


1. 勃 [bó]2. 勃 [bèi]勃 [bó]突然,忽然:~然(a.突然,如“~~大怒”;b.兴起的样子,如“~~作色”)。变色的样子:~腾腾(怒气上冲的样子)。旺盛,兴起:~起。~发。~蓬。勃 [bèi]古同“悖”,违背事理,惑乱糊涂……


1. 发 [fā]2. 发 [fà]发 [fā]交付,送出:分~。~放。~行(批发)。放,射:~射。百~百中。焕~。表达,阐述:~表。~凡(陈述某一学科或一本书的要旨)。阐~。散开,分散:~散。开展,张大,扩大:~展。~扬。打开,揭露:~现……



汉语拼音:bó fā







  1. 蓬勃生发。

    明 徐弘祖 《徐霞客游记·滇游日记十》:“遥望峡中蒸腾之气,东西数处,鬱然勃发,如浓烟卷雾。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·钱卜巫》:“田数亩悉以种穀,既而又旱,蕎菽半死,推穀无恙,后得雨勃发,其丰倍焉。”

  2. 突然兴起;爆发。

    明 李贽 《史纲评要·唐纪·德宗皇帝》:“忠义勃发在天地间。” 清 赵翼 《郡城菊事甚盛》诗:“老夫闻之兴勃发,招邀同志为穷奢。” 郭沫若 《论中德文化书》:“ 欧 战之勃发乃是极端的资本主义的当然结果。”



  1. Youth is not a time of life , It is a state of mind , it is nota matter of rosy cheeks , red lips , and supple knees.


  2. They bloom with an eternal freshness that seems untouched by time, as though they had been inspired by an unfading spirit of youth.


  3. Nanning welcomes its guests from all over the world with its open and diversified culture, and flourishing business opportunities.


  4. At sunrise, seeing the American flag still flying over the fort, Key was inspired to write the poem known as "The Star-Spangled Banner" .


  5. A fierce earthquake of my heart, the heroic bearing of iron Nuo thrives of the military dress form. mutually jump up at heart a while.


  6. Allen would leave the company while Gates cultivated an image of youthful exuberance and geeky innovation.


  7. Exercise, along with a healthy diet and adequate sleep can boost your libido so you're up for anything.


  8. The top of the snooker table - always exciting, soft velvet and can be risky. Ideal for raunchy , daring sex.


  9. Exercise re-energised staff, improved their concentration and problem solving and made them feel calmer.


  1. 大洲升起, 山岭勃发。

    The continents shifted, mountains arose.

  2. 大洲升起,山岭勃发。

    The continents shifted ,mountains arose .

  3. 他突然勃发做某事的念头。

    He was seized with a sudden idea to do sth.

  4. 我对充盈勃发, 无声无息的美顶礼膜拜。

    I am the lover of uncontained and immortal beauty.

  5. 对权力和勃发英气的渴望蒙蔽了他

    He was blinded by hunger for power and full of steam.

  6. 秋风飒飒中, 战士们英姿勃发地出发了。

    In the chilly autumn wind, the soldiers set out with a mettlesome and handsome bearing.

  7. 她勃发的热情和阳光的性格征服了我。

    Her burst of exuberance and her brightness overwhelmed me.

  8. 他还不满30岁,正是英姿勃发的年华。

    He was barely 30 and in the prime of life.

  9. 设计室对面房顶长出三棵树, 生命勃发

    There are three trees on the roof faced to our design studio, the life is anywhere

  10. 愿你享有足够的幸福, 让精神勃发抖擞。

    I wish you enough happiness your spirit alive.

  11. 色彩斑斓得春天,蕴藏着无限活力,勃发着蓬蓬生机。

    Colorful spring of boundless energy, blooming with Pompon life.

  12. 色彩斑斓的春天,蕴藏着无限活力,勃发着蓬蓬生机。

    Colorful spring of boundless energy, blooming with Pompon life.

  13. 君坐妾之侧兮,髻发高束。英姿勃发兮,酷毙。

    You sat by my side, long hair tied behind, cool and killing.

  14. 是这荒原,原始之地,本能的生命勃发之地。

    One of his roles was to interview visiting foreign dignitaries including Edward Heath, the former British prime minister.

  15. 到处勃发着浮华和机遇,到处期待着朴素的秩序。

    Everywhere there are meretricious actions and opportunism; everywhere there is an expectation of simple orders.

  16. 工作艰苦起来了,鲍勃发现自己处于孤立无援的境地。

    When the work got hard, bob found himself high and dry.

  17. 君坐妾之身旁,发掠于脑后,英姿勃发,笑容荡漾

    You sat by my side, long hair tied behind, cool and killing. Smile floating on the lemonade, soft and smooth

  18. 而且他们交谈的时间越长, 越是感到一股勃发的性冲动。

    And the time that they chat longer the sex that feels a the more is actuation.

  19. 今天的希小, 在上级领导的关心支持下, 群情激昂, 英姿勃发。

    Today's Greek small, at a higher level of concern and support of the leadership, ran high.


  1. 问:勃发拼音怎么拼?勃发的读音是什么?勃发翻译成英文是什么?

    答:勃发的读音是bófā,勃发翻译成英文是 prosper; thrive



bó fā ㄅㄛˊ ㄈㄚ勃发(勃发) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

◎ 勃发 bófā(1) [prosper;thrive;break out](2) 突然发生战争勃发(3) 焕发英姿勃发词语解释bó fā ㄅㄛˊ ㄈㄚ勃发(勃发) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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