


1. 坏 [huài]2. 坏 [pēi]3. 坏 [pī]4. 坏 [péi]坏 [huài]品质恶劣,有害:~蛋。~人。~事。~水。人体、东西受了损伤,被 毁: 破~。败~。质量差,不完美:这所房子不~。表示程度深(用在动词后面):忙~……


关于货币、货物出入的记载:~本。~簿。~号。指“账簿”:一本~。债:~主。欠~。还(huán )~。……



汉语拼音:huài zhàng






坏账 [huài zhàng]
  1. 会计上指确定无法收回的账。



  1. The dreamers are the central bankers, bureaucrats and politicians (not just in Europe) who believe bad debts do not need to be written down.


  2. The banks are left with depreciating assets that have to be funded as they mature, and have no way of creating new ones.


  3. But with much of it incurred with little regard for how it would be repaid, a sizable chunk is expected to turn sour.


  4. account created by the debit part of the entry is closed into the Income Summary account in the same manner as any other expense account.


  5. How much more bad debt is still to emerge?


  6. However, the shareholders of the banks will not be so pleased if the credit binge ends up in a wave of new bad loans.


  7. For the moment, the banks are not complaining: they stand to be compensated for loans that had already gone bad.


  8. American and British banks at least seem to have grasped the main lesson: that it is vital to deal with bad debts fast.


  9. The question is how much of the loan books turn sour as economies slow and currencies fall.


  1. 预提坏账准备

    doubtful debts provision

  2. 应收账款与坏账

    Accounts Receivable and Bad Debts

  3. 坏账及呆账备抵

    allowance for bad and doubtful debts

  4. 坏账及呆账拨备

    provision for bad and doubtful debts

  5. 还会出现多少坏账?

    How much more bad debt is still to emerge

  6. 英国的坏账过于庞大。

    The UK's cuckoos are too big.

  7. 这成了一笔坏账了吧。

    We're going to lose money on this one.

  8. 这家公司被坏账所压倒。

    The company was drowned in bad debts.

  9. 她在坏账回收方面非常出色。

    She was excellent at recovering bad debt.

  10. 英国银行的坏账率占80%。

    British banks accounted for 80 percent of bad debts.

  11. 浅析医院坏账损失的核算方法

    Analysis on the check method of the bad debts loss in the hospital

  12. 应收账款成因及坏账风险防范

    The Cause of Accounts Receivable and Bad Debts Risk Controlling

  13. 企业估计坏账损失的方法及应用

    Methods for the enterprises to estimate bad debt losses and its application

  14. 贷款的急剧增长必然导致坏账的增加。

    The surge in credit will inevitably lead to a jump in bad debt.

  15. 上述数额为扣除坏账准备后净额。

    The above amounts are net of bad debt provision.

  16. 计提坏账准备应注意的问题

    Advertent Problems in Bringing Bad Debt Preparation

  17. 由本期销售导致的坏账的估计利息。

    The estimated accrual for bad debts result from the current period's sales.

  18. 贷款损失准备金预留应付坏账的款项

    Loan Loss Provision An expense set aside as an allowance for bad loans.

  19. 随着坏账的增加,止赎现象仍在上升。

    Foreclosures are still shooting up as loans go bad.

  20. 随着坏账得增加,止赎现象仍在上升。

    Foreclosures are still shooting up as loans go bad.

  21. 备抵法是按期估计坏账损失, 形成坏账准备。

    Allowance for bad debts is estimated that loss of time, the formation of bad debts.

  22. 浅论新旧会计制度坏账损失核算差异

    An Understanding of Accounting Difference in the Loss by Bad Accounts Between the New Accounting System and the Old One

  23. 坏账不太可能偿还的应收账款或贷款。

    Bad Debt A loan or accounts receivable that is unlikely to be repaid.

  24. 不幸的是,坏账掩盖了所攫取的大部分金额。

    Unfortunately most of the extra cash grabbed was swallowed up by bad debts.

  25. 中国的金融部门因银行坏账背负了重重压力。

    China's financial sector is loaded down with bad debts.

  26. 坏账在计算所得税时可作为一个抵减项。

    An income tax deduction si allowed for bad debt.

  27. 坏账风险是客观存在的,只要有赊销就可能有坏账。

    Bad debt risk is an objective existence, as long as there is likely to have bad credit.

  28. 注意这个会计分录恰好与核销坏账的分录相反。

    Notice that this entry is exactly the opposite of the entry as uncollectible.

  29. 关于新旧会计制度中坏账损失处理的比较

    The comparison of the handling the loss of bad debt between in the new accountant system and the old one

  30. 注意这个会计分录恰好与核销坏账得分录相反。

    Notice that this entry is exactly the opposite of the entry as uncollectible.


  1. 问:坏账拼音怎么拼?坏账的读音是什么?坏账翻译成英文是什么?

    答:坏账的读音是huàizhàng,坏账翻译成英文是 bad debt; bad loan

  2. 问:坏账保险拼音怎么拼?坏账保险的读音是什么?坏账保险翻译成英文是什么?

    答:坏账保险的读音是huài zhàng bǎo xiǎn,坏账保险翻译成英文是 bad debt insurance

  3. 问:坏账准备拼音怎么拼?坏账准备的读音是什么?坏账准备翻译成英文是什么?

    答:坏账准备的读音是huàizhàng zhǔn bèi,坏账准备翻译成英文是 doubtful debts provision

  4. 问:坏账损失拼音怎么拼?坏账损失的读音是什么?坏账损失翻译成英文是什么?

    答:坏账损失的读音是huài zhàng sǔn shī,坏账损失翻译成英文是 bad debt loss

  5. 问:坏账比率拼音怎么拼?坏账比率的读音是什么?坏账比率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:坏账比率的读音是huài zhàng bǐ lǜ,坏账比率翻译成英文是 bad debt ratio

  6. 问:坏账费用拼音怎么拼?坏账费用的读音是什么?坏账费用翻译成英文是什么?

    答:坏账费用的读音是huàizhàng fèi yòng,坏账费用翻译成英文是 bad debt expense

  7. 问:坏账保险单拼音怎么拼?坏账保险单的读音是什么?坏账保险单翻译成英文是什么?

    答:坏账保险单的读音是huài zhàng bǎo xiǎn dān,坏账保险单翻译成英文是 bad debt policy

  8. 问:坏账损失率拼音怎么拼?坏账损失率的读音是什么?坏账损失率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:坏账损失率的读音是huài zhàng sǔn shī lǜ,坏账损失率翻译成英文是 bad debt loss ratio

  9. 问:坏账与可疑账拼音怎么拼?坏账与可疑账的读音是什么?坏账与可疑账翻译成英文是什么?

    答:坏账与可疑账的读音是huài zhàng yǔ kě yí zhàng,坏账与可疑账翻译成英文是 bad and doubtful accounts

  10. 问:坏账备抵账户拼音怎么拼?坏账备抵账户的读音是什么?坏账备抵账户翻译成英文是什么?

    答:坏账备抵账户的读音是huài zhàng bèi dǐ zhàng hù,坏账备抵账户翻译成英文是 provision for doubtful accounts

  11. 问:坏账折让损失拼音怎么拼?坏账折让损失的读音是什么?坏账折让损失翻译成英文是什么?

    答:坏账折让损失的读音是huài zhàng zhé ràng sǔn shī,坏账折让损失翻译成英文是 lose from allowance for bad debts

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