


1. 脚 [jiǎo]脚 [jiǎo]人和某些动物身体最下部接触地面的部分:~心。~掌。~背。~跟。~步。~印。~法(指踢球、踢毽等的技巧)。~镣。~踏实地(形容做事实事求是,不浮夸)。最下部:~注。山~。墙~。剩下的废料,渣滓:下~料。〔……







汉语拼音:jiǎo xià rén






  1. 犹言底下人。旧时对仆人的蔑称。

    《金瓶梅词话》第七六回:“﹝ 西门庆 ﹞连忙安钟筯,下了汤饭,脚下人俱打发攅盘酒肉。” 碧野 《没有花的春天》第三章:“她是那老‘绝代’家里的使婢呀,东家作恶干她脚下人什么事?”



  1. Put the money on the top of head, people will feel heavy; put the money under the feet, people will grow.


  1. 易水寒冷冷地注视着脚下的人。

    The easy water chill coldly looks at the person of foot.

  2. 我往下面一看, 原来我脚下的是人。

    I looked down and I was standing on all these people.

  3. 大地在我们脚下有着令人惊讶的变化。

    how much the ground can shift beneath us.

  4. 美国作家和画家不再拜倒在欧洲人的脚下了。

    American and painters no longer sit at the feet of Europeans.

  5. 脚下的土地给人以松软的感觉。

    The ground feels crunchy under foot.

  6. 我要将所有看不起我的人踩在脚下!

    I wanna trample those who look down upon me!

  7. 她那主妇的声名任凭所有的人践踏在脚下。

    Her matronly fame was trodden under all men's feet.

  8. 愚蠢的人到远处去寻找幸福, 聪明的人在自己脚下耕耘幸福。

    The stupid seek happiness far away, and the clever plough it under feet.

  9. 我问在城墙脚下的两个以色列人。

    I asked two Israelites who were underthe wall.

  10. 做礼拜的人把祭品放在神像脚下。

    The worshippers put their gifts at the feet of gods.

  11. 起火时,人群中的很多人都被踩在脚下。

    Many people in the crowd were trampled on when the fire began.

  12. 阿拉伯人拜倒在他得脚下, 吻着他得双脚。

    The Arab fell at his feet and kissed them.

  13. 阿拉伯人拜倒在他的脚下,吻着他的双脚。

    The Arab fell at his feet and kissed them.

  14. 起火时,人群中得很多人都被踩在脚下。

    Many people in the crowd were trampled on when the fire began.

  15. 考利昂家的人由他踩在脚下,任其踢打,他感到自己很了不起。

    It made him feel powerful that one of the Corleones was his doormat.

  16. 那个怕人的影子还在那里, 停在阶梯脚下。

    There was the dreadful shadow, pausing at the bottom of the steps.

  17. 那个怕人得影子还在那里,停在阶梯脚下。

    There was the dreadful shadow,pausing at the bottom of the steps.

  18. 有人在拼命涌向出口时被踩在脚下。

    People were trampled underfoot in the rush for the exit.

  19. 她连人带棍子扑了过去,但脚下一滑,摔倒了。

    She lunged for it with her stick, but she slipped and fell.

  20. 他有权有势,想支配人,要人们拜倒在他的脚下。

    He had the strength and power; he meant to bear rule over others and he expected tributes from them.

  21. 这些人都不是你的朋友,他们被收买拜倒在你的脚下。

    These people aren't your friends, they're paid to kiss your feet.

  22. 他看见了一大群人在远处的那个山脚下。

    In the distance, right at the bottom of the hill, they saw throngs of people.

  23. 他看见了一大群人在远处的那个山脚下。

    In the distance, right at the bottom of the hill, they saw throngs of people.

  24. 一个人如站在大山的脚下会发现自己很渺小。

    Standing at the foot of a mountain, a person will find himself very small.

  25. 没有什么是比脚下一滑跌落岩壁更让人沮丧的了。

    Nothing is more frustrating than falling because your foot slipped.

  26. 不再有意义,就像有人把你脚下的地毯猛然抽出一样。

    have stopped making sense, like somebody yanked the carpet beneath your feet.

  27. 脚下柔软的叶毯踩上去唰唰作响,给人增添一份绵绵的遐想。

    The foot leaves the soft sound of Shua Shua blanket step up, giving an endless reverie added.

  28. 兽人哈!魁洛克说得对!看,看这个被我踩在脚下蜘蛛征兆!

    Orc Ha! Quroq was right! Look, see a spider omen here under my foot!

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