




1. 衣 [yī]衣 [yī]人穿在身上用以蔽体的东西:~服。~着(zhuó)。~冠。~架。~锦还(huān)乡。披或包在物体外面的东西:炮~。糖~。肠~。中医把胎盘和胎膜统称为“胞衣”。姓。……



汉语拼音:mián yī






  1. 絮了棉花的衣服。

    丁玲 《母亲》二:“只要是晴天,便暖烘烘的,穿薄棉衣还觉着热呢。” 魏钢焰 《忆铁人》:“从孤儿身上的棉衣到白手起家的小学校,哪一处不洒下钻井党委和 铁人 的心血!”



  1. I once saw a photo of him. Wearing a cotton coat, he appeared to be very timid with a dull look in his eyes.


  2. I slowly take off his coat and trousers, the stones along the wall began to climb.


  3. If like the recreational type of clothes, wool grid cotton-padded clothes may be a good choice.


  4. They do not like school, there is no illustrated books, music lessons, neckties, hair, coat, adults and bedtime.


  5. They saw the store as having cool Patagonia stuff - you know, fleece and organic cotton.


  6. Spring breeze blowing, the people from the middle out of the cold, people take off the thick coat, the earth had regained consciousness.


  7. You often scramble to buy an item like a winter coat or bathing suit after the point at which you need it.


  8. In Harbin, I met two Chinese men in thick coats wandering around the Wood Sculpture Museum.


  9. Short of cotton-padded clothes by fashionable MM love oh, short of the paragraph, dynamic, damp flavor absolute enough! ! ! ! !


  1. 水容易渗入棉衣。

    Water will easily permeate a cotton dress.

  2. 我担心你没有棉衣穿。

    I know you don't have any warm clothing.

  3. 天冷了,棉衣该上身了。

    It's getting cold. We'd better start wearing our padded jackets.

  4. 她紧裹棉衣站在那里。

    She stood hugging her quilted jacket round her.

  5. 你得穿棉衣,外面冷得很。

    You need to wrap up warmly, it is very cold outside.

  6. 这件棉衣能再用一年

    This coat will do for another season.

  7. 你干吧不把棉衣脱掉?

    Why don't you take your padded coat off?

  8. 未吃五月粽, 莫把棉衣送。

    Cast not a clout till May be out.

  9. 你好,北极熊,你穿棉衣干什么?

    Hey, nanook. Why you wearing a parka?

  10. 羽绒衣早就代替了棉衣。

    Eider?down outerwear has long before taken the place of cotton padded jacket.

  11. 我的棉衣和运动鞋也是黑色的。

    My warm coat and my sneakers are black.

  12. 未过五月时, 棉衣不可抛。

    Cast never a clout till may is out.

  13. 这件棉衣针脚做得真密实。

    This padded jacket is sewn tightly with small stitches.

  14. 你可以不穿棉衣在外面玩耍。

    You can play outside with no winter coat.

  15. 未到五月终, 莫把棉衣送。

    Cast never a clout till May is out.

  16. 她就是我所需要的那件温暖的棉衣。

    She was the warm coat I needed.

  17. 买棉衣时最好要考虑到它们的缩水率。

    It is better to allow for shrinkage when buying cotton clothes.

  18. 人们感到冬季即将来临, 得赶快穿棉衣了。

    The coming of winter signifies the time for thick jackets.

  19. 这么薄的棉衣在高山上挡不住寒风。

    Such a thin padded coat cannot ward off the cold mountain wind.

  20. 他们分别是行为调整、被动棉衣、和主动免疫。

    They are behavior modification, passive immunoprophylaxis, and active immunization.

  21. 纷纷扬扬的大雪给环城公园的树木穿上了棉衣。

    The flying snowflakes have put heavy coats on the trees of the city ring park.

  22. 我在军大衣和棉衣之间夹了一块胸甲。

    I wore a cuirass under my telogreika and coat.

  23. 这是个春天, 我们的棉衣都刚脱下来就人了当铺。

    It was spring, and our padded clothes had just been placed in hock.

  24. 这是个春天, 我们得棉衣都刚脱下来就人了当铺。

    It was spring, and our padded clothes had just been placed in hock.

  25. 我慢慢地脱去棉衣与棉裤, 沿着岩壁的石缝开始向上爬。

    I slowly take off his coat and trousers, the stones along the wall began to climb.


  1. 问:棉衣拼音怎么拼?棉衣的读音是什么?棉衣翻译成英文是什么?

    答:棉衣的读音是miányī,棉衣翻译成英文是 cotton-padded clothing




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