


1. 票 [piào]2. 票 [piāo]票 [piào]纸币,通货:钞~。~子。~额。印的或写的凭证:~据。~证。股~。车~。选~。非职业演戏:~戏。~友。量词,相当于“批”:一~货物。被匪绑架做抵押的人:绑~儿。撕~儿。票 [piāo……





汉语拼音:piào xuǎn






  1. 投票选举。如:代表应以票选方式产生。



  1. Both the centre-right, which lost its majority but stayed in power, and the left-wing opposition, vowed to have nothing to do with it.


  2. Steven Gerrard today spoke of his delight at being voted Footballer of the Year by the Football Writers' Association.


  3. Last month CNN's arts and culture program, icon, asked you to vote for your top five most iconic musicians of all time.


  4. Now that outcome is looking less likely. Although the Conservatives started the year with a healthy poll lead, it has been narrowing.


  5. At that time there was no question of voting anything other than Republican.


  6. But on current polling, the likelihood of a hung parliament, in which no party has an outright majority, is increasing.


  7. Even with no prizes or voting, I would have won this completion from the laughs I got while competing. I'd play again in a heartbeat.


  8. After they began to fire on protesters on the day before the run-off, Nigerian UN troops physically restrained them.


  9. Wayne Rooney has been voted ManUtd. com Man of the Match for his commanding display in the 3-0 win over Liverpool on Sunday.


  1. 他被票选为总统。

    He was voted in as a president.

  2. 观众票选年度电玩设计师

    Viewers Choice Designer of the Year

  3. 票选的结果,我们投票选的她。

    It's an elected position. we voted for her.

  4. 票选的结果,我们投票选的她。

    It's an elected position. we voted for her.

  5. 公司让用户票选多种类型的新闻

    Digg to allow users to vote for many types of news Digg

  6. 华尔街才刚刚票选他成为年度风云人物。

    Wall Street had just voted him Man of the Year.

  7. 这曾被票选为英国最不适合生活的地方

    It was voted the worst place in Britain to live.

  8. 它会像近年的大众偶像的票选那样缺乏理性吗?

    Will it be as irrational as the recent year's votes of Pop Idol

  9. 第23届旧金山亚裔影展,观众票选最佳剧情片

    The Audience Award for Best Narrative Feature at the 23rd San Francisco International Asian American Film Festival in the United States

  10. 新反对党领袖托尼?艾伯特在女性选民中票选很低。

    Tony Abbott, the latest opposition leader, rates poorly with women voters.

  11. 民意调查显示其票选在拥有21个投票团得宾州落后。

    Polls show McCain behind in the state that has19 electoral votes.

  12. 民意调查显示其票选在拥有21个投票团的宾州落后。

    Polls show McCain behind in the state that has21 electoral votes.

  13. 如果举行票选, 沙坑一定荣登校园最受欢迎之地的榜首。

    If they had a vote, the mud puddle would definitely be at the top of the hit parade.

  14. 他以10万张的相对多数票轻而易举地获选。

    He breezed in with an election plurality of 100,000.

  15. 需要多少张选举人票才可以被选为总统?

    How many electoral votes are needed be elected president ?

  16. 我想我会投吉米布朗的票,而不选那个詹姆斯利兰。

    I think Ill vote for Jimmy Brown instead of the other guy James Leland.

  17. 我们希望一人一票选特首。

    We want one man, one vote for the chief executive elections.

  18. 他以四十票对七票之多数被选为我们的班长。

    He was elected president of our class by a majority of forty votes against seven.

  19. 通往世界首选得通行票。

    Ton billet en 1 ere direction l'univers.

  20. 我们在为共和党候选人拉票助选。

    We are canvasing for the Republican candidate.

  21. 他以多出200万的票数轻易获选。

    He breezed in with an election plurality of 2,000,000.

  22. 我谁也不想选, 干脆投了个白票。

    To me, no one was suitable, so I didn't cast a vote.

  23. 我谁也不想选,干脆投了个白票。

    To me, no one was suitable, so I didn't cast a vote.

  24. 地域, 宗族势力仍有影响, 贿选, 拉票现象继续存在

    influences of the region and clan forces resulting in the existing bribery and canvass

  25. 普京说,他不需要靠灌票就能选上总统。

    He said he can be elected president without ballot stuffing.

  26. 选举结束时的票数让这个侯选人认输了。

    The candidate conceded after enough votes had come in to show that he would lose.

  27. 选举结束时得票数让这个侯选人认输了。

    The candidate conceded after enough votes had come in to show that he would lose.

  28. 但是选举官员说票选表还没有完成且仍处于初级阶段。

    However, election officials say tabulations have not been completed and are preliminary.

  29. 在剩下的选战中,她无论如何都不可能胜出小奥50万票。

    But the states remaining cannot deliver her a net gain of 500, 000.

  30. 上个赛季的票选库普切克输给了波士顿的安吉获得第二。

    Kupchak finished second last season to Boston's Ainge.


  1. 问:票选拼音怎么拼?票选的读音是什么?票选翻译成英文是什么?

    答:票选的读音是piàoxuǎn,票选翻译成英文是 to choose by voting.; Often used to refer to an...



piào xuǎn ㄆㄧㄠˋ ㄒㄨㄢˇ 票选 投票选举 投票选举。如:代表应以票选方式产生。

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