




1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……



汉语拼音:bèi shàng






  1. 背叛尊上,倍,通“ 背 ”。

    清 魏源 《春秋公羊论下》:“避王 鲁 之名而用王 鲁 之实,吾未见其不倍上也。”



  1. Mold is "benefit amplifier" , in the mold production of the final product value, is often die own value on a few times, one hundred times.


  1. 镀金得松果摆设放在感恩餐桌上倍显节日得奢华。

    Gold pine cones give this Thanksgiving table luxe seasonal style.

  2. 镀金的松果摆设放在感恩餐桌上倍显节日的奢华。

    Gold pine cones give this Thanksgiving table luxe seasonal style.

  3. 浣熊要比螃蟹大上好几倍。

    A raccoon is many times as big as a crab.

  4. 农民的粮食产量可能会翻上两倍甚至3倍。

    Farmers could double, even quadruple, food production.

  5. 我是说比一般的疯子 要疯上好几倍

    And I mean like this is a nerdy crowd, but that's like a couple of levels above furries.

  6. 咱们得花上四倍时间才能通过这个危险地带。

    It'll take us four times as long to transit the hot zone.

  7. 如果她猜测错误,那就意味着下周的会议要多上一倍。

    If she guessed wrong, it meant twice as many meetings the following week.

  8. 警察用高倍望远镜在山坡上搜寻,但并没有发现逃犯。

    The police raked the hillside with powerful glasses but did not see the escaped prisoners.

  9. 政府在武装力量上的开支是教育上的两倍。

    The government spends as much on the armed forces as on education.

  10. 政府在武装力量上得开支是教育上得两倍。

    The government spends as much on the armed forces as on education.

  11. 这意味着核电厂的数量 要在现有数量的基础上增加四倍。

    That's a fourfold increase over today's levels of nuclear power.

  12. 到2000年,我国的国民生产总值将在1980年的基础上翻两倍。

    By 2000, our GNP in 1978 will have been quadrupled.

  13. 用这架高倍望远镜可以看到月亮上的环形山。

    You can see round mountains on the moon through this high-powered telescope.

  14. 参加示威游行的人是上次的五倍。

    Five times as many people came to the demonstration as last time.

  15. 双轴晶体主平面上倍频的相位匹配参量

    Phase Matching Paramiters for Doublings in Principal Planes of Biaxial Crystals

  16. 聪明上千倍

    who used to tease you and make you feel stupid.

  17. 但實際上,塑膠要比鋼貴上數倍

    But actually, plastics are several times more valuable than steel.

  18. 你是说我比不上刘倍?

    You are saying I am nothing compared to Liubei?

  19. 患上肝炎的风险是2。5倍。

    For hepatitis, it was also two and a half times.

  20. 风从下往上吹。放慢10倍。

    So the wind is coming from the bottom. This is slowed down 8 times.

  21. 只有上次一倍半的量。

    There were half as many again as there were last time.

  22. 而患上抑郁症的风险是4。5倍。

    For depression, it was four and a half times.

  23. 盖上后醒发至双倍大。

    Put the smaller loaf on top of the indention.

  24. 然而铷的有效截面却小上50倍。

    But the effective size for rubidium atoms is 50 times smaller.

  25. 地球上水覆盖的面积是陆地的两倍。

    Water covers twice the area of the planet than dry land.

  26. 小下部分是水上部分的三倍。

    It's three times as big underwater.

  27. 事实上,这带给我们三倍的优势。

    In fact, it's been estimated to give us a threefold advantage.

  28. 大米价格在一年中上涨逾一倍。

    The price of rice has more than doubled in a year.

  29. 盖上保鲜纸,再次发酵成2倍大。

    Cover and let the balls rise to double the size again.

  30. 是在越南战场上牺牲的士兵的两倍。

    Twice as many deaths by suicide than by combat in Vietnam.

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