









汉语拼音:jué mù rén






  1. If I were a gravedigger, or even a hangman, there are some people I can work for with a great deal of pleasure.


  2. The grave digger laughs as if the destruction of Athens is a joke .


  3. The grave digger for the prison. I need you to reach out to him.


  4. For Ruan Ji, Cao's regime was only a grave whose own diggers had been produced by itself.


  5. Think of the Dane's endless puns and the extraordinary scene between Hamlet and the clown who also doubles as a gravedigger.


  6. The gravedigger was happy too. In a short period, he had dug two graves, so his business was finally back on track and his bad luck over.


  7. Thus did man become the architect of his own demise.


  8. Shakespeare's play "Hamlet" , it is usual for an actor to double the first grave digger with the spirit of Hamlet's father.


  9. Richard Rorty is a gravedigger of the objectivism tradition of the western philosophy.


  1. 掘墓人把墓穴填上。

    The grave digger filled the grave.

  2. 我可是个可怜的掘墓人啊。

    I'm a poor gravedigger.

  3. 至此,人类开始成为自己的掘墓人。

    Thus did man become the architect of his own demise.

  4. 旁白至此,人类开始成为自己的掘墓人。

    Narrator Thus did man become the architect of his own demise.

  5. 资产阶级首先生产的是它自身的掘墓人。

    What the bourgeoisie, therefore, produces, above all, is its own gravediggers.

  6. 在长期看来, 他是金氏王朝的掘墓人。

    He is digging his regime in for the long term.

  7. 掘墓人现在,你可得快点儿,雅典需要你。

    Grave Digger But for now, you must hurry, Athens needs you.

  8. 罗蒂是西方哲学客观主义传统的掘墓人。

    Richard Rorty is a gravedigger of the objectivism tradition of the western philosophy.

  9. 发展应该成为贸易谈判和全球化的掘墓人。

    Development should become the gravamen of trade negotiations and globalization.

  10. 掘墓人啊,奎托斯,还不算太晚,我也是刚刚挖好。

    Grave Digger Ah, Kratos, and not a moment too soon, I only finished digging just a moment ago.

  11. 掘墓人笑着,好像雅典的毁灭对于他来说只是一个玩笑。

    The grave digger laughs as if the destruction of Athens is a joke.

  12. 掘墓人笑着,好像雅典得毁灭对于他来说只是一个玩笑。

    The grave digger laughs as if the destruction of Athens is a joke.

  13. 带着对这个墓穴的好奇心,克瑞托斯试图跟掘墓人再次谈话。

    Out of curiousity about the grave, Kratos tries speaking with the grave digger again.

  14. 我是个穷掘墓人!

    I'm a poor gravedigger.

  15. 至此, 人类开始成为自己得掘墓人。

    Thus did man become the architect of his own demise.

  16. 那个监狱掘墓人你得和他联系上。

    The grave digger for the prison. I need you to reach out to him.

  17. 罗蒂是西方哲学客观主义传统得掘墓人。

    Richard Rorty is a gravedigger of the objectivism tradition of the western philosophy.

  18. 掘墓者挖掘坟墓的人

    One that digs graves.

  19. 掘墓工作很可能在三月份土地解冻时开始。

    Exhumations are to begin when the ground thaws, probably in March.

  20. 靠掘墓维持生计的人

    a person who earns a living by digging graves

  21. 把生命赐给已埋葬在墓中的人。

    Grant life bestow upon buried in the grave centers people.

  22. 我们自掘坟墓, 这更让人难以忍受。

    It is harder to bear, when we ourselves supply the means of our own destruction.

  23. 我乃溺水人之墓。它是种田人的。

    There is a drowned man's tomb.

  24. 这些妇女是最后在十字架下, 也是最后留在基督墓前的人。

    The women were at the cross, and last at the tomb of Christ.

  25. 老饕用牙掘墓。

    Greedy eater dig their grave with their teeth.

  26. 我一人如何掘得开坟墓?且和石道姑商量则个。

    But, how can I open the grave by myself? I had better consult with Abbess Shih.

  27. 一个没有鲜花的墓就好像这个人已经被遗忘了。

    A grave without any flowers looks like the person has been forgotten.

  28. 我们的骨头散在墓旁, 好像人耕田, 刨地的土块。

    Our bones are scattered at the grave's mouth, as when one cutteth and cleaveth wood upon the earth.

  29. 他是一个公墓的守墓人。

    A maintenance man in a cemetery.

  30. 人归坟墓寻常事, 墓中返回无一人。

    Neither is there any man know to have returned from the grave.


  1. 问:掘墓人拼音怎么拼?掘墓人的读音是什么?掘墓人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:掘墓人的读音是juémùrén,掘墓人翻译成英文是 gravedigger; the person who digs graves to bury t...



“掘墓人”是个多义词,它可以指掘墓人(钟汉良主演电影), 掘墓人(汉语词汇)。

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