


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……







汉语拼音:bù qiú rén






  1. 器物名。以骨、角、竹或木削为人爪状,有柄,用以搔痒。不求人与如意相类,古称爪杖。

    元 陈栎有 《和不求人赞》:“噫!虽不求人兮,未免求木奴之指。孰若反掌以自搔兮,君子求诸己。”



  1. Brother you know me well. I satisfy all the needs by myself.


  2. I never ask for help Duanmu Ze, this thing, when I ask you.


  3. That is His test. Do then the best you can, Not for reward, Not for the.


  1. 不求人,难生活。

    He that cannot ask cannot live.

  2. 主有安排。尽你才力所能,不求奖赏,不求人。

    That is His test. Do then the best you can, Not for reward, Not for the.

  3. 总是乐于助人不求回报。

    Hes always ready to help others and asking for nothing in return.

  4. 不求只填一桶水, 但愿长做点灯人

    Not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire

  5. 是什么样得人才能做得这么多这么多却不求一点回报呢

    What kind of person can do so much, so much for a little return.

  6. 是什么样的人才能做得这么多这么多却不求一点回报呢

    What kind of person can do so much, so much for a little return

  7. 但对不求上进的人却没什么好处。

    It is not so good for the mediocre.

  8. 为何人要不求呢

    Why don't we seek

  9. 不管什么人求你帮忙,你不要拒绝他们。

    Whoever asks you for help, you shouldn't refuse them.

  10. 不管什么人求你帮忙,你不要拒绝他们。

    Whoever asks you for help, you shouldn't refuse them.

  11. 人活着都会有许多的欲望, 欲望多了, 渐渐会欲求不满。

    There will be many people alive the desire, desire more, will gradually wish dissatisfaction.

  12. 多数人不喜欢收到未经索求就胡乱奇来的广告邮件。

    Most people dont like getting junk mail.

  13. 我可不是你种植园里向你求爱的人。

    I'm not one of your plantation beaux.

  14. 我们坚固得人应该担代不坚固人得软弱, 不求自己得喜悦。

    We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves.

  15. 伦敦人从来不求雨。

    Londoners never pray for rain.

  16. 父, 岂不更将圣灵给求他的人吗?

    Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask?

  17. 我们坚固的人应该担代不坚固人的软弱,不求自己的喜悦。

    We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves.

  18. 但求泡浴于南昆山温泉大观园,不辞长作岭南人。

    Life if a jorney, travel it well. Life is enjoyable and no refusion to be a Cantonese.

  19. 他不求名。

    He did not desire fame.

  20. 不求无获。

    Nothing seek, nothing find.

  21. 不求名誉而低调

    been stoic, silent.

  22. 不求皎洁的月亮

    I never shot for the moon

  23. 不求胜,就得求饶。

    Cry for quarters, or for victory.

  24. 他学习一向不求甚解。

    He studies only to have a superficial understanding.

  25. 他学习一向不求甚解。

    He studies only to have a superficial understanding.

  26. 求之不得,不求自来。

    Follow love, and it will flee; flee love, and it will follow thee.

  27. 不求其多, 但求其精

    Quality is better than quantity

  28. 不求交点的技巧

    Skill at Solving Problems without Seeking the Point of Intersection

  29. 但求其精, 不求其多

    With a strong focus on quality over quantity

  30. 饮食格拒不人

    drink and food being rejected by vomiting

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