坑自家埋, 怨天尤人全是错误得。

    They are digging their own graves, and they have no right to blame fate or other people.

  21. 我并不怨天尤人,只是我对这些人负有责任。

    I never wanted this crazy success, except I have a responsibility to these people.

  22. 她也不再怨天尤人了,这使我们深感宽慰。

    She had likewise dropped her fretful complaining, and we found it a great comfort.

  23. 您是否心怀痛恨苦毒,终日怨天尤人 满心愤世嫉俗?

    Is your heart filled with bitterness, anger and discontentment ?

  24. 不要怨天尤人,无论现在看来是怎么地黯淡凄凉。

    Complain not, no matter how bleak it seems.

  25. 面对洪水肆虐,内地同胞没有丝毫畏惧退缩,没有怨天尤人。

    Natural disasters are the most insuperable obstacles that mankind faces.

  26. 她们将会感到忧闷阴郁,平淡乏味,动辄怨天尤人了。

    They would have been heavy and uninspired and inclined to hate.

  27. 但是我并没有坐在那里怨天尤人,而是不断地。

    Instead of sitting there being bitter, I just practiced, practiced.

  28. 但我不会怨天尤人,只要站在球场上,我就会拼搏。

    I think I can fight a lot on the court and I'm feeling better and better each week.

  29. 你大可以像疯狗一样咆哮, 怨天尤人, 诅咒命运, 悔不当初

    You can swear, curse the fates, regret everything you ever did

  30. 拿小题大做和飞短流长填补生活中怨天尤人之外的空虚。

    When not complaining, her drama and gossip will fill the void.


  1. 问:怨天尤人拼音怎么拼?怨天尤人的读音是什么?怨天尤人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:怨天尤人的读音是yuàntiānyóurén,怨天尤人翻译成英文是 blame everyone and everything except oneself...




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