







汉语拼音:dòng xià






  1. 腹泻。

    汉 张仲景 《金匮要略·禽兽鱼虫禁忌》:“疫死牛肉,食之令病洞下。” 宋 梅尧臣 《四月二十八日记与王正仲及舍弟饮》诗:“ 仲氏 又发霍,洞下忽焉甚。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·莲香》:“﹝ 桑晓 ﹞洞下三两行,觉臟腑清虚,精神顿爽。”



  1. Lvzu hole right through the next eastbound turn, will be among the main peak in the view of Tsing Lung Road House.


  2. At night , the dogs make warm holes under the snow , but the ponies stood on top of the snow.


  3. Shuilian Dong Hua Guoshan is being created for artificial domesticated monkeys.


  4. It should be right down this hole.


  5. No stuff stored under desk.


  1. 不久风停舟行,停靠在潮音洞下。

    Presently the storm had abated and the ship stopped under today's Chao'Yin'Dong or Pounding Waves Cave.

  2. 洞下有泉,称黑龙泉,是滏阳河得主要水源之一。

    Stephen hole under that black Longquan, is one of the primary source water Fuyang.

  3. 洞下有泉,称黑龙泉,是滏阳河的主要水源之一。

    Stephen hole under that black Longquan, is one of the primary source water Fuyang.

  4. 马塞尔不该独自一人下洞。

    Marcel shouldn't have gone into it alone.

  5. 所有木槽一端,都有个洞位于下一根木槽端得上空。

    All of those above had single holes in the end that overhung the trough below.

  6. 所有木槽一端,都有个洞位于下一根木槽端的上空。

    All of those above had single holes in the end that overhung the trough below.

  7. 士兵们在墙下挖洞。

    The soldiers undermined the wall.

  8. 在海岸潜水处的泥浆或石头下挖洞的甲壳纲动物。

    Crustaceans that burrow in mud or under stones in shallow water along the seashore.

  9. 然后,你在那巨石下挖洞弄出了一双稳当之靴。

    Later, you dig a hole beneath the boulder and lift out a pair of Surefooted Boots.

  10. 球童在果岭的边缘看到另一名球员在下一洞发球台发球。

    The caddie was on the edge of the green watching another player drive from the next tee.

  11. 当她到了目的地后,她在冰上打了个大洞把钓鱼竿放下洞里。

    When she reached her final destination, she cut a large hole in the ice and dipped the rod in.

  12. 古道从城台券洞下通过。

    Road from the City Desk tickets through the hole.

  13. 以人造拱门十二个阶梯往下连接穴洞。

    Clive Cookson joins him in ignominy, having predicted that scientists would produce artificial life.

  14. 混流式转轮近下环叶栅水洞实验研究

    The Water Tunnel Experiment Study of Developed Cascade Near Francis Runner Band Cavitation Area and Profile Improvement

  15. 还有就是联盟营地前面食人魔山下得哪个洞门口。

    There is a Union camp, which holes in front of the foot of the door Ogre.

  16. 还有就是联盟营地前面食人魔山下的哪个洞门口。

    There is a Union camp, which holes in front of the foot of the door Ogre.

  17. 向下过两条街就是它的洞了如果你向下走

    I think its burrow is two blocks down. If you go past

  18. 在五彩缤纷的灯光照耀下,白云洞仿佛是一座艺术雕塑迷宫。

    In the colorful lights illuminated, Baekundong like an art sculpture maze.

  19. 乔治?墨利第一个头朝下栽到洞里, 另一个也倒在他身边, 死了。

    George Merry fell head first into the hole, and another fell on his side, dead.

  20. 岩质地下洞室围岩变形

    deformation of surrounding rock for underground excavation

  21. 决定第二天一起下洞里去。

    decided to go down the hole together the next day.

  22. 多因素作用下洞庭湖洪水调蓄量的变化

    An analysis of flood storage capacity change in Dongting Lake

  23. 爆破振动作用下地下洞室临界振速的研究

    Study on Critical Failure Vibration Velocity of Underground Chambers under Action of Blasting Vibration

  24. 层状岩体强度异向性地下洞室的有限元分析

    FEA on Underground Tunnel with Directional Strength of Laminated Rock

  25. 将剪刀靠下部分的刀刃插入洞中, 并开始剪。

    Insert the lower blade of the scissors into the hole and cut.

  26. 将剪刀靠下部分的刀刃插入洞中,并开始剪。

    Insert the lower blade of the scissors into the hole and cut.

  27. 老鼠在草地下打了洞。

    A mouse dug a tunnel under the lawn.

  28. 他们从洞里放下鱼网。

    They let down the nets through the holes.

  29. 在山脚下有一个黑山洞。

    There is a dark cave at the foot of the mountain.

  30. 上衣左下有一箭洞。呵呵。

    The left of armor has a arrow hole, hehe.

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