


挡,拒,用力对撑着:~挡。~制。~抗。~赖。顶撞,冲突,矛盾:~触。代替,相当,顶替:~押。~偿。~充。~还(huán )。到达:~京。~临。……





汉语拼音:dǐ kàng








  1. 抗拒,抗击。

    瞿秋白 《乱弹·财神还是反财神》:“他们也就非常之‘驯服’,对着外国大财神总是‘镇静而无抵抗’。” 董必武 《失题》诗:“旱涝为灾能抵抗,年收硕果事堪珍。” 陈登科 《赤龙与丹凤》第一部十四:“要他们的队伍,在敌人进攻时,向后撤退,不要抵抗。”



  1. stood resolute against the enemy; faced with a resolute opposition; a resolute and unshakeable faith.


  2. He made his deposit, he says, after inspecting the bunker's hardened-steel doors, which are strong enough to repel a tank blast.


  3. I'm still too superstitious to declare victory, but it looks as if my daughter is going to make it.


  4. I just wonder how much worse it would be if we accepted the situation we had now, stopped fighting them, and just got on with our lives.


  5. Gandhi objected to "passive resistance" as a translation of Satyagraha: in Gujarati, it seems, the word means "firmness in the truth. "


  6. If its appearance did not frighten its victim to death, at least it would paralyze the resistance which might be offered.


  7. When the U. S. began to field the technology, officials described it as a "game changer" in the fight against Afghan IEDs.


  8. You are the elite of the German Army. For you, combat shall be fulfillment. You shall seek it out and train yourself to stand any test.


  9. With all reasonable means of resistance exhausted and with certain death the only alternative, capture does not simply dishonor.


  1. 阿司匹林抵抗

    Aspirin resistance

  2. 甲硝唑抵抗

    resistance to metronidazole.

  3. 微弱的抵抗

    faint resistance.

  4. 后天性抵抗

    acquired resistance.

  5. 顽强的抵抗。

    stout resistance

  6. 最后的抵抗

    The last vestige of resistance

  7. 抵抗车辙性能

    rut resistance

  8. 我们继续抵抗。

    We fight on.

  9. 抵抗恐惧卷轴

    A Scroll of Resist Fear

  10. 尘螨抵抗无效?

    Dust Mites Is Resistance Futile

  11. 生长激素抵抗

    Grow hormone resistance.

  12. 进行顽强抵抗

    put up a strong resistance

  13. 继续抵抗敌人

    Stand out against the enemy.

  14. 试图抵抗反叛

    managed to stem the reBellion.

  15. 进行抵抗/ 战斗

    to put up resistance/ a fight

  16. 协力抵抗敌人

    make a common cause against enemy

  17. 地下抵抗运动

    an underground resistance movement

  18. 高抵抗事故

    Shunt fault with high resistance at the fault location.

  19. 阿富汗抵抗力量

    Afghan Opposition Forces

  20. 胰岛家抵抗


  21. 守军顽强抵抗。

    The defenders put up a strong resistance.

  22. 胰岛紊抵抗

    insulin resistance.

  23. 胰岛索抵抗

    Insulin resistance.

  24. 促红素抵抗

    erythropoietin resistance.

  25. 白血球抵抗感染。

    White blood cells fight infection.

  26. 心钠素抵抗

    Atrial natriuretic factor resistance.

  27. 抵抗素基因

    Resistin gene.

  28. 抵抗性训练

    resisting training.

  29. 增强抵抗力

    build up resistance.

  30. 高棉抵抗力量

    Khmer resistance forces


  1. 问:抵抗拼音怎么拼?抵抗的读音是什么?抵抗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抵抗的读音是dǐkàng,抵抗翻译成英文是 resist

  2. 问:抵抗伤拼音怎么拼?抵抗伤的读音是什么?抵抗伤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抵抗伤的读音是dǐ kàng shāng,抵抗伤翻译成英文是 defense wound

  3. 问:抵抗力拼音怎么拼?抵抗力的读音是什么?抵抗力翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抵抗力的读音是dǐkànglì,抵抗力翻译成英文是 capacity of an organism to defend itself agains...

  4. 问:抵抗区拼音怎么拼?抵抗区的读音是什么?抵抗区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抵抗区的读音是dǐ kàng qū,抵抗区翻译成英文是 Resistance Zone

  5. 问:抵抗巢拼音怎么拼?抵抗巢的读音是什么?抵抗巢翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抵抗巢的读音是dǐ kàng cháo,抵抗巢翻译成英文是 Nest of Resistance

  6. 问:抵抗性拼音怎么拼?抵抗性的读音是什么?抵抗性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抵抗性的读音是,抵抗性翻译成英文是 repellence

  7. 问:抵抗权拼音怎么拼?抵抗权的读音是什么?抵抗权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抵抗权的读音是dǐ kàng quán,抵抗权翻译成英文是 right of resistance

  8. 问:抵抗株拼音怎么拼?抵抗株的读音是什么?抵抗株翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抵抗株的读音是dǐ kàng zhū,抵抗株翻译成英文是 resistant strain

  9. 问:抵抗的拼音怎么拼?抵抗的的读音是什么?抵抗的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抵抗的的读音是,抵抗的翻译成英文是 resistive

  10. 问:抵抗素拼音怎么拼?抵抗素的读音是什么?抵抗素翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抵抗素的读音是dǐ kàng sù,抵抗素翻译成英文是 phylaxin; resistin

  11. 问:抵抗线拼音怎么拼?抵抗线的读音是什么?抵抗线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抵抗线的读音是dǐ kàng xiàn,抵抗线翻译成英文是 burden

  12. 问:抵抗者拼音怎么拼?抵抗者的读音是什么?抵抗者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抵抗者的读音是,抵抗者翻译成英文是 resister

  13. 问:抵抗觉拼音怎么拼?抵抗觉的读音是什么?抵抗觉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抵抗觉的读音是dǐ kàng jiào,抵抗觉翻译成英文是 sense of resistance

  14. 问:抵抗力矩拼音怎么拼?抵抗力矩的读音是什么?抵抗力矩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抵抗力矩的读音是dǐ kàng lì jǔ,抵抗力矩翻译成英文是 moment of resistance

  15. 问:抵抗力量拼音怎么拼?抵抗力量的读音是什么?抵抗力量翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抵抗力量的读音是dǐ kàng lì liàng,抵抗力量翻译成英文是 Forces of Resistance

  16. 问:抵抗白昼拼音怎么拼?抵抗白昼的读音是什么?抵抗白昼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抵抗白昼的读音是,抵抗白昼翻译成英文是 Against the Day

  17. 问:抵抗运动拼音怎么拼?抵抗运动的读音是什么?抵抗运动翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抵抗运动的读音是dǐ kàng yùn dòng,抵抗运动翻译成英文是 Resistance Movement

  18. 问:抵抗部队拼音怎么拼?抵抗部队的读音是什么?抵抗部队翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抵抗部队的读音是dǐ kàng bù duì,抵抗部队翻译成英文是 Resistance Force

  19. 问:抵抗阵地拼音怎么拼?抵抗阵地的读音是什么?抵抗阵地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抵抗阵地的读音是dǐ kàng zhèn dì,抵抗阵地翻译成英文是 Position of Resistance

  20. 问:抵抗阶段拼音怎么拼?抵抗阶段的读音是什么?抵抗阶段翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抵抗阶段的读音是dǐ kàng jiē duàn,抵抗阶段翻译成英文是 resistance stage



“抵抗”是个多义词,它可以指抵抗(索尼公司出品游戏), 抵抗(2011年同名电影), 抵抗(1936年关文清执导电影), 抵抗(汉语词语)。

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