







汉语拼音:yóu mù







  1. 居无定处,从事畜牧。

    《新唐书·西域传下·大食》:“居 你訶温多城 ,宜马羊,俗柔宽,故 大食 常游牧於此。” 清 魏源 《圣武记》卷八:“天下有城郭之国,有游牧之国,有舟楫之国。” 范文澜 蔡美彪 等《中国通史》第二编第六章第一节:“ 鲜卑 拓跋 部一向在北荒游牧。”

  2. 从事畜牧,不定居的。

    清 陈其元 《庸闲斋随笔·三教增为五教》:“ 青海 二十九旗, 喀尔喀 八十一旗, 蒙古 游牧五十九旗, 滇 蜀 边番数十土司,皆敬奉焉。”



  1. Like Silla, Parhae was a tributary state of Tang-dynasty China. IT traded wITh the nomadic tribes of the north and wITh China and Japan.


  2. Those nomadic Wanderers usually makes me nervous, because you never know if they'll wind up in any sort of useful position.


  3. Financially comfortable, the family lived something of a nomadic existence in Europe, Venezuela and the United States.


  4. Identification on me. I don't know why I sort of carry that from that memory of his, the way he died.


  5. The nomads are taking their camels to graze in areas where they've never been able to graze before.


  6. The Great Wall, you know, was constructed in ancient times to guard against invasion by nomadic tribes from the north.


  7. Would pack up and go . And there was this kind of sense of the nomad in him .


  8. There's always a bit of the nomad inside a Sagittarian, and that is a very lovable quality in you.


  9. He never forgot his origins among the desert wanderers and cattlemen.


  1. 游牧人口定居

    nomadic population settlement

  2. 蒙古族游牧文化

    Mongolian nomadic culture

  3. 一些游牧民族

    in the New Guinea Highlands and the Amazon Rainforest.

  4. 不游牧的,不流浪的。

    Not nomadic or wandering.

  5. 斯基泰游牧艺术

    Skeat nomadic art

  6. 拉班是游牧民族。

    Laban was a nomad.

  7. 游牧女之歌

    Tales of a female nomad.

  8. 西方文明基于游牧文明。

    Western culture was based on nomad culture.

  9. 游牧的部落或群体

    A nomadic tribe or group

  10. 游牧生活艰苦又危险。

    The nomad life is rough and hazardous.

  11. 蒙古游牧民族的成员。

    a member of the nomadic peoples of Mongolia.

  12. 中亚的游牧民

    the nomads of Central Asia

  13. 北方游牧民族的悍剑。

    Its northern nomads welded Jian.

  14. 游牧者没有定居处。

    The nomads have no habitation.

  15. 只有游牧民族居住的草原

    the grasslands peopled only by nomadic tribes

  16. 敖包、文化记忆与游牧社会

    Obo、 Cultural Memory and Pastoral Nomadic Society

  17. 这是一支蒙古游牧部落。

    This is a Mongol nomadic tribe.

  18. 游牧部落在这些荒漠上游牧。

    Nomadic tribes wander these deserts.

  19. 这个民族仍然过着游牧生活。

    This tribe still live a nomadic life.

  20. 这个民族仍然过着游牧生活。

    This tribe still live a nomadic life.

  21. 這個數字還略少於 這個強大的游牧民族。

    you would still have fewer people than belong to this great floating tribe.

  22. 贝督因人通常过游牧生活。

    Bedouins often lead a nomadic life.

  23. 在天地间过着游牧的生活。

    In between heaven and earth lived a nomadic life.

  24. 秦汉北方游牧民族冠帽谈薮

    About Hats of Northern Nomadic Tribes during Qin and Han Times

  25. 游牧的阿拉伯人并不耕种。

    The nomadic Arabs did not farm.

  26. 沙漠游牧者严格节制的生活

    A desert nomads austere life.

  27. 试论游牧文化对词的产生的影响

    On an influence on word creation of nomadic culture

  28. 游牧部落的多数男子腰都粗壮。

    Most of the men in the wandering tribes have big waists.

  29. 游牧部落得多数男子腰都粗壮。

    Most of the men in the wandering tribes have big waists.

  30. 城镇居民轻视和诈骗游牧民。

    The townsmen despise and cheat the nomads.


  1. 问:游牧拼音怎么拼?游牧的读音是什么?游牧翻译成英文是什么?

    答:游牧的读音是yóumù,游牧翻译成英文是 live a nomadic life

  2. 问:游牧地拼音怎么拼?游牧地的读音是什么?游牧地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:游牧地的读音是,游牧地翻译成英文是 nomadically

  3. 问:游牧的拼音怎么拼?游牧的的读音是什么?游牧的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:游牧的的读音是,游牧的翻译成英文是 nomadic

  4. 问:游牧动物拼音怎么拼?游牧动物的读音是什么?游牧动物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:游牧动物的读音是yóu mù dòng wù,游牧动物翻译成英文是 animalia vagantia

  5. 问:游牧民族拼音怎么拼?游牧民族的读音是什么?游牧民族翻译成英文是什么?

    答:游牧民族的读音是,游牧民族翻译成英文是 Nomad

  6. 问:游牧部落拼音怎么拼?游牧部落的读音是什么?游牧部落翻译成英文是什么?

    答:游牧部落的读音是yóu mù bù luò,游牧部落翻译成英文是 nomad group

  7. 问:游牧放牧制拼音怎么拼?游牧放牧制的读音是什么?游牧放牧制翻译成英文是什么?

    答:游牧放牧制的读音是yóumùfàngmùzhì,游牧放牧制翻译成英文是 nomadic pastoralism

  8. 问:游牧美术馆拼音怎么拼?游牧美术馆的读音是什么?游牧美术馆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:游牧美术馆的读音是,游牧美术馆翻译成英文是 Nomadic Museum




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