


1. 张 [zhāng]张 [zhāng]开,展开:~开。~目(a.睁大眼睛;b.助长某人的声势称“为某人~~”)。~榜。铺~。~灯结彩。纲举目~。商店开业:开~。拉紧:紧~。~力。扩大,夸大:夸~。放纵,无拘束:乖~。嚣~。料理,应酬:~……





汉语拼音:zhāng chí



  1. Yeis currently at the couple's home in Shanghai and the couple were yet to decide where the child would be born, said Zhang Chi.


  2. Zhang spent a month working tirelessly to prepare, including negotiating with the dance instructors to ensure the best possible price.


  3. Zhang declined to reveal or comment on the gender of the baby and its expected date of birth.


  4. Speed is slow, relaxation, the movement rule of movement, the rhythm is from "tense" to "relaxation" alternate cycle.


  5. IKEA shows to numerous Chinese enterprises that step-by-step expanding is the right way of doing business and the way to success.


  6. "I was tired, of course. But I felt proud when I saw the club come back to life, " said Zhang.


  7. My little finger and it is also developmental defects, long rough and short, how do I go to a few relaxation octave?


  8. I have a happy family. My name is Shenzhang Chi .


  9. Calculation of Ground-state Energy of Two-electron Atom by Elastic Coordinate Variational Method


  1. 张弛放大器

    relaxation amplifier.

  2. 张弛发生器

    relaxation generator.

  3. 磁张弛效应

    magnetic relaxation effect.

  4. 纵张弛时间

    longitudinal relaxation time.

  5. 横向张弛时间

    transverse resolution

  6. 转动张弛时间

    rotational relaxation time

  7. 有效张弛长度

    effective relaxation length

  8. 脉冲张弛放大器

    pulse relaxation amplifier

  9. 偶极张弛时间

    dipole relaxation time

  10. 自旋交换张弛

    spin exchange relaxation

  11. 张弛光谱测量学

    relaxation spectrometry

  12. 交叉张弛频谱学

    crossrelaxation spectroscopy

  13. 环甲关节运动与声带张弛的力学分析

    Mechanical analysis on the movement of cricothyroid joint and the tonicity of vocal cord

  14. 我就希望你是我的老板, 对我的管理张弛有度。

    I just wish you were my boss, keeping me on the straight and narrow.

  15. 具有初始层的张弛双曲系统解的渐近行为

    Asymptotic behavior of solutions to relaxation hyperbolic system with initial layer

  16. 合理把握、张弛有度的对待员工和酒店的发展。

    The General Manager practices a reasonable and balanced attitude toward his employees and hotel development.

  17. 导演张弛与监制艾未未都是众所周知的作家,艺术家。

    Director Zhang Chi and Producer Ai Weiwei are renowned writer and artist.

  18. 空气中小水滴和粒子得热张弛时间是非常短得。

    The thermal relaxation time of small drops and particles in air is quite short.

  19. 空气中小水滴和粒子的热张弛时间是非常短的。

    The thermal relaxation time of small drops and particles in air is quite short.

  20. 信风张弛对赤道东,西太平洋斜压扰动的影响研究

    The influence of relaxation of the trade winds on the baroclinic wave in equatorial eastern and western Pacific Ocean

  21. 成熟的女人会对给男人一些空间又能做到张弛有度。

    Mature women will give a man some space and he can be a degree of relaxation.

  22. 关于宝宝的性别及预产期, 张弛拒绝透露也不愿多做评论。

    Zhang declined to reveal or comment on the gender of the baby and its expected date of birth.


  1. 问:张弛振荡拼音怎么拼?张弛振荡的读音是什么?张弛振荡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:张弛振荡的读音是zhāng chí zhèn dàng,张弛振荡翻译成英文是 relaxation oscillation

  2. 问:张弛效应拼音怎么拼?张弛效应的读音是什么?张弛效应翻译成英文是什么?

    答:张弛效应的读音是,张弛效应翻译成英文是 relaxation effect

  3. 问:张弛标号拼音怎么拼?张弛标号的读音是什么?张弛标号翻译成英文是什么?

    答:张弛标号的读音是zhāng chí biāo hào,张弛标号翻译成英文是 relaxation labeling

  4. 问:张弛试验拼音怎么拼?张弛试验的读音是什么?张弛试验翻译成英文是什么?

    答:张弛试验的读音是zhāng chí shì yàn,张弛试验翻译成英文是 relaxation test

  5. 问:张弛长度拼音怎么拼?张弛长度的读音是什么?张弛长度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:张弛长度的读音是zhāng chí cháng dù,张弛长度翻译成英文是 relaxation length

  6. 问:张弛问题拼音怎么拼?张弛问题的读音是什么?张弛问题翻译成英文是什么?

    答:张弛问题的读音是zhāng chí wèn tí,张弛问题翻译成英文是 relaxation problem

  7. 问:张弛振荡器拼音怎么拼?张弛振荡器的读音是什么?张弛振荡器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:张弛振荡器的读音是zhāng chí zhèn dàng qì,张弛振荡器翻译成英文是 relaxation oscillator

  8. 问:张弛放大器拼音怎么拼?张弛放大器的读音是什么?张弛放大器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:张弛放大器的读音是zhāng chí fàng dà qì,张弛放大器翻译成英文是 relay amplifier

  9. 问:张弛测量器拼音怎么拼?张弛测量器的读音是什么?张弛测量器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:张弛测量器的读音是,张弛测量器翻译成英文是 relaxometer

  10. 问:张弛振荡器电路拼音怎么拼?张弛振荡器电路的读音是什么?张弛振荡器电路翻译成英文是什么?

    答:张弛振荡器电路的读音是zhāng chí zhèn dàng qì diàn lù,张弛振荡器电路翻译成英文是 relaxation oscillator circuit

  11. 问:张弛操作景物标号拼音怎么拼?张弛操作景物标号的读音是什么?张弛操作景物标号翻译成英文是什么?

    答:张弛操作景物标号的读音是zhāng chí cāo zuò jǐng wù biāo hào,张弛操作景物标号翻译成英文是 scene labeling by relaxation operations

  12. 问:张弛振荡器介电材料拼音怎么拼?张弛振荡器介电材料的读音是什么?张弛振荡器介电材料翻译成英文是什么?

    答:张弛振荡器介电材料的读音是zhāng chí zhèn dàng qì jiè diàn cái liào,张弛振荡器介电材料翻译成英文是 relaxer dielectric material



“张弛”是个多义词,它可以指张弛(亚洲保险教父), 张弛(国民党陆军中将), 张弛(官员), 张弛(材料化学专家), 张弛(怀化学院教师), 张弛(形象设计师), 张弛(副主任医师), 张弛(人民银行石家庄中心支行副研究员), 张弛(魔方比赛全国冠军), 张弛(北京律师), 张弛(黑龙江省人事厅原厅长), 张弛(华语艺人), 张弛(作家、政论家、美术评论家张弛), 张弛(科思瑞智市场调查公司董事), 张弛(商丘市人民政府副市长), 张弛(南京自由创业者), 张弛(清华大学材料系副研究员), 张弛(西南科技大学材料学院特聘教授), 张弛(大连理工大学副教授), 张弛(沈阳作家), 张弛(国画家,华东师范大学艺术研究所硕士生导师), 张弛(复旦大学附属中山医院骨科副主任医师), 张弛(漫画家), 张弛(徐州市贾汪区江庄镇党委副书记), 张弛(西南大学助教), 张弛(总装备部某部部长), 张弛(山东作家), 张弛(国家高级人物形象设计师)。

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