


就是:知识~力量。当时或当地:~日。~刻。~席。~景。在~。~兴(xìng )。就,便:黎明~起。假如,倘若:~使。~便(biàn )。~或。~令。靠近:不~不离。到,开始从事:~位。……


1. 食 [shí]2. 食 [sì]3. 食 [yì]食 [shí]吃:~肉。~欲。吃的东西:~品。粮~。零~。丰衣足~。俸禄:“君子谋道不谋~”。日月亏缺或完全不见的现象:日~。月~。食 [sì]拿东西给人吃:~母(乳母)。食 [yì]……



汉语拼音:jí shí






即食 [jí shí]
  1. 即食品内容包括快餐,罐头类,膨化食品,烘炒食品,烘焙类,即食海苔、凉果蜜饯,干果,保健品等。



  1. In great chain restaurant companies like McDonald's, you can get fast food at the counter ready "to go " , or "to take out" .


  2. Ready-to-use-food is usually a sweet spread made with peanuts, dry milk, sugar, vegstable fat, minerals and vitamins.


  3. doctors without borders is urging donors , united nations agencies and governments to increase support for ready - to - use food.


  4. Do not buy bags or drums have been turbid liquid bag of ready-to-eat products jellyfish.


  5. For children who suffer from severe acute malnutrition, most can be treated successfully with ready-to-use therapeutic foods (RUTF).


  6. "DeLight stood out in our consumer tests as the most attractive package for fresh ready meals for our target group, " she said.


  7. You can only go home with your lonely figure to have instant noodle at seven thirty. Why Friday moonlight is always so bleak?


  8. ready - to - use - food is usually a sweet spread made with peanuts , dry milk , sugar , vegetable fat , minerals and vitamins.


  9. After the opening of the goods ready-to-eat jellyfish best run out of time.


  1. 即食炒田螺

    River snail.

  2. 即食湿面条

    wet instant noodle.

  3. 即食芥菜的加工技术

    Processing technology of instant mustard cabbage.

  4. 自然解冻后, 拆袋即食。

    Defrost, open the bag and enjoy.

  5. 红烧大黄鱼即食食品的研制

    Manufacture of the Soft Can Made of the Large Yellow Croaker Braised in Soy Sauce

  6. 即食豆腐脑加工工艺的研究

    Study on the Process of Instant Soybean Curd.

  7. 这一封讲的是即食军粮

    And here's the one where he talks about M. R. E. s.

  8. 即食软包装鲜面条生产新工艺

    New processing technology of wet instant noodle with soft package.

  9. 即食海带的脱腥与杀菌工艺

    Smell removal and sterilization processes of instant kelp.

  10. 气调包装即食贡丸的研究

    Modified Atmosphere Packing of Instant Meatball

  11. 即食鱿鱼丝加工工艺的研究。

    Study on the processing technology of instant shredded squid.

  12. 低盐即食板鸭加工工艺初步研究

    Study on Technique of Low Containing Salt in Salted Duck

  13. 新型软包装即食虾干的开发研究

    Study on the new soft package instant shrimp dried prawns

  14. 微波技术在即食莲籽加工中的应用

    On microwave technique used in instantly eaten lotus seeds

  15. 这种方便面, 不用烧煮, 即拆即食。

    This kind of instant noodles is ready to eat immediately after Being opened without cooking.

  16. 我是雄师, 我是苍鹰, 饥即食, 渴即饮。

    I was mighty, I goshawk, instant hunger, thirst or drinking.

  17. 我是雄狮, 我是苍鹰, 饥即食, 渴即饮。

    When the lion is hungry he eats. When the eagle has thirst he drinks.

  18. 薯类及杂粮即食粉丝的开发与应用

    Development and Application of Instant vermicelli Made of Potato and Coarse Cereals

  19. 紫外线杀菌技术在即食酱油中的应用研究

    Applied research of ultraviolet sterilization technology used in fast sauce

  20. 速溶即食葛粉酶法工艺及优化。

    Optimization of the Technology for the Enzyme Processing of the Instant Edible Kudzu Powder.

  21. 还吃掉了一整盒即食麦片,所以,没错

    and eating cereal out of the box, so yeah, yeah.

  22. 开货后的即食海蜇最好一次用完。

    After the opening of the goods readytoeat jellyfish best run out of time.

  23. 将液体加入即食燕麦片中, 并用蒸汽加热。

    A liquid is added to the instant oatmeal and heated with a steam.

  24. 即食即用,卫生方便,营养丰富,品味极佳。

    They are very convenient and healthy to eat, with abundant nutrition and excellent taste.

  25. 即食风味洋姜片的生产工艺与质量控制

    Production and quality control of instant flavouring piece of jerusalem artichoke

  26. 把即食黑芝麻碎加入砂糖搅拌, 做成馅料。

    Mix ground black sesame with sugar become the fillings.

  27. 真空软包装即食羊栖菜食品的研究与开发

    Research and development on vacuum soft packing instant Sargassum fusiforme foods.

  28. 三种调味液对即食鱼品的抗氧化作用


  29. 出口低盐即食榨菜危害分析与关键控制点研究。

    Study on Hazard Analysis and Crisis Control Point of Low Salt Instant Preserved Vegetable.

  30. 以大连湾长牡蛎为原料, 开发即食牡蛎软罐头。

    A process for preparing readytoeat retort pouch oyster using oysters as material was developed in this paper.


  1. 问:即食拼音怎么拼?即食的读音是什么?即食翻译成英文是什么?

    答:即食的读音是jíshí,即食翻译成英文是 Instant food.

  2. 问:即食麵拼音怎么拼?即食麵的读音是什么?即食麵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:即食麵的读音是,即食麵翻译成英文是 Instant noodles

  3. 问:即食玉米拼音怎么拼?即食玉米的读音是什么?即食玉米翻译成英文是什么?

    答:即食玉米的读音是jíshí yùmǐ,即食玉米翻译成英文是 Corn

  4. 问:即食鱼丸拼音怎么拼?即食鱼丸的读音是什么?即食鱼丸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:即食鱼丸的读音是jíshí yú wán,即食鱼丸翻译成英文是 Fish Cake Soup

  5. 问:即食爆米花拼音怎么拼?即食爆米花的读音是什么?即食爆米花翻译成英文是什么?

    答:即食爆米花的读音是jíshí bào mǐhuā,即食爆米花翻译成英文是 Popcorn

  6. 问:即食鲜白菜泡菜拼音怎么拼?即食鲜白菜泡菜的读音是什么?即食鲜白菜泡菜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:即食鲜白菜泡菜的读音是jíshíxiān báicài pàocài,即食鲜白菜泡菜翻译成英文是 Fresh Kimchi

  7. 问:即食麵发明纪念馆拼音怎么拼?即食麵发明纪念馆的读音是什么?即食麵发明纪念馆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:即食麵发明纪念馆的读音是,即食麵发明纪念馆翻译成英文是 Momofuku Ando Instant Ramen Museum

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