











汉语拼音:kē jǔ kǎo shì






  1. 隋 唐 以来封建王朝设科取士而定期举行的中央或地方级考试。

    吴玉章 《从甲午战争前后到辛亥革命前后的回忆》四:“在当时,读书人总是要参加科举考试的,我虽然对科举考试已经没有什么兴趣,也不得不去参加。”



  1. According to Thomson this man was a sixth-grade mandarin official and a man of letters who possessed two degrees in imperial examinations.


  2. As the main carrier of the imperial examination, Chinese character culture deeply affected the imperial examination.


  3. But he wasn't a poor student much longer. The next year he placed very high on the imperial examinations and became an official.


  4. Entrance to the powerful civil service was by examination, so those wishing to enter it needed to be well schooled.


  5. Confucianism promoted imperial examination's midwifery, and imperial examination ulteriorly reinforced the dominant status of confucianism.


  6. In ancient China, literator put emphasis on calligraphy, which become necessary test contents of imperial examination.


  7. The imperial examination test is a main literature test correlated with Chinese longs handing culture tradition.


  8. In 1905, the dynasty replaced the system with alternative examinations in science and languages.


  9. The rules, the monitoring policy and punishment for fraudulent practices in Chinese ancient Keju Examination are very severe.


  1. 科举考试的功能与科举社会的形成

    Functions of the Imperial Examination System and the Formation of the Imperial Examination Oriented Society

  2. 晚清广东科举考试枪替之风初探

    An Exploration of the Phenomenon of Sitting for Civil Service Examinations in Place of Others in Late Qing Dynasty

  3. 而科举考试是统治者网罗人才的手段。

    The Imperial Examinations is a means for the ruler to gather talents.

  4. 才华盖世的他,会在科举考试中一炮打响吗?

    Talented he, will in the imperial examinations in gun fired ?

  5. 其实高考的意义之重大相当于古代的科举考试。

    College entrance examination's great meaning amount to antique imperial examinations actually.

  6. 北宋中晚期科举考试中的诗赋、经义之争

    A Debate on Poem and Fu and Confucian Classics Argumentation from Middle to Late Northern Song Dynasty

  7. 有大约三百名生员参加了这次科举考试。

    About 300 scholars took part in this imperial examination.

  8. 有大约三百名生员参加了这次科举考试。

    About 300 scholars took part in this imperial examination.

  9. 清代科举考试,形成了完整,严密的考选制度。

    Imperial examination in Qing Dynasty formed the integral and tightening system.

  10. 果然, 他们这年参加科举考试, 两人都考取了。

    Sure enough, when they took the imperial examinations that year, both Tao and Zhang passed.

  11. 枪替是清代科举考试中的主要舞弊方式之一。

    Imposture was one of the major ways of cheating in the Imperial Examination of the Qing dynasty.

  12. 我有几本书, 对他准备全国科举考试有所帮助。

    I have a few books to help him study for the state civil exam.

  13. 诗赋是唐代至宋初科举考试中的重要内容。

    Poem and Fu is an important part of Imperial examination from Tang to Early Northern Song Dynasty.

  14. 明清科举考试得内容主要是八股文和试贴诗。

    Jieyuan, huiyuan and zhuangyuan were known as the A titles.

  15. 明清科举考试的内容主要是八股文和试贴诗。

    Jieyuan, huiyuan and zhuangyuan were known as the A titles.

  16. 这首诗是诗人白居易参加科举考试时的习作。

    This poem was composed by Bai Juyi when he attended the imperial examination.

  17. 长期的教学实践,形成了一套适合科举考试的教育模式。

    The long period educational practice formed a set of models which are suitable for our imperial examination.

  18. 律赋是科举考试的一种重要也是最具有文学性的文体。

    LuFu is one of the important literary styles in Keju Examination.

  19. 他们的孩子非常聪明,长大后参加科举考试就一举得中。

    Their son was so intelligent that when he grew up, he passed the imperial examinations with ease the very first time.

  20. 如果他们用功读书, 通过科举考试, 就能在朝廷中谋得职位。

    If they studied and passed the Imperial Examinations, they could win posts in the government.

  21. 第三部分介绍汪由敦参加科举考试,后考中进士留京做官。

    The third part introduces he to participate in the imperial examinations, comprehensive examinations Scholars stay in Beijing official.

  22. 明代科举各级考试的规模及其录取率

    The Scale of Different Level Imperial Examinations in the Ming Dynasty and its Enrollment Rate

  23. 科举制的考试内容与选拔标准留给高考改革的思考

    Enlightenments of Entrance Examination Reform Gained from History of the Ups and Downs of Imperial Examination System

  24. 制举是科举的一种取士科目,由皇帝特别下诏举行考试。

    Zhiju, a candidate selection test, is the one required by the Emperor himself.

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