


1. 阿 [ā]2. 阿 [ē]阿 [ā]加在称呼上的词头:~大。~爷。~爹。~罗汉。~毛。~婆。~弟。~姊。阿 [ē]迎合,偏袒:~附。~其所好。~谀逢迎。凹曲处:山~。……




1. 浑 [hún]浑 [hún]水不清,污浊:~水摸鱼。~浊。骂人糊涂,不明事理:~人。~话。~蛋。~~噩噩。全,满:~身。~然。天然的,淳朴的:~古。~朴。~厚。简直:“白头搔更短,~欲不胜簪。”姓。……


1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……



汉语拼音:ā yuè hún zǐ






  1. 一名胡榛子、无名子。树木名。落叶小乔木。原产于 地中海 地区和 亚洲 西部, 中国 新疆 有少量栽培。果实可供食用,亦可入药。

    明 李时珍 《本草纲目·果二·阿月浑子》﹝集解﹞引 陈藏器 曰:“阿月浑子生西国诸蕃,与胡榛子同树,一岁胡榛子,二岁阿月浑子也。”



  1. These results provide valuable information to develop an integrated pest management program for the common pistachio psylla.


  2. The Turkish like salep as well as mastic, a resin from certain pistachio trees, in their ice cream.


  3. Pistachio (Pistacia vera L. ) has great economic value as a precious nut and woody-oil plant.


  4. The scientists said that all nuts have good nutritional qualities but walnuts are healthier than peanuts, almonds, pecans and pistachios.


  5. Effects of relative soil water content on the content of hormone in pistachio seedling leaves were investigated.


  6. This time pistachios are linked to possible contamination.


  7. Phenol contents and browning in tissue culture of Pistacia vera L.


  8. Progress of the Tissue Culture of Pistacia vera L.


  9. Preliminary Studies on Storage Substance Content During the Germination of Pistacia Vera Seeds


  1. 阿月浑子树。

    Tree on whichthis nut grows

  2. 阿月浑子五倍子

    pistachia gall

  3. 阿月浑子的果实

    pistachio nuts

  4. 阿月浑子嫁接技术

    Grafting Technique for Pistacia vera

  5. 阿月浑子树丛簇病毒

    Pistach rosette virus

  6. 阿月浑子果仁的香味

    The flavor of these nuts.

  7. 阿月浑子的栽培技术

    Techniques for culture of pistachio

  8. 阿月浑子播种栽培技术

    Pistachio Seeding and Horticultural Techniques

  9. 新疆阿月浑子研究初报

    Preliminary research on Sinking pistachio

  10. 阿月浑子实生育苗技术

    Seedling Raising Technique for Pistacia vera

  11. 阿月浑子种子萌发的研究

    A Study on the Germination of Pistacia vera Seeds

  12. 阿月浑子嫁接树越冬试验

    Overwintering Trial with Grafted Trees of Pistacia vera

  13. 阿月浑子嫁接繁育试验研究

    Study on grafting propagation trial of Pistacia vera

  14. 阿月浑子生殖生物学研究评述

    A Review on Reproduction Biology on Pistacia vera L.

  15. 阿月浑子引种试验研究初报

    Observation on growth of intrduced Pistachio tree in Gansu

  16. 阿月浑子生产现状及研究进展

    Current Production and Research Development of Pistacia

  17. 阿月浑子组织培养技术研究进展。

    Progress of the Tissue Culture of Pistacia vera L.

  18. 阿月浑子雌雄花发育研究评述

    Research advance on the development of male and female flowers of Pistacia vera

  19. 美国加州的阿月浑子产业概况

    General Situation of California Pistachio Industry

  20. 这是有关芒果,阿月浑子和又给。

    It is related to the mango, pistachio and poison ivy.

  21. 成年阿月浑子根系分布规律的研究

    Research on Distribution Regularity of the Mature Pistachio Root System

  22. 阿月浑子花粉萌发及贮藏特性研究

    A study on characteristics of pollen germination and storage of pistachio

  23. 阿月浑子外植体褐变抑制方法

    Procedures of diminishing browning of in vitro explants in Pistacia vera

  24. 阿月浑子不同基质的容器育苗试验

    The Cultivating Seeding Experiment with Container of the Different Matrix on the Pistachio

  25. 阿月浑子总酚含量与褐变关系研究。

    Phenol contents and browning in tissue culture of Pistacia vera L.

  26. 阿月浑子花序生长和花期物候学研究

    Inflorescence Growth and Flowering Phenology of Pistachio

  27. 这次可能的感染源是阿月浑子树。

    This time pistachios are linked to possible contamination.

  28. 化学试剂法鉴定阿月浑子性别的研究

    Application of Fehling Reagent to Sex Identification Studies of Pistacia Vera.

  29. 阿月浑子组织培养及快速繁殖技术研究

    Pistacia vera Tissue Foster and Fast Generation Technology

  30. 不同处理对阿月浑子种子发芽率的影响

    Effect of Different Disposal on Sprout Ratio of Pistacia vera Seed


  1. 问:阿月浑子拼音怎么拼?阿月浑子的读音是什么?阿月浑子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:阿月浑子的读音是āyuèhúnzi,阿月浑子翻译成英文是 Pistacia vera

  2. 问:阿月浑子实拼音怎么拼?阿月浑子实的读音是什么?阿月浑子实翻译成英文是什么?

    答:阿月浑子实的读音是,阿月浑子实翻译成英文是 pistachio

  3. 问:阿月浑子树拼音怎么拼?阿月浑子树的读音是什么?阿月浑子树翻译成英文是什么?

    答:阿月浑子树的读音是,阿月浑子树翻译成英文是 pistachio

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