


1. 过 [guò]2. 过 [guo]3. 过 [guō]过 [guò]从这儿到那儿,从此时到彼时:~江。~账。~程。~渡。~从(交往)。经~。经过某种处理方法:~秤。~磅。~目。超出:~于。~度(dù)。~甚。~奖(谦辞)。~量(lià……




人、动物的躯体,物体的主要部分:~躯。人~。~材。~段。船~。树~。指人的生命或一生:~世。献~。亲自,本人:自~。亲~。~教。~体力行。统指人的地位、品德:出~。~分(fèn )。~败名裂。孕,娠:~孕。量词,指整套衣服:做了一~儿新衣服……



汉语拼音:guò qù shēn






  1. 犹前生;过去世。

    宋 何薳 《春渚纪闻·徐氏父子俊伟》:“空堂夜合势如云,沟壑寧思过去身。” 陈夔龙 《梦蕉亭杂记》卷一:“佛法谈过去身与未来身,究不若现在身迹象可寻,非同嚮壁虚造也。”



  1. Blink of an eye, university life has become in the past, and proximity between societies.


  1. 风暴已经过去。你如今身在何方?

    Squall was over. Where are you gone

  2. 这是另一种打腿练习。你游过去时向右侧身打腿。

    And this is another fly kick drill where you kick on the right side going over.

  3. 蹲下,转过身去,转过去。

    Get down! turn around. turn around.

  4. 你侧着身就能挤过去。

    You can squeeze through sideways.

  5. 他急速地从她身旁走过去。

    He went by her rapidly.

  6. 在过去, 骑士在战斗中身穿盔甲。

    In the past, knights used to wear armor in battle.

  7. 我站到一边,让她从我身旁过去。

    I stood aside to let her pass me.

  8. 她气呼呼地从他身旁挤过去走了。

    She thrust past him angrily and left.

  9. 过去她身陷困境时, 总是请姨妈帮忙。

    She used to turn to her aunt for help when she found herself in a fine pass.

  10. 不必麻烦动了,我想我能擦身挤过去。

    Don't bother to move. I think I can just brush past.

  11. 身形一矮,向那红袍人疾冲过去。

    He bent his knees and sprang at the red robed man.

  12. 身上来例假了, 为什么半个月还没有过去?

    Official holiday comes on the body, why has not half month gone ?

  13. 沙斐得居民哪,你们要赤身蒙羞过去。

    Pass on in nakedness and shame, you who live in Shaphir.

  14. 沙斐的居民哪,你们要赤身蒙羞过去。

    Pass on in nakedness and shame, you who live in Shaphir.

  15. 那只猫蹲下身来准备向老鼠猛扑过去。

    The cat crouched down, ready to spring on the mouse.

  16. 他转过身看着楼梯,仿佛过去从来没见过似的。

    He tossed and seemed at the stairs as though he had not ago seeing them ago.

  17. 他的眼睛朝着身旁一阵沙沙的响声溜了过去。

    His eyes flicked to a rustle beside him.

  18. 如果让我看到了你的裸身, 我会笑死过去!

    If I could see you naked, Id die happy!

  19. 她转过身,瞥见有个东西从草地上穿了过去。

    As she turned back, a movement across the lawn caught her eye.

  20. 我立即起身说那太麻烦了,就疾步跟过去。

    At once I stood up and said it was too inconvenient, I then walked quickly to follow him.

  21. 她激动得站起身来, 又要从他身边走过去。

    She was so excited that she got up and tried to get by him again.

  22. 老船夫说完, 拍拍船夫的肩膀, 从他身旁走了过去。

    Lao Chuanfu finished boatman pat on the shoulder, and from his side walked past.

  23. 过去,学生在校要求穿方冠长袍,而不是身著便服。

    Students were supposed to wear cap and gown in school instead state academic nudity.

  24. 老船夫说完,拍拍船夫得肩膀,从他身旁走了过去。

    Lao Chuanfu finished boatman pat on the shoulder, and from his side walked past.

  25. 他站起身来,东倒西歪地过去给了妻子一个巴掌。

    He stands up, lurches toward her, and strikes her.

  26. 过去,学生在校要求穿方冠长袍,而不是身着便服。

    Students were supposed to wear cap and gown in school instead of being in a state of academic nudity.

  27. 如是乃至过去未来, 无数劫中, 舍身受身一切习气。

    Then all their habits throughout innumerable kalpas of past and future, during which they abandon bodies and receive bodies.

  28. 她又转过身站住了, 就站在假山旁边, 等着他过去。

    She paused and waited for him to catch up.

  29. 过去健美身形保持的时间越长,将来身材恢复得就越快。

    The longer you have been in shape in the past, the quicker you will regain fitness in future.

  30. 一位身着皮茄克的少年从人群中挤过去, 真是自讨苦吃。

    A teenager in a leather jacket jostled his way through crowd, looking for trouble.

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