


给人东西同时从他那里取得别的东西:交~。对~。~工。~文。兑~。更改,变:变~。更(gēng )~。~马(喻撤换担负某项职务的人,含贬义)。~样。~气。~言之(换句话说)。……





汉语拼音:huàn rén






  1. There was one substitution left for us and I was really pleased when the coach told me to get ready.

  2. Had not the Peers too overwhelmingly expressed their preference for no change ?

  3. I don't think the change was the reason we lost a couple of goals - the bounce of the ball just went against us.

  4. Think of a situation in which a replacement of an associate was made due to a poor hiring decision.

  5. Change the negotiator: Call back the original negotiator and replace him with someone new. This allows you to start afresh.

  6. He would certainly be much happier if he was playing more but he understands the situation maybe more than when he was younger.

  7. One day, I will point at the heart, proud to tell you, here the substitution.

  8. He publically questioned that decision from his Coach and has earned the scorn of his tactician.

  9. This is your fault for bring on a left-back for our final sub - even if it was to replace one of the worst left-backs this club has seen.


  1. 正在换人。

    The team is changing players.

  2. 领导班子得换人。

    The leadership must be changed.

  3. 换人, 胡尔城。

    Nick Barmmidfielder replaces Geovanni.

  4. 换人,胡尔城。

    Nick Barmmidfielder replaces Geovanni.

  5. 换人,4号下,3号上。

    Substitution, No.3 for No.4.

  6. 换人,七号下,五号上。

    Substitution, No.5 for No.7.

  7. 换人三号下, 四号上。

    Substitution Player No. 4 for No. 3.

  8. 换人三号下,四号上。

    Substitution Player No. 4 for No. 3.

  9. 英国队的队长换人了。

    England's skipper has been replaced.

  10. 现在换人的话会失败的。

    We switch negotiators now and we risk losing that.

  11. 每局允许最多6次换人。

    A team is allowed a maximum of 6 substitutions per game.

  12. 你帮我换人,我就去自首。

    You help me make this trade, I will turn myself in.

  13. 你若非要换人,就自己找。

    If you want to get someone else, then you're on your own.

  14. 你若非要换人,就自己找。

    If you want to get someone else, then you're on your own.

  15. 篮球赛运动员犯规, 暂停, 换人牌


  16. 经理换人, 而我们又处不来。

    Management changed and we did not get along.

  17. 对足球比赛中换人问题的研究

    The Research of Substitution in Football Match

  18. 我的老板换人了,不过名声还在。

    My employers have changed but the name has remained.

  19. 这周的领先者到下周就可能换人。

    The frontrunner this week may change next week.

  20. 这次换人尝试让蓝军重装上阵。

    It was an attempt to spark the performance into life.

  21. 我可不觉得他们会同意换人这一招。

    I'm not so sure trading people's their thing.

  22. 如果他换人球队输球, 那就是他的错。

    If his substitution of players team loses the game, that is his mistake.

  23. 利物浦换人贝拉米入替克劳奇。

    Liverpool substitution Bellamy for Crouch.

  24. 比赛中,科萨三次离奇换人更让人惊诧。

    Competition, three Kosar change is even more bizarre surprised.

  25. 实际上,他感觉到球队的换人选择十分有限。

    In fact, he felt his team selection options were rather limited.

  26. 没有充分的理由,脚手架拆除过程中不可换人。

    Dont replace scaffolder during dismantle the scaffolding without justly reason.

  27. 发了一个高球!得分!换人换得正是时候!

    A lobbing service! Point! The right substitution at the right time.

  28. 他们接受了另外一家频频换人的公司的聘用。

    They have accepted an offer from another firm with a busy revolving door.

  29. 但是换人还未见起色, 米兰就取得了领先。

    But it failed spark Celtic as Milan took the lead shortly after.

  30. 你要是不尽力做好你的工作, 我们便换人做你的事。

    Either you pull your weight or we replace yon.


  1. 问:换人拼音怎么拼?换人的读音是什么?换人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:换人的读音是huànrén,换人翻译成英文是 substitution

  2. 问:换人上场拼音怎么拼?换人上场的读音是什么?换人上场翻译成英文是什么?

    答:换人上场的读音是huàn rén shàng chǎng,换人上场翻译成英文是 in

  3. 问:换人下场拼音怎么拼?换人下场的读音是什么?换人下场翻译成英文是什么?

    答:换人下场的读音是huàn rén xià chǎng,换人下场翻译成英文是 out

  4. 问:换人违例拼音怎么拼?换人违例的读音是什么?换人违例翻译成英文是什么?

    答:换人违例的读音是huàn rén wéi lì,换人违例翻译成英文是 illegal substitution

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