







汉语拼音:xún yóu








  1. 见“ 巡游 ”。

  2. 亦作“ 巡游 ”。遨游;漫游。

    晋 郭璞 《江赋》:“ 海童 之所巡游, 琴高 之所灵矫。” 明 王世贞 《中官考八》:“ 张忠 排陷忠良, 于经 首开皇店, 苏縉 导引巡游,本当重治,姑从宽,各发 孝陵卫 充军。” 清 钮琇 《觚賸·月中仙乐》:“我 泰山 主 碧霞元君 ,巡游南极, 炎海天妃 设凝冰果会,留宴三日,今始回宫耳。”

  3. 谓结队游行。

    廖仲恺 《<全民政治论译本>序》:“各选举区中之演说场内,唯恐听众之不为己党所吸集也,则于期前以提灯会景等布为行列,巡游街市。”

  4. 来回游弋。

    郭小川 《茫茫大海中的一个小岛》诗:“哦,同志,莫要说你在它的身边巡游,即使在它的岸边停泊,只怕也未必能把它摸透。”



  1. decided to go to all cities and ask people the maddest thing they have done to win their love. will be interesting to hear their responses.


  2. I could steal a boat or two and go on a real cruise with you.


  3. Greenwich Village Halloween Parade is an annual holiday parade and street pageant presented the night of every Halloween in New York City.


  4. Many Mexican Americans celebrate Las Posadas, a procession that re-enacts Mary and Joseph's search for a place to bed down in Bethlehem.


  5. That was the name of an agency that wanted her to design an electronic cruise ship reservation system.


  6. His 60th birthday is coming up in December, and he'd like to do something special, maybe go on a cruise to the Bahamas.


  7. The work is displayed on four flight cases in a procession, as a satire on the highly artificial nature of the Royal procession.


  8. In a certain wildlife park, park rangers are able to track the movements of many rhinoceroses because those animals wear radio collars.


  9. PUT aside the cruise brochures and let the garden retain that natural look for a few more years.


  1. 马戏团将要巡游。

    The circus is going to make a cruise.

  2. 歌舞巡游中的音乐

    The music in the song and dance parade

  3. 花车巡游贺春禧

    Float parade to celebrate new spring

  4. 巡游的或来回走动的。

    Strolling or walking around.

  5. 拙政园虚拟巡游系统

    The Virtual Reality System of the Humble Administrator's Garden

  6. 我要去地中海巡游。

    I'm to go cruising in the Mediterranean.

  7. 队伍巡游全城, 嚷着跳着。

    This crew paraded the town, howling and dancing.

  8. 他们将在地中海上巡游。

    They will go cruising in the mediterranean.

  9. 压轴巡游演出中的最后艺人。

    The end man in a minstrel show.

  10. 新地赞助新春国际花车巡游

    SHKP float in Chinese New Year Parade

  11. 夜晚我在屋顶和小巷巡游

    I prowl the rooftops and alleyways at night

  12. 有带午餐和晚餐的巡游吗?

    Is there any cruise with lunch or dinner?

  13. 你曾经听说过迪斯尼巡游吗?

    Have you ever heard of a Disney Cruise?

  14. 猫在地窖得四周巡游找老鼠。

    The cat prowled around the cellar looking for mice.

  15. 猫在地窖的四周巡游找老鼠。

    The cat prowled around the cellar looking for mice.

  16. 新地赞助年初一国际花车巡游

    Glittering SHKP float in Chinese New Year Parade

  17. 旅游花车大巡游下月现身广州。

    Travel float patrol to show up in GZ in Nov.

  18. 帝王在其王国里的巡游的旅程

    a ceremonial journey made by a sovereign through his or her realm

  19. 猫而在地窖周围巡游寻找老鼠。

    The cat prowled around the cellar looking for mice.

  20. 她决定乘船巡游加勒比海。

    she decided to go for a Caribbean cruise instead.

  21. 精彩的巡游表演让您陶醉一天!

    Fill your day with enchantment.

  22. 精彩得巡游表演让您陶醉一天!

    Fill your day with enchantment.

  23. 先巡游一次,然后再转回来两次。

    Each time he does a loop, he clucks twice.

  24. 玫瑰花车巡游大赛中有许多彩车。

    The Tournament of Roses Parade includes many vehicles called floats.

  25. 嘉年华式巡游队伍会趬台湾一圈。

    A carnival procession will around Taiwan.

  26. 如巡游一样从一个岛屿到另一个岛屿。

    Travel from one island to the next, as on a cruise.

  27. 爱丁堡公爵坐在女王旁边巡游。

    The Duke of Edinburgh sat beside the Queen the parade.

  28. 他夜里出去巡游,结果掉到海里了。

    He strolled about during the night and ended up in the sea.

  29. 这个乐队在此次巡游之后打算散伙。

    The band decided to call it quits after the tour.

  30. 也许是二月份巡游去加勒比海,

    perhaps a cruise to the Caribbean in February


  1. 问:巡游拼音怎么拼?巡游的读音是什么?巡游翻译成英文是什么?

    答:巡游的读音是xúnyóu,巡游翻译成英文是 To roam.; Perambulate, move throughout an area t...

  2. 问:巡游费拼音怎么拼?巡游费的读音是什么?巡游费翻译成英文是什么?

    答:巡游费的读音是xún yóu fèi,巡游费翻译成英文是 procurationes; procuration

  3. 问:巡游半径拼音怎么拼?巡游半径的读音是什么?巡游半径翻译成英文是什么?

    答:巡游半径的读音是xún yóu bàn jìng,巡游半径翻译成英文是 cruising radius

  4. 问:巡游法官拼音怎么拼?巡游法官的读音是什么?巡游法官翻译成英文是什么?

    答:巡游法官的读音是xún yóu fǎ guān,巡游法官翻译成英文是 itinerant justice

  5. 问:巡游型病人拼音怎么拼?巡游型病人的读音是什么?巡游型病人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:巡游型病人的读音是xún yóu xíng bìng rén,巡游型病人翻译成英文是 peregrinating patient




拼音:xún yóu 基本解释 [itinerate;tour] 到处游历,尤指巡回游历 详细解释 1. 见“ 巡游 ”。 2. 亦作“ 巡游 ”。1.遨游;漫游。 晋 郭璞 《江赋》:“ 海童 之所巡游, 琴高 之所灵矫。” 明 王世贞 《中官考八》:“ 张忠 排陷忠良, 于经 首开皇店, 苏缙 导引巡游,本当重治,姑从宽,各发 孝陵卫 充军。” 清 钮琇 《觚賸·月中仙乐》:“我 泰山 主 碧霞元君 ,巡游南极, 炎海天妃 设凝冰果会,留宴三日,今始回宫耳。” 3. 谓结队游行。 廖仲恺 《<全民政治论译本>序》:“各选举区中之演说场内,唯恐听众之不为己党所吸集也,则于期前以提灯会景等布为行列,巡游街市。” 4. 来回游弋。 郭小川 《茫茫大海中的一个小岛》诗:“哦,同志,莫要说你在它的身边巡游,即使在它的岸边停泊,只怕也未必能把它摸透。” 概述 网络游戏魔兽世界中德鲁伊职业在猫形态下使用的技能,允许德鲁伊在进行潜行,但是降低其移动速度为普通速度的X%。如果使用技能失败则不会取消巡游状态。抓击 —— 爪击敌人,造成X点额外伤害。增加一个连击点数。如果爪击失败同样会消耗能量值。

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