









汉语拼音:gū dú zhě







  1. This paper has analyzed the dialogue nature of text words of A Person In Loneliness emphatically from complex tune novel theory of Pectin.


  2. It's also true that lonely people are less likely to engage in physical activity and less likely to call on others when they need help.


  3. And the more you spend in blessing, the poor and lonely and sad, the more of your heart's possessing, returns to you glad.


  4. Let them disappear once and for all. Along with other misfits, lowers , relics of a wilderness, nobody cares about them any more.


  5. Loners still has members worldwide but they on the bottom of the totem pole here in Canada.


  6. She shook her head. "A loner. Would have made a great hermit. "


  7. This kind of living situation to a large extent makes the migrant children the loners beyond the city life.


  8. Li Rui has shaped a series of unique figures with a lonely temperament to add a bright rainbow to the gallery of contemporary literature .


  9. The years went by with no improvement - I could barely cope and grew into an irritable teenager, a loner always on the periphery of groups.


  1. 孤独者策略

    The Cumulative Aspiration Tense.

  2. 孤独者的世界

    The World of the Lonely

  3. 她是个孤独者。

    She's a lonesome type.

  4. 我是百分百的孤独者。

    I was very much of a loner.

  5. 把自己同社会隔开得孤独者。

    Loners who shut themselves off from the community.

  6. 孤独者往往是世界上最坚强者。

    The strongest man upon earth is he who stands most alome.

  7. 三国演义的孤独者形象及其审美意义

    Solitary Images and Their Aesthetic Significances in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms

  8. 他在学术上很聪明, 但却是位孤独者。

    He is bright academically, but he is a loner.

  9. 圣诞节是缠住孤独者、烦躁者和碰壁者的节日。

    Christmas is a holiday that persecutes the lonely, the frayed, and the rejected.

  10. 监狱中的犯人是世人中最孤独者的一部分。

    Prisoners are some of the loneliest people in the world.

  11. 孤独者形象值得挖掘,因为他们有其文化价值。

    The image of the solitaries is worth an exploration because of its literal value.

  12. 那时,他是一位身无分文,古怪异常的喜孤独者。

    By then he was a penniless, eccentric loner.

  13. 字连不起来表明该人很可能是位孤独者。

    Disconnected writing is the cardinal sign of the loner.

  14. 在人人至上的文化氛围中孤独者常常受到同情。

    Loners are pitied in our upwithpeople culture.

  15. 但最后夜暮降临, 一阵冷风吹向这孤独者。

    But at last it became night, and a cold wind blew upon the lonely one. Then arose Zarathustra and said to his heart

  16. 随着时间推移,孤独者身边得个体倾向于变得更孤独。

    onlonely individuals who are around lonely individuals tend to grow lonelier over time.

  17. 正是我,这个孤独者,应该反抗这不知休息的疯子。

    It is I, the solitary one, who would rebel against this restless madman.

  18. 随着时间推移,孤独者身边的个体倾向于变得更孤独。

    onlonely individuals who are around lonely individuals tend to grow lonelier over time.

  19. 孤独者是高尚的,不会随波逐流,不会奴颜婢膝地去媚势。

    The standing alone is classic, will not trend blindly, will not go to power obsequious servile behaviorly.

  20. 孤独者有个特点,他不爱别人的同时还不愿接受别人的爱。

    A loner has a character, he does not love others, meanwhile he is not willing to accept love from others.

  21. 孤独者是高雅的,不会去媚俗以博得掌声和欢呼。

    The standing alone is elegant, will not go to vulgar with win the applause and acclaim.

  22. 反对者孤独的呼声

    a lone voice of dissent

  23. 山上一个孤独的滑雪者。

    A lone skier on the mountain.

  24. 医学人员称之为孤独症谱障碍者。

    Medical professionals called call them autism spectrum disorders.

  25. 他当时屈服了,却自以为是一个孤独的反抗者。

    He had gone under, thinking himself a lonely rebel.

  26. 它是在下冷雨的晚上的一只流浪狗,一个孤独的漂流者。

    It was just a stray on a cold night in the rain, a lonely drifter.

  27. 山上一个孤独的滑雪者1705年,康熙住在西湖孤山。

    A lone skier on the mountain. In1705, Kangxi took up residence for a time on Solitary Hill.

  28. 在这个团体里作为一名孤独的反对者,她正在逆思潮而为

    As the lone dissenter in the group,she was going against the flow of opinion.

  29. 思想崇高者, 绝不会孤独。

    He is never alone that is in the company of noble thoughts.

  30. 我们孤独的旁观者什么时候死去?

    When is death our lone beholder

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