




1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……



汉语拼音:jīn shàng






  1. 见“ 襟尚 ”。



  1. The man with a flower on his chest is the leading actor in tonight's soiree.


  2. Pin my wishes in front of your garment please,


  1. 襟上一朵花

    A Flower Inserted In Garments Buttonhole.

  2. 周身毫无插戴,只腕上一只金表,襟上一只金自来水笔。

    Without any ornaments but a gold watch, and fountain pen was in her hand.

  3. 对襟绣花上装

    mandarin jacket.

  4. 内门襟上的品牌标签。

    Brand label on inside placket.

  5. 那个斜襟上别着胸花得是今天晚会得主角。

    The man with a flower on his chest is the leading actor in tonight's soiree.

  6. 那个斜襟上别着胸花的是今天晚会的主角。

    The man with a flower on his chest is the leading actor in tonight's soiree.

  7. 那个斜襟上别着胸花的是今天晚会的主角。

    The man with a flower on his chest is the leading actor in tonight's soiree.

  8. 我能从座位上看到飞机的襟翼。

    I could see the flaps of the airplane from my seat.

  9. 好的,铰链就按这个角度装上然后襟翼就安好了。

    OK. Uh, so this hinge needs to go in at this angle so that the flap works.

  10. 最复杂得滚边是在服装得叠襟或吊带得开衩上加以滚边。

    The most complicated of all forms of binding is the working of wraps and strap openings.

  11. 这其中有著名的腰带,外加开襟羊毛衫,上装,还有和夹克。

    There was that famous belt, plus a cardigan, dress and jacket.

  12. 采用在稳定翼上加装小襟翼的方法,即可以解决这一难题。

    This difficult problem be solved by mounting winglets on the stabilizing wing.

  13. 多段翼型大迎角下主翼、襟翼上的分离流及缝道流动

    Separated flows over main element and flap of multielement airfoil at high angles of attack

  14. 微风息去了, 襟角和头发也跟着都静止了, 烟就袅袅直上。

    The breeze died, and the pinafore and hair lay still, and the smoke went up straight.

  15. 他吃饭太快了,前襟上沾满了油渍。

    He eats too fast, the front part of his jacket is dotted with oil stains.

  16. 这件运动衫不是对襟得, 你穿时要从头上套下去。

    The jersey has no buttons and has to be pulled over your head.

  17. 这件运动衫不是对襟的, 你穿时要从头上套下去。

    The jersey has no buttons and has to be pulled over your head.

  18. 黑白条纹新奇地设计在前襟,让黑色上衣马上变得抢眼。

    Black and white stripe designs advanced front of a garment novelly, let black jacket become immediately grab an eye.

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