


1. 都 [dū]2. 都 [dōu]都 [dū]大都市:~市。~会。通~大邑。一国的最高行政机关所在的地方,京城:首~。国~。京~。建~。美好:“雍容闲雅,甚~”。~丽。~雅。总:~为一集。居:“~卿相之位”。古代称头目、首领。姓。都 [……




1. 王 [wáng]2. 王 [wàng]王 [wáng]古代一国君主的称号,现代有些国家仍用这种称号:~国。~法。公子~孙。~朝(cháo )。中国古代皇帝以下的最高爵位:~公。~侯。一族或一类中的首领:山大~。蜂~。~牌(桥牌中最大的……


1. 朝 [zhāo]2. 朝 [cháo]朝 [zhāo]早晨:~阳。~晖。~暮。~霞。~气。~思暮想。~令夕改。~秦暮楚(喻反复无常)。日,天:今~。明~。朝 [cháo]向着,对着:~向。~前。~阳。坐北~南。封建时代臣见君;亦指宗教……



汉语拼音:dōu duó wáng cháo






  1. Many Britons have never heard of it: school history tends to skip the 400-or-so years between 1066 and the start of the Tudor era.

  2. It's not like the Tudor era, which people are much more familiar with thanks to TV dramas and historical novels.

  3. This personal union ended the conflict, and a new famous dynasty, the Tudors, emerged.

  4. Henry, King of England from 1509 until his death in 1547, was desperate for a male heir to continue the Tudor line.

  5. In order to consolidate his rule, the founder of Tudor dynasty Henry VII took a series of financial steps to increase his revenue.

  6. Winter King: The Dawn of Tudor England.

  7. A Quantitative Study of the Rate of National Support of Tudor Dynasty

  8. On the Transitional Characters of the Tudor Central Finance Institution

  9. The Financial Structure of English Tudor Dynasty and the Relationship between Monarchial Power and Parliament


  1. 英国在都铎王朝时代处于全盛期。

    England flourished under the Tudors.

  2. 伊利莎白一世是都铎王朝的最后一个君主。

    Elizabeth I was the last of the Tudors.

  3. 英国都铎王朝的财政结构及王权和议会的关系

    The Financial Structure of English Tudor Dynasty and the Relationship between Monarchial Power and Parliament

  4. 在都铎王朝时代许多英格兰人被迫移居爱尔兰。

    Under the Tudors many English people were transplanted to Ireland.

  5. 有一个从都铎王朝到现代的肖像画技法历史展。

    There's an exhibition on the history of portraiture from Tudor times to the present day.

  6. 都铎王朝统治时期,英国社会发生了一系列质得变化。

    In Tudor dynasty, the society of England took place a great deal of essential transformation.

  7. 都铎王朝的政治传统决定了其较低的财政供养率。

    The political tradition of Tudor dynasty determines its low rate of financial support.

  8. 都铎王朝处在英法百年战争和红白玫瑰战争结束之后。

    The Tudor Dynasty was founded after the Hundred Years War and the Rose War.

  9. 都铎王朝统治时期, 英国社会发生了一系列质的变化。

    In Tudor dynasty, the society of England took place a great deal of essential transformation.

  10. 都铎王朝是英国历史上一个发生急遽变动的重要时期。

    England witnessed a drastic change in Tudor period.

  11. 都铎王室蔷薇徽

    Tudor rose

  12. 都铎君主政体新论

    A New Comment on the Monarchical Form of Government of Tudor

  13. 都铎王室的。与都铎王室有关的

    Of or relating to the royal house of Tudor.

  14. 一个都铎的绅士应该全神贯注与谁呢?

    Well, what would a Tudor gentleman be preoccupied with?

  15. 从流民法看都铎时期议会与王权的关系

    The Relationship Between the Parliament and the King Seen from the Vagrant Law in Tudor Monarchy

  16. 在都铎国王看来,爱尔兰充斥着独立不羁的领主。

    In Tudor's eyes, Ireland was full of independent and unruly lords.

  17. 都铎晚期和斯图亚特早期英国地方官职考

    Research in Local Officeholder in Late Tudor and Early Stuart England

  18. 中堂于1376年开始改建, 间断地持续至都铎时代。

    The rebuilding of the nave was begun by 1376 and continued intermittently until Tudor times.

  19. 英国的白艺复亡通常被认为开始于1485年都铎家族的继位。

    In England, the Renaissance was usually thought of as the beginning with the accession of the House of Tudor to the throne in 1485.

  20. 都铎式花样

    Tudor flower

  21. 一幢用光滑砖头建造的奇特的都铎式建筑物。

    A strange Tudor building in mellow brick.

  22. 一千多年前,银川曾经是西夏王朝的都城。

    A thousand years ago Yinchuan was the capital of the Western Xia Empire.

  23. 历代王朝的创始者都很重视借鉴前朝的覆车之鉴。

    Those who started every dynasty valued warnings taken from the overthrown dynasty before.

  24. 历代王朝的创始者都很重视借鉴前朝的覆车之鉴。

    Those who started every dynasty valued warnings taken from the overthrown dynasty before.

  25. 都是我最爱的公牛王朝球员。

    Jordan Pippen Rodman Kukoc Longley Harper Kerr.

  26. 刚铎和 洛汗 国的子民,你们都是我的兄弟!

    Sons of Gondor! Of Rohan! My brothers!

  27. 都柏林以它的乔治王朝的门和扇形窗而闻名。

    Dublin is famed for its beautiful Georgian doors and fanlights.

  28. 第四王朝统治者御用的总木匠英迪·谢杜制作的四个人像,都是非常迷人的现实作品,而不是理想化的人物。

    Four figures of Inty-shedu, a chief carpenter employed by a Fourth Dynasty ruler, are charmingly realistic, rather than idealized, renditions.


  1. 问:都铎王朝拼音怎么拼?都铎王朝的读音是什么?都铎王朝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:都铎王朝的读音是Dūduó Wángcháo,都铎王朝翻译成英文是 The Tudors

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