


1. 分 [fēn]2. 分 [fèn]分 [fēn]区划开:~开。划~。~野(划分的范围)。~界。~明。条~缕析。~解。由整体中取出或产生出一部分:~发。~忧。~心劳神。由机构内独立出的部分:~会。~行(háng )。散,离:~裂。~离。……





汉语拼音:fēn zhì






  1. 指春分、秋分、冬至、夏至。

    《左传·僖公五年》:“凡分至启闭,必书云物。” 杜预 注:“分,春、秋分也。至,冬、夏至也。”《汉书·律历志上》:“时所以记启闭也,月所以纪分至也。启闭者,节也。分至者,中也。” 唐 杨炯 《浑天赋》:“分至启闭,圣人於是乎范围。”



  1. Issued from 35 BC to 5 AD, this coin may have been used as payment as Azes traveled with a gift for the Christ Child.

  2. The three points were crucial and we paid a little for the fact that we may not be Champions League debutants, but we felt like it tonight.

  3. Studies show that about two thirds of Americans will live from paycheck to paycheck until the day they die.

  4. What we really need now are prospective studies randomized to bariatric surgery for diabetes versus an intensive pharmacologic approach.

  5. Eligible patients were randomized to either treatment with gemcitabine alone (204 participants) or in combination with cisplatin (206).

  6. Dalian, Chengdu, Guangzhou and Shenzhen are among the second level with scores ranging from 65 to 70.

  7. She finished the second set with a positive differential of 20 winners to 17 unforced errors.

  8. Cities among the third level include Xi'an, Tianjin and Wuhan and their scores are ranging from 60 to 63.

  9. Five points to one inch from one point to the person products.


  1. 将某人的收入分至四年从而使税赋降至最小程度。

    Average one's income over four years so as to minimize the tax rate.

  2. 安装辅助电缆至分电盘盖。

    Install secondary cables to distributor cap.

  3. 完税价格采用四舍五入法计算至分。

    The dutiable value shall be rounded off to RMB fen.

  4. 机插水稻返青至分蘖期的栽培措施

    Cultivation Measurement of Grow Paddy Rice from the Green Period to the Lillering Period by Farm Machines

  5. 旧币分阶段至1990年将全部禁止流通。

    The old currency will have been phased out by1990.

  6. 三分之一至一半的普通感冒都由鼻病毒引起。

    They are responsible for anywhere between a third and half of all common colds.

  7. 一创立时就其资本总额提拨百分之一至百分之五。

    On the five percent of the total of capitals at the time of establishment.

  8. 其中一些写字板出现了词汇列表,分两至三列写成。

    Some of tablets appear to be Lexical Lists, written in two or three columns.

  9. 而他们成本就只有每分钟1500至800美元之间

    They're producing things for between 1, 500 and 798 dollars a minute.

  10. 增加氧流量至每分钟10升

    Increase his O2 to 8 liters.

  11. 苹果每箱涨价二至五分钱。

    Apples appreciated 2 to 5 cents per box.

  12. 杯加冰,入伏特加,柠檬水至八分2。

    Fill glass with ice. Add 2 oz vodka and fill the glass with lemonade.

  13. 混合入可林杯, 酸果蔓汁至八分。

    Pour liquors and sour mix into collins glass. Top with Cranberry Juice.

  14. 热量产出将在第一年就下降至百分之一。

    Heat production falls by 99 percent in the first year.

  15. 如果她速度降至每分钟140步以下,她会马上提高速度。

    If she falls below 140 strides per minute she ll pick up the pace.

  16. 由于班次频密,所以等候列车时间一般仅需二至三分钟。

    Waiting time between trains is usually minimal at two to three minutes, but rarely more than five minutes.

  17. 混合伏特加酒及君度摇荡后入高杯, 加入七喜至八分。

    Mix Vodka And Cointreau with Ice in a shaker and pour into a tall glass. Add the 7Up to taste.

  18. 二分经线。二至圈

    equinoctial colure

  19. 分左转外叉至并步

    Open Reverse Turn Lady Outside

  20. 纽交所四月交割期金下跌10美分至942。50每盎司。

    COMEX gold for April delivery fell 10 cents to 942.50 an ounce.

  21. 他失望之至,十分懊恼。

    He considered himself thoroughly disappointed and annoyed.

  22. 该国的第二大石油公司雪佛龙股价则上涨了87美分至90。17美元。

    Chevron, the countrys second biggest, added 87 cents to 90.17.

  23. 而一场比赛则以三至五盘成绩分胜负。

    The tennis player won the set five to three.

  24. 是八时至十八时三十分。

    It's eight to eighteen thirty.

  25. 操作接地开关至分闸位置。

    Operate grounding switch to opening position.

  26. 与此同时,50至100架飞机分波次起飞。

    Meanwhile,the waves of 50 to 100 planes took off.

  27. 面额小至辛巴威币1分,大到10万元。

    They range in value from one Zimbabwe cent to 100,000 Zimbabwe dollars.

  28. 闭式扭臀转步至分式相对侧行位

    Close hip twist to end open CPP

  29. 货在四月至六月,分三批均装发运。

    Shipment is to be made during April to June in three equal lots.

  30. 自受精卵期至鳃盖完成期共分24时期。

    The course, from its fertilized egg stage to operculum completely closed stage, may be divided into24 stages, which totally take about230 hours.


  1. 问:分至圈拼音怎么拼?分至圈的读音是什么?分至圈翻译成英文是什么?

    答:分至圈的读音是,分至圈翻译成英文是 colure

  2. 问:分至经线拼音怎么拼?分至经线的读音是什么?分至经线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:分至经线的读音是,分至经线翻译成英文是 colure

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