


1. 乾 [qián]2. 乾 [gān ㄍㄢˉ]乾 [qián]八卦之一,代表天:~坤(“坤”,代表地)。旧时称男性的:~造。~宅。乾 [gān ㄍㄢˉ]见“干”。……


盛大,厚,程度深:~冬。~重(zhòng )。兴(xīng )盛:兴~。~盛(shèng )。高,高起:~起。~穹。~准(高鼻梁)。尊崇:~师。姓。……



汉语拼音:qián lóng







  1. about in the gate two sides are exhibiting the clear Qian Longyear the fine quantity and said the sundial (free opens to tourist).

  2. Emperor QianLong built the buddhist GuanYin Hall for his mother - to pray for her happiness and longevity.

  3. It comes up to its peak in Qianlong period, after one decline with managment and up to another peak in Guang Xu period.

  4. Yangzhou had its special location and literary atmosphere and it was one of the economical centers during Qianlong Dynasty.

  5. Second, the beginning time of the compilation of Liao Jin Yuan San Shi Guoyu Jie is not the 36th year of Qianlong, but the 34'h year.

  6. The temple fair began during Qianlong Dynasty , it was the first one of temple fairs in Beijing.

  7. In the eighteenth century, Emperor Qianlong had met with the British demand to see the big line Sanguijiukou As a result, much broke up.

  8. Also legend Emperor Qianlong ordered a year take the structure ladder, want to personally see what was going on.

  9. The emperor, empress empress sick that will hand to put a tea bags, and back to Beijing.


  1. 乾隆三大家

    Three Famous Writers in the Qianlong Era.

  2. 乾隆与嘉庆

    Qianlong and Jiaqing.

  3. 乾隆皇帝与佛教

    The Emperor QianLong and Buddhism

  4. 乾隆初年的粮食问题

    The Rice Issue in the early Qian Long Era

  5. 英使谒见乾隆纪实

    An authentic account of an embassy from the king of Great Britain to the emperor of China

  6. 乾隆朝奏折制度探析

    The System of Memorializing to the Throne in the Reign of Emperor Qianlong

  7. 乾隆大阅甲的保护处理

    The conservation of the Qianlong military review armour

  8. 乾隆皇帝请法国刻制铜版画

    Invited French to make drypoint by Qian Long Emperor in Qing Dynasty

  9. 乾隆十三年剃发案研究

    The Study of the Haircut Case in Thirteenth Year of Qianlong

  10. 它是18世纪乾隆皇帝修建的。

    It was built by Emperor Qian Long in the eighteenth century.

  11. 皂河乾隆行宫旅游资源开发

    Tourism resource development of Zaohe Qianlong Xanadu

  12. 乾隆初定金川战争钩沉

    Rethinking the First Quelling Rebellion in Jinchuan Campaign during the Reign of Emperor Qianlong

  13. 乾隆惠商政策及商人社会活动

    On Mercantilism During the Reign of Emperor Qianlong and Merchant Social Activities

  14. 这座佛殿是乾隆年间修造的。

    This temple was built in Emperor Qianlong's reign.

  15. 这座佛殿是乾隆年间修造的。

    This temple was built in Emperor Qianlong's reign.

  16. 这座佛殿是乾隆年间修造得。

    This temple was built in Emperor Qianlong's reign.

  17. 乾隆朝偷刨安图银两案

    Hunting down the case of An Tuin Qian Long period Qing Dynasty

  18. 乾隆朝两淮盐商输纳的探讨

    A Discussion of Shu Na of Salt Merchants in Liang Huai in the Period of Qian Long in the Qing Dynasty

  19. 乾隆皇帝在北京称尊继位了。

    The Emperor Qian Long succeeded the throne and proclaimed himself emperor in Beijing.

  20. 乾隆皇帝在北京称尊继位了。

    The Emperor Qian Long succeeded the throne and proclaimed himself emperor in Beijing.

  21. 乾隆时期的小溪沟与碧峰门

    Xiaoxi Gully and Bifeng Gate in the Time of Qianlong

  22. 乾隆年间议禁南洋贸易案史料

    Historical Resources on the Case of Trade around the South Pacific during the Reign of Emperor Qian Long

  23. 这座宅子建于清朝乾隆年间。

    This house complex was built during the Qianlong Era of the Qing Dynasty.

  24. 孙嘉淦伪稿案与乾隆朝政治

    The Case of Fake Draft in the Name of Sun Jia Gan and the Political Affairs in Qianlong Dynasty

  25. 乾隆八年 改属直隶遵化州。

    Eight years of Qianlong to a state Chihli Zunhua.

  26. 论清代乾隆时期的辑佚书活动

    On the Activity of Collecting Lost Books in Qianlong Period of the Qing Dynasty

  27. 醉心写作已成为乾隆年间的事了。

    Being rapt in writing was something prehistorical for me till then.

  28. 醉心写作已成为乾隆年间得事了。

    Being rapt in writing was something prehistorical for me till then.

  29. 烟瘴对乾隆时期西南边防政策的影响

    Impacts of Malaria on Southwest Border Policy in the Qianlong's Period

  30. 乾隆年间两淮盐商的资本积累与流向

    Capital Accumulation and Flow Direction of Lianghuai Salt Merchants in Qianlong Years


  1. 问:乾隆拼音怎么拼?乾隆的读音是什么?乾隆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乾隆的读音是Qiánlóng,乾隆翻译成英文是 the emperor Qianlong

  2. 问:乾隆帝拼音怎么拼?乾隆帝的读音是什么?乾隆帝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乾隆帝的读音是,乾隆帝翻译成英文是 Qianlong Emperor

  3. 问:乾隆王朝拼音怎么拼?乾隆王朝的读音是什么?乾隆王朝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乾隆王朝的读音是,乾隆王朝翻译成英文是 Qianlong Dynasty

  4. 问:乾隆皇帝拼音怎么拼?乾隆皇帝的读音是什么?乾隆皇帝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乾隆皇帝的读音是Qiánlóng Huángdì,乾隆皇帝翻译成英文是 Qianlong Emperor , the Fourth emperor of the Qing...

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