




1. 划 [huá]2. 划 [huà]划 [huá]用桨拨水使船行动:~水。~船。~艇。合算,按利益情况计较是否相宜:~算。用刀或其它东西把物件分开或从物件上面擦过:~一道口子。划 [huà]分开:~界。~分。~时代意义。设计:计~。筹~……



汉语拼音:móu huà







  1. 见“ 谋画 ”。



  1. The boys really love you, tell you not wandering the total, because in fact he was the most beautiful you planning a real future.


  2. He had waited and plotted for a great length of time to be standing where he was now, with Jones at his command(5).


  3. When they got to the top, he planned to pull out a ring and ask her to be his bride.


  4. The Democrats are fired up with Bush-hatred and ready to take the White House.


  5. The richest man in Benares went on his way, and the gang of drunkards went back to their plotting and scheming.


  6. Many hackers make a lot of money, hesays, and he seems to be plotting his own path.


  7. Mmm, yes, absolutely. On paper, that is. And I think I could, uh, plan one better than most people; but I doubt if I could carry it out.


  8. You really love the Man, with a total not to tell you thinking, because in fact his plan for you with the most beautiful real future.


  9. Apply your optimism and insight to a plan that's got to be worth pursuing.


  1. 计划或谋划

    To form plans or schemes.

  2. 他们谋划逃跑。

    They cooked up a plan to run away

  3. 囚犯们谋划越狱。

    The prisoners laid an escape plan.

  4. 谋划他们的报复

    scheming their revenge.

  5. 指挥, 谋划或监督

    To direct, plan, or supervise.

  6. 我们需要共同谋划。

    And we need collusion.

  7. 如何谋划寻找过程?

    How do you plan to look for it?

  8. 推进改革, 谋划发展

    advance reform and plan for development

  9. 他们谋划杀害国王。

    They hatched a plot to murder the king.

  10. 她肯定谋划过了

    Look, she's definitely working an angle.

  11. 他们在谋划进行报复。

    They were meditating revenge.

  12. 他们谋划要推翻政府。

    They designed a plot to overthrow the government.

  13. 他正在谋划着升职。

    He is scheming for a promotion.

  14. 他正在谋划着升职。

    He is scheming for a promotion.

  15. 几个人一起共同谋划。

    enter into a conspiracy.

  16. 人人时刻都在谋划着。

    Everyone's always scheming and plotting.

  17. 阴谋策划秘密计划或谋划。

    To plan or plot secretly.

  18. 好运随谋划不期而至。

    Luck is the residue of design.

  19. 秘密地或机密地谋划或实施。

    Designed and carried out secretly or confidentially.

  20. 中心领导在谋划发展规划。

    Top executives of the center are planning development programs.

  21. 策划, 用技巧或智慧设计谋划

    concoct to devise , using skill and intelligence , contrive

  22. 谋划时学蜗牛, 行动时学飞鸟。

    Imitate the snail in deliberation, the bird in execution.

  23. 密谋一项秘密的规划或谋划。

    A secret scheme or plot.

  24. 我对于中局的谋划是成功的。

    My plan in the middle game was successful.

  25. 图新求变谋划经营强势

    Seek for the New and Strive for a Change, Aiming at Operational Superiority

  26. 谋划罪恶已是罪恶阿拉伯谚语。

    The willing contemplation of vice is vice. Arabic proverb.

  27. 劝说和谋划扫除了很多障碍。

    Persuasion and contrivance swept aside many obstacles.

  28. 谋划。手段。办法八小时的工作班

    Work in three shifts of eight hours

  29. 他谋划了许多次恐怖袭击行动。

    He masterminded a number of terrorist attacks.

  30. 甚至声称让叛军入城在谋划之中

    even claiming that letting the rebels into the city was a ploy.


  1. 问:谋划拼音怎么拼?谋划的读音是什么?谋划翻译成英文是什么?

    答:谋划的读音是móuhuà,谋划翻译成英文是 plan




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