











汉语拼音:dōng huáng tài yī






  1. 古代传说中的天神名。

    《文选·屈原<九歌·东皇太一>》 唐 吕向 题注:“太一,星名,天之尊神,祠在 楚 东,以配 东帝 ,故云 东皇 。”



  1. 网络
  2. The Almighty Lord of the East;muhong;Taoistic

  1. 东一街牙医诊所

    First Avenue Dental Group

  2. 一会说东, 一会说西。

    He gives one knock on the hoop, and another on the barrel.

  3. 一会说东,一会说西。

    He gives one knock on the hoop ,and another on the barrel.

  4. 向东走一条街。

    Walk one block to the east.

  5. 产于缅甸和东印度的一种树,其木和红木相似。

    Tree of India and Burma yielding a wood resembling mahogany.

  6. 东印度的一种树,种子含油,可产大风子油,用于医治麻风。

    East Indian tree with oily seeds yield chaulmoogra oil used to treat leprosy.

  7. 存物处位于一楼东天井,东侧楼梯旁边。

    Preservation Counter is located in the east yard, by the side of the eastern staircase on the first floor.

  8. 东一个, 西一个

    be scattered here and there

  9. 他说话是东一句, 西一句。

    He talks incoherently.

  10. 他说话是东一句,西一句。

    He talks incoherently.

  11. 东至小园仅一水,

    And will be separated from the little garden on the east by a small creek.

  12. 草都干了,东一片西一片的。

    The grass was dry and patchy.

  13. 吵吵闹闹, 东捣西戳, 一刻不停。

    restless, noisy, and troublesome.

  14. 教堂东一座西一座地散布在全城。

    Churches sprinkled over the city.

  15. 从这往东一家精致的高级美发店

    An exclusive little shop just east of here.

  16. 你在变戏法,你把变量定义的东一个西一个。

    You're a magician, creating variables out of thin air.

  17. 巴东一位居民雅蒂说, 地震令她震惊。

    Yati, a Padang resident, said she was shocked by the quake.

  18. 她的书在地板上东一本西一本地放着。

    Her books were lying about on the floor.

  19. 一轮明月从东升起, 皎洁明亮。

    The moon was brightwhen it rose in the east. The moom rose brightin the east.

  20. 有一些绿色海草 如扁管海藻 东一片西一块地长得很好。

    Some green seaweeds such as enteromorpha flourished in spots.

  21. 拉达克, 像之前一样欢迎啊?要不然给史东一个小试验好?

    Welcoming as ever, eh, Radtke Then how about setting Stone a little test

  22. 他俩东一个,西一个相去甚远,脸色苍白地倒在林中睡大觉。

    They were wide apart in the woods, both very pale, both fast asleep.

  23. 他独自一人从东到西横越整个非洲大陆。

    He traversed alone the whole continent of Africa from east to west.

  24. 这一决定会给东伦敦的经济复苏带来新的推动力。

    This decision will give renewed impetus to the economic regeneration of east London.

  25. 东莞一小镇广场

    A Square Of DongGuan a small town

  26. 一个很有趣的小东东。

    A very interesting small Dongdong.

  27. 一条向东流的河

    a river that ranges to the east.

  28. 村东有一个小湖。

    East of the village stands a small lake.

  29. 一江春水向东流。

    A stream of spring water is running towards the east.

  30. 一江春水向东流。

    A stream of spring water is running towards the east.

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