


1. 分 [fēn]2. 分 [fèn]分 [fēn]区划开:~开。划~。~野(划分的范围)。~界。~明。条~缕析。~解。由整体中取出或产生出一部分:~发。~忧。~心劳神。由机构内独立出的部分:~会。~行(háng )。散,离:~裂。~离。……









汉语拼音:fēn wǒ bēi gēng






  • 【解释】:羹:肉汁。楚、汉相争时,刘邦答项羽的话。比喻从别人那里分享一分利益。
  • 【出自】:《史记·项羽本纪》:“吾翁即若翁,必欲烹而翁,则幸分我一杯羹。”
  • 【语法】:动宾式;作谓语、状语;比喻从他人那里分享一分利益


  1. na.
  2. Give me a cup of broth -- have a share of ...;share a bowl of flesh soup;take a share in sth.

  1. 她在创建一个新的企业并且答应分一杯羹给我。

    She's starting a new business and has promised me a piece of the action.

  2. 我可以给我的信徒分一杯羹

    I can share a taste. with my faithful.

  3. 我若能分一杯羹, 才出钱参与这一计划。

    I'm only putting money into this scheme if I get a slice of the action.

  4. 我想,你该也让我参加,分一杯羹吧,兄弟。

    I'm thinking you should let me get in on that, man.

  5. 有啊,所以我才分到了一杯羹。

    Yes! That's how I got profit participation.

  6. 不要申诉,我可以让你分一杯羹。

    Don't file it and I'll let you in.

  7. 我们需要分一杯羹。

    We need a piece of that.

  8. 我们若不能分一杯羹。

    If we don't get a piece of that action.

  9. 他们开始想多分一杯羹。

    They want a bigger piece of the pie.

  10. 激光科学家也想分一杯羹。

    Laser scientists want a slice of this action.

  11. 你想和我分吃一杯草莓奶昔吗

    Do you want to share a strawberry smoothie?

  12. 不仅仅是运动员想分一杯羹。

    It's not only the players who want a piece of the action.

  13. 不仅仅是运动员想分一杯羹。

    It's not only the players who want a piece of the action.

  14. 人人都想从冷战中分一杯羹

    The Cold War's up for grabs.

  15. 大家都想从候选人那儿分一杯羹。

    Everybody wants a piece of the candidate.

  16. 但现在, 任何人都可以分一杯羹了。

    Now anyone can get a piece of the action.

  17. 我们猜你可能想是该分一杯羹。

    We figured you might want a piece of that pie.

  18. 然而, 还有个人要跟上述公司分一杯羹。

    These firms, however, have one other competitor.

  19. 在伦敦所有的诈骗和盗窃案中分一杯羹。

    In every dirty bent and stolen pie in london.

  20. 传统的硬件公司也想从软件产业分一杯羹。

    Old hardware companies want a slice of the software sashimi.

  21. 大群海豹特别在这时候来大浅滩 要分一杯羹

    Herds of seals come up to the Grand Banks specially at this time to share in the bonanza.

  22. 如果你拥有成功的业务,许多人也会想分一杯羹。

    If you have a successful business, many others want a share.

  23. 而其他州也在努力从这个行业的发展中分一杯羹。

    Other states are scrambling to capture a piece of the industry as well.

  24. 如果资本回报很高,那么新的公司就会过来分一杯羹。

    If returns on capital are high, then new companies will emerge to take advantage of this.

  25. 首先,总体利润很丰盛,能分一杯羹也是一件挺好的事。

    First, there has been a lot of crap being made, so a little cutting of the fat could actually be a good thing.

  26. 他饥渴万分地把我给他的那杯水喝完了。

    I gave him a glass of water and he drank it thirstily.

  27. 但我一分钱也没有, 连买杯啤酒都不够。

    But I ain't got a cent, not even enough to buy me a glass of beer.

  28. 他们给我调制了一杯十分奇特的饮料。

    They gave me a very strange concoction to drink.

  29. 给我一杯苏格兰威士忌和一本好书,我就会感到十分幸福了。

    Just give me a glass of Scotch and a good book and I'm a happy man.

  30. 请帮我点一杯大杯咖啡二分牛奶不加糖。

    Please order me a large coffee with extra milk and no sugar.

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