


就是:知识~力量。当时或当地:~日。~刻。~席。~景。在~。~兴(xìng )。就,便:黎明~起。假如,倘若:~使。~便(biàn )。~或。~令。靠近:不~不离。到,开始从事:~位。……



1. 便 [biàn]2. 便 [pián]便 [biàn]顺利,没有困难或阻碍:~当。~利。~道。~民。简单的,礼节上非正式的:~宴。~衣。~函(形式比较简便的信件)。简~。~宜。随~(适当地,看事实需要而自行处理事情)。便利的时候:~中……



汉语拼音:jí biàn







  1. 立即。

    《三国志·蜀志·谯周传》:“ 亮 卒於敌庭, 周 在家闻问,即便奔赴。” 金 董解元 《西厢记诸宫调》卷七:“不敢住时霎,即便待离京华。”《儿女英雄传》第三回:“ 梁材 候老爷的信写完、封妥,收拾了当,即便起身。”

  2. 即使。

    《剪灯新话·三山福地志》:“今为三盃薄酒所卖,即便不出一言,吾等何所望也。”《老残游记续集遗稿》第三回:“即便一宿不睡,我也不困,谈谈最好。” 杨朔 《三千里江山》第七段:“这种语言,在远离国土的时候,远远听见一句,即便听不真,光从音节语调上,就觉得特别亲切、特别好听。”



  1. Even so, we're going to go out on a limb here to say that this shift will go unnoticed by our media brethren.


  2. Even now it is not too late for a minister with a bit of bottle to abolish this sports subsidy racket.


  3. I'm getting in far too deep, I feel them closing inI've got to say that I'm scared, I know they'll win Even so, I'm prepared.


  4. The dichotomous nature of Easter and its symbols, however, is not necessarily a modern fabrication.


  5. Even in the Middle East, where oil is relatively easy to extract, it will be harder to get out of the ground.


  6. Site optimization is far from business stand to be ranked on the matter was OK, even if the enterprise Station.


  7. Even so, the effect was to force many would-be makers of electric-vehicles to abandon their efforts, or to adopt inferior solutions instead.


  8. Even so, business has always been a popular major among undergraduates.


  9. A lot. Just being here, even if I' m only playing a few games makes me a bigger player and instils me with more confidence.


  1. 即便他稳定下来

    Even if he stabilizes.

  2. 即便是少量流失

    even if there's a tiny exodus.

  3. 即便诸神赐福。

    Even with the gods'blessing.

  4. 即便你搬去洛杉矶

    Even if you had moved to L. A.

  5. 即便如此,他很年轻

    That said, he's young.

  6. 即便他人并不理解

    even if other people don't understand it.

  7. 即便是这样, 绝对地。

    Erich Gamma Even there, absolutely.

  8. 即便是这样,绝对地。

    Erich Gamma Even there, absolutely.

  9. 即便有错也不多。

    There are few, if any, mistakes.

  10. 即便是飞船上的科技

    Even the ship's technology.

  11. 即便我们活着出去了

    even if we make it out of here alive.

  12. 即便我们赔偿他的保险

    It's a malpractice suit waiting to happen.

  13. 即便你认为自己脱身了

    And just when you think you're in the clear.

  14. 即便你认为自己脱身了。

    And just when you think you're in the clear.

  15. 龟得水已,即便走去。

    Once in water, the turtle swam away.

  16. 即便是岁月蹉跎,颜容消磨。

    As they melt the years away.

  17. 小家伙即便睡觉也不安生。

    The kid is restless even in sleep.

  18. 即便他们每月支付30美金。

    even though they've been paying 28 dollars a month.

  19. 即便我本该是那样子

    Even if it's. what I should have been.

  20. 即便这样,也别往外看。

    Even so, don't look outside.

  21. 即便我不停地吓唬你

    even when I try to psych you out of it.

  22. 即便他可以如约履行协定。

    Even if he's able to honor his end of the deal.

  23. 即便音盲是不存在的

    The tone deaf people, they're no longer here.

  24. 即便出现了机器人和自动化。

    in spite of robots and automation.

  25. 即便他怎么说了,他也知道

    Even he said that, and he would know.

  26. 你看见, 即便它们也有苦。

    And you see that even they are stressful.

  27. 即便你不帮我打开保险柜

    Even if you don't open the safe.

  28. 即便如此,我们无疑处于下风。

    Even so there is no doubt we are the poorer for it.

  29. 即便活着, 也已四方飘零。

    Wenn es noch lebt, irrt in der Welt zerstreuet.

  30. 即便是朋友有时也有分歧。

    Even friends disagree sometimes.


  1. 问:即便拼音怎么拼?即便的读音是什么?即便翻译成英文是什么?

    答:即便的读音是jíbiàn,即便翻译成英文是 even if




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