




与“内”、“里”相对:~边。~因。里应(yìng )~合。~行(háng )。不是自己这方面的:~国。~路(同“外地”)。~族。~省。~星人。指“外国”:~域。~宾。~商。称母亲、姐妹或女儿方面的亲戚:~公。~婆。~甥。称岳父母:~父。~姑……





汉语拼音:jú wài rén






  1. To show sign of private moral judgement was to have lost your soul, and, worse, to be a bit of an outsider.


  2. He took office as an outsider and man of the people.


  3. In fact, he was a bit of an outsider at school, not a popular boy.


  4. As an outsider, remember the past, do not know this is not a state of mind of a mature, or a secular extension?


  5. The best account of Kennan's life as an outsider on the inside is his own two-volume "Memoirs" .


  6. She was one of the first outsiders to say so.


  7. At the heart of this cautionary tale sits the cigar-chomping Mr Cayne, who revelled in his firm's image as Wall Street's scrappy outsider.


  8. This is just as a different character might have dreamt of making a dramatic century.


  9. "For many, land is at the heart of a nation's identity, and it is especially easy to raise emotions about outsiders when land is involved. "


  1. 局外人不得而知

    unknown to an outsider

  2. 他们是局外人

    They're outsiders.

  3. 我是局外人吗?

    I was an outsider it?

  4. 他们曾是局外人

    They were outsiders.

  5. 我一直是局外人

    I am always an outsider

  6. 局外人对此一无所知。

    Outside people know nothing about it.

  7. 是我的世界的局外人

    He was somebody who was outside of my world.

  8. 个中事局外人无从知晓。

    Outsiders have no way to know the inside story.

  9. 但我仍然是个局外人。

    but I was still an outsider.

  10. 他本来是一个局外人。

    He is used to being an outsider.

  11. 她想保持局外人的角色。

    She had thought to remain a bystander.

  12. 我突然感觉我是局外人了。

    I suddenly feel like I'm in a scene from the outsiders.

  13. 我反对被当作局外人看待。

    I object to being treated like an outsider.

  14. 我可从没当过局外人

    I mean, I have absolutely no outsider status.

  15. 我从未摆脱局外人的感觉。

    I have never taken off the feeling as a stranger.

  16. 所以我变成了一个局外人。

    So I learn to be an outsider.

  17. 我们就成了陌生的局外人。

    We've become strangers outside the system.

  18. 对于美国文化他是个局外人,

    He is an outsider to American culture.

  19. 炮火威胁到了无辜得局外人。

    The gunfire endangered innocent bystanders.

  20. 炮火威胁到了无辜的局外人。

    The gunfire endangered innocent bystanders.

  21. 这些活跃分子不想做局外人。

    These activists don't want to feel out of the loop.

  22. 第一节分析了局外人的特征。

    The first section gives an analysis of the features of the outsiders.

  23. 局外人对于估值总是非常保守。

    Outsiders take the valuations with a grain of salt.

  24. 局外人的蔑视是令人不可思议。

    The despite in which outsiders were held is legendary.

  25. 在联盟堡垒里待过的局外人

    have been inside the League's fortress.

  26. 他们就不在是局外人了,是吗?

    They're no longer really outside, are they?

  27. 这感觉很难跟局外人解释清。

    It's hard to explain to someone outside.

  28. 引一个局外人进来会是一个错误。

    It would be a mistake to bring in an outsider.

  29. 引一个局外人进来会是一个错误。

    It would be a mistake to bring in an outsider.

  30. 在社会问题上保持局外人的观点。

    remains on sidelines at social event.


  1. 问:局外人拼音怎么拼?局外人的读音是什么?局外人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:局外人的读音是júwàirén,局外人翻译成英文是 stranger; outsider

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