




1. 说 [shuō]2. 说 [shuì]3. 说 [yuè]说 [shuō]用话来表达意思:~话。~明。演~。解~。介绍:~合(a.从中介绍;b.商议;c.说和。“合”均读轻声)。~媒。言论,主张:学~。著书立~。责备:数~。文体的一种……



汉语拼音:jí shuō






  1. 汇集对某一古籍的诸家解说,断以己意。

    《四库全书总目提要·礼三·礼记正义》:“自 明 永乐 中敕修《礼记大全》,始废 郑 注,改用 陈澔 集説。”



  1. What was the last episode all about?


  1. 耶鲁学生说这集对入学过程的描写都是错的,而且不准确。

    Yale students said that the show's portrayal of the admissions process was completely false and inaccurate.

  2. 他说他公司需要一本新的摄影集。

    He said they need a new book of photographs.

  3. 从根本上说, 命名集就是指定了别名的集表达式。

    Basically, a named set is a set expression to which an alias has been assigned.

  4. 我在大学的时候就看了第一集, 不过没搞懂它在说什么。

    Susan I watched Matrix I when I was still in college, but I just failed to understand it.

  5. 之后他还会打说,你们什么时候拍完第五季第一集的?

    Later, he was also asked, When are you going to finish filming the first episode of season five?

  6. 记住我们说过这个规则是适用于大草原上灵长类得群集。

    Remember when we said it was a technique appropriate to a pack of primates in the savannah

  7. 我说交集。

    I say, intersectionality.

  8. 说戏曲别集

    A discussion of special collections of individual playwrights.

  9. 当今重要演说集。

    Vital Speeches of the Day.

  10. 他每集开始都这么说。

    He says that at the start of every episode.

  11. 说 的对。我的美国写真集不赖。

    You're right. My Family Album, U.S.A.feels right.

  12. 说 得对。我得美国写真集不赖。

    You're right. My Family Album, U. S. A. feels right.

  13. 上一集说的都是什么来着?

    What was the last episode all about?

  14. 惊喜交集, 她几乎说不出话来。

    Between astonishment and joy, she could hardly say a word.

  15. 导演本人说确定不会再有续集了。

    There wont be a sequel confirm from the Director himself.

  16. 演说集篇篇都是这种耀武扬威, 自吹自擂。

    Thereis the same swagger and boastfulness running through the whole of the speeches.

  17. 她惊喜交集,一句话也说不出来。

    Both astonishment and joy, she could hardly say a word.

  18. 说刚刚上演了13号星期五的续集吗

    What? The friday the 11th sequel that just happened?

  19. 她说, 众星采象, 经她之手集之大成!

    She said that as a symbol of power and mining, set by her hands successes!

  20. 说到底,这次画展只是又多了一本画集而已。

    In the end it is just another anthology.

  21. 新的地形已补充说,与地形瓦集重做。

    New terrains have been added, and terrain tile sets redone.

  22. 新得地形已补充说,与地形瓦集重做。

    New terrains have been added, and terrain tile sets redone.

  23. 说实话,我认为这一集的内容不怎么好笑。

    To tell the truth, I thought the content of this episode is not so funny.

  24. 对我来说,他集兄长,朋友和监护人于一身。

    To me, he is brother, friend and guardian all in one.

  25. 我将努力让中集集团莱佛士延续美名。麦说。

    I will strive to repeat that at CIMC Raffles, Mai says.

  26. 这里老外云集,可以说是一个地道的地球村的缩影。

    Yangshuo, which is known as the miniature of the world, gathered foreigners from all over the world.

  27. 该调查汇集了在我们所有的二分法伯曼说。

    This survey highlights the dichotomy in all of us, Berman said.

  28. 说到这影集,真是正耶!他们总是走在流行前端耶!

    LuLu Talking bout the show, its really cool and hip! Theyve always fashionwise.

  29. 全部地理学可说是第一本地图集和地名辞典。

    The entire Geographia is the first atlas and gazetteer.

  30. 如果只实现了标准的子集, 也能说该实现是兼容的么?

    Can an implementation be compliant even if it implements a subset of the standard

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