




居住的地方:故~。返~(回老家)。街坊(古代五家为邻,五邻为里):~弄(lòng )。中国市制长度单位:一~(等于五百米)。~程牌。衣物的内层:被~。内部,与“外”相对,并引申为一定范围以内:~外。心~。这~。那~。姓。……




1. 拉 [lā]2. 拉 [lá]拉 [lā]牵,扯,拽:~车。~网。~下马(喻使某人下台)。用车载运:~货。使延长:~延。~伸。排泄粪便:~屎。联络:~拢。~帮结伙。摧折:摧枯~朽。带领转移:把部队~出去。牵引乐器的某一部分使乐器发出声……



汉语拼音:dī lǐ dā lā









  1. adj.
  2. drooping

  1. 泛白凋零的玫瑰从蓝色的花瓶里耷拉下来。

    Pale wilting roses drooped from a blue vase.

  2. 老太太滴里嘟噜拎了好几个大包。

    The old woman dangled several cumbersome big bags in her hand.

  3. 现在有些幼儿园推行的是双语教学,小朋友们都能滴里嘟噜地说上几句英语。

    Nowadays, some kindergartens are carrying out bilingual teaching, and so all the children can speak a little English.

  4. 血开始从羊鼻子里滴出来。

    Blood began to drip from its nose.

  5. 她往面里滴了几滴高醋。

    She put several drops of top-quality vinegar into it.

  6. 忏悔之泪滴进火里

    Teardrop on the fire of a confession

  7. 那寡妇有事叫阿福, 声音里滴得下蜜糖。

    Whenever the widow called Ah Fu, her voice dripped with honey.

  8. 医生在我的眼睛里滴了一些药水,扩大瞳孔。

    The doctor put drops into my eyes to dilate the pupils.

  9. 胡克在彼得的药杯里滴了五滴这种毒药。

    Five drops of this he now added to Peter's cup.

  10. 不同的是,这次要往杯子里滴十滴红色的食物色素。

    But this time put 10 drops of red food coloring into the glass of water.

  11. 将头歪向一侧, 在耳朵里滴一, 两滴药水, 再把耳屏按几秒钟。

    Ph Turn your head to the side. Put one to two dro in your ear. Pre the tragus for a few seconds.

  12. 你看!他把那条蛇割开了, 再把血滴进杯子里。

    Look, now he's cutting the snake open, and putting the blood into those glasses.

  13. 眼泪, 悄悄滴落在咖啡里。

    Tears, quietly in the coffee drip.

  14. 他们将小铅球融化,然后滴进一桶水里。

    They melt a little ball of lead and then drop it into a bucket of water.

  15. 这滴墨水在水里扩散,使整碗水变黑了。

    The drop of ink diffused in the bowl of water, which became black.

  16. 某些肉汁和脂肪会被留在平锅烤肉时滴落得油脂里。

    However, some of the meat juices and fat may be retained in pan drippings.

  17. 泪水从她的眼睛里慢慢地滴下来。

    Tears distilled slowly from her eyes.

  18. 泪水从她得眼睛里慢慢地滴下来。

    Tears distilled slowly from her eyes.

  19. 它在水里摇摇晃晃,头耷拉着像吊在脖根上的一块重物。

    He stood un steadily in the puddle, his head hung like a weight at the end of his neck.

  20. 不会因为泳池里的几滴血就染上病毒。

    That you can't get the virus from a few drops of blood in a chlorinated pool.

  21. 我需要它来帮我放松。我要在我的洗澡水里加上几滴。

    I need that to relax. I'm going to put a few drops in my bath water.

  22. 我的日子滴在时间的流里,无声无息,不见踪迹。

    My days are dripping into the stream of time, soundless, and traceless.

  23. 我的日子滴在时间的流里,无声无息,不见踪迹。

    My days are dripping into the stream of time, soundless, and traceless.

  24. 我得日子滴在时间得流里,无声无息,不见踪迹。

    My days are dripping into the stream of time, soundless, and traceless.

  25. 一滴滴汗珠从他头发里流出来, 直流到鬓边。

    Beads of perspiration burst forth among his hair and trickled down upon his temples.

  26. 加25滴到一盎斯香水酒精里并静置两周后再使用就可以了。

    Add25 drops to1 oz of perfume alcohol and allow to age for two weeks before using.

  27. 角落里回荡着老爷钟得滴答声。

    The tick of the grandfather clock echoed in from the corner.

  28. 在公司里他总是那个意想不到滴扭转局势的人。

    He always acts as the joker in the pack in his company.

  29. 在酒里滴柠檬汁

    to drop lemon juice into wine

  30. 往洗澡水里加几滴。

    Add a few drops to your bathwater.



dī lǐ dā lā ㄉㄧ ㄌㄧˇ ㄉㄚ ㄌㄚ滴里耷拉 

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