


核算:~时。~量(liàog )。~日程功。测量或核算度数、时间、温度等的仪器:晴雨~。湿度~。主意,策略:~策。~谋。谋划,打算:~划。~议。姓。……





汉语拼音:jì móu







  1. 计议谋虑。

    《孙子·九地》:“谨养而勿劳,併气积力,运兵计谋,为不可测。” 李筌 注:“气盛力积,加以谋虑,则非敌之可测。” 宋 苏轼 《论时政状》:“自古惟小人为难去,何则?去一人而其党莫不破坏,是以为之计谋游説者众也。”

  2. 谋略;策略。

    《史记·李斯列传》:“ 秦王 乃除逐客之令,復 李斯 官,卒用其计谋。” 柔石 《二月》一:“ 陶岚 有力地叫:‘你也听信流言么?你也为卑鄙的计谋所中么?你岂不是以理智来解剖感情的么?’”



  1. This seems to be his counsel, but don't see why he wants to do, and do what is good, for his movies are not explain clearly.


  2. He told them of his plans, and sent them out with messages of cheer to his disheartened people.


  3. Out of fear for his own life, Abram chooses to try to control the situation by his own scheming.


  4. Wang Xiaodong confessed in an interview with the US'' Time magazine that the book''s title is a bit of a ruse.


  5. Mr Zapatero's next trick was to flag a package of proposals for labour reform, an issue on which he has stalled for almost two years.


  6. The absence of any of these four factors should be a red flag that the so-called report could really be a pump and dump marketing ploy.


  7. It would be over-cynical to see this as a Democratic ploy to lure the Republicans into alienating a vital group of voters all over again.


  8. He had never been willing to engage personally in the petty harassment by which this strategy was implemented.


  9. When our enemies heard that we were aware of their plot and that God had frustrated it, we all returned to the wall, each to his own work.


  1. 诡计或计谋

    A stratagem or trick.

  2. 极坏的计谋

    A villainous plot.

  3. 政客的卑鄙计谋

    the despicable manoeuvres of the politicians

  4. 我得计谋落空了。

    My ruse failed.

  5. 我的计谋落空了。

    My ruse failed.

  6. 有着诡秘的计谋。

    Had a secret agenda.

  7. 有着诡秘的计谋。

    Had a secret agenda.

  8. 技巧,诡计,策略,计谋

    crafty artifice finesse ruse scheme trick guile

  9. 有机智得人, 有计谋得人

    A man of resource

  10. 有机智的人, 有计谋的人

    A man of resource

  11. 恶人的计谋是诡诈。

    The advice of the wicked is treacherous.

  12. 狡诈的家伙, 伎俩, 计谋

    a sly fellow, trick, ruse

  13. 计谋穷尽, 局势很严峻

    Scheme exhausted and situation pressing

  14. 我们小小的计谋成功了。

    So our little ruse succeeded.

  15. 然后我的计谋得逞了。

    They did exactly what I wanted them to.

  16. 然后我的计谋得逞了。

    They did exactly what I wanted them to.

  17. 他们会因为我们的计谋

    Yes, they can, and because of our ruse,

  18. 清醒的计谋扼制住本能。

    Sober scheming dominates its instinct.

  19. 狡猾的手段,诡计和计谋

    Artful devices, stratagems, and tricks.

  20. 诡计狡猾的手段, 诡计和计谋

    Artful devices, stratagems, and tricks.

  21. 有目的, 暗中进行的计谋。

    covert and involved plotting to achieve your ends.

  22. 我在想弄个计谋出来。

    I was cooking up a scheme.

  23. 这次他的计谋得逞了。

    This time his trick works.

  24. 国王企图用计谋战胜敌人。

    The king tried to circumvent his enemies.

  25. 他们逃税的计谋非常狡猾。

    Their schemes to evade taxes were very crafty.

  26. 我们设法用计谋击败了他。

    We managed to outfox him.

  27. 国际大投行的人才计谋

    Talents stratagem of international giant investment bank

  28. 陷害控告无辜之人的计谋

    A scheme to incriminate an innocent person.

  29. 有目得, 暗中进行得计谋。

    covert and involved plotting to achieve your ends.

  30. 狡猾的微笑, 行骗手段, 计谋等。

    a cunning smile, trick, plot, etc


  1. 问:计谋拼音怎么拼?计谋的读音是什么?计谋翻译成英文是什么?

    答:计谋的读音是jìmóu,计谋翻译成英文是 scheme; stratagem; strategy



多指打仗时有计划的预谋,企图让敌军上当,已达到我军的目的。 也可指生活中用某种甚至几种方法算计人或事物,使其达到自己预期的目的; 对付某人或某种情势的计谋策略。

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