







汉语拼音:ēn rén







  1. 对自己有大恩情的人。

    明 高明 《琵琶记·义仓赈济》:“恩人相见,分外眼明;仇人相见,分外眼睁。”《水浒传》第四回:“若非恩人垂救,怎能够有今日!”《儒林外史》第十三回:“ 娄 府两公子将五两银子送了侠客,与他报谢恩人。” 袁鹰 《悲欢·深深的怀念》:“醒来不见恩人面,眼泪汪汪喉咙哽。”



  1. The idol never wishes to see before him the sculptor who shaped him, nor does the benefited wishes to his benefit or always before him eyes.


  2. Her peace did not please him, her marriage pleased him less, and he had been furious at being deceived by the Dornishmen.


  3. I said he was my friend, I always thought that he was unworthy of his, so dare not to express.


  4. 'You were the half savior of my life. You forget saving a little girl when you were a boy. It was me. '


  5. i may have been born to be a benefactor to you , by sometimes giving you an opportunity of assisting me in my little perplexities.


  6. Walt and I are ultimately depending on the jet now - more so than normal - and she seems to know it.


  7. The Brethren are a quiet folk, With time to think of others. They do not boast of what they do For some who are not brothers.


  8. Their savior, whom Harry now recognized as the Hog's Head's barman, was the only person not wearing a hood.


  9. You've been a lifesaver. Thank you for your time.


  1. 人类的恩人

    a benefactor of mankind.

  2. 还是救命恩人?

    Saved you from drowning?

  3. 俨然以恩人自居

    assume the airs of a benefactor

  4. 你是我的恩人。

    You are my benefactress.

  5. 你真是一位恩人。

    You really are a Boo

  6. 他是我的大恩人。

    He is my saviour.

  7. 他是我的大恩人。

    He is my saviour (UK)/ savior (US).

  8. 你是我之救命恩人。

    You are my lifesaver.

  9. 我怎能背叛我的恩人?

    How can I betray my benefactor ?

  10. 我怎能背叛我得恩人?

    How can I betray my benefactor ?

  11. 出于他对恩人的感激

    From his gratitude to his benefactor.

  12. 这所孤儿院有许多恩人。

    This orphanage has many benefactors.

  13. 植物是我们朋友和恩人。

    So plants are our benefactors and friends.

  14. 你是我终生感激的恩人!

    I owe you all my life!

  15. 你当他是你恩人之一吗?

    Do you rate him among your benefactors?

  16. 亲爱的,这是我的救命恩人

    Honey, this is my guy.

  17. 我的天,你真是救命恩人。

    Oh, my God, you are a lifesaver.

  18. 我的天,你真是救命恩人。

    Oh, my God, you are a lifesaver.

  19. 再说他还是你的救命恩人。

    After all he was your savior.

  20. 他把老人看作他的救命恩人。

    He thought of the old man as his lifesaver.

  21. 它们有时会充当恩人的角色。

    This is sometimes in the role of benefactor.

  22. 我认为他是我的一个恩人。

    I rate him among my benefactors.

  23. 天主保佑您,我的慷慨的恩人!

    May God requite it to you, my generous benefactor! said Jondrette.

  24. 他到长滩去感谢他的恩人。

    He went to long beach to thank his benefactor.

  25. 安不应该这样谈论她的恩人。

    It ill behoves Anne to speak thus of her benefactor.

  26. 一个苦役犯居然是他的恩人!

    A convict was his benefactor!

  27. 你是我恩人,我怎么会偷你的钱?

    You saved my life, why should I steal your money?

  28. 别把你救命恩人的名字忘了。

    Don't forget the name of the man who saved you.

  29. 伊努斯为救命恩人赎回女儿。

    Inuse happened to see her and redeemed her back to her father.

  30. 乔丹娜,你是我的救命恩人,谢谢你。

    Oh, Jordana, you are a lifesaver. Thank you.


  1. 问:恩人拼音怎么拼?恩人的读音是什么?恩人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:恩人的读音是ēnrén,恩人翻译成英文是 benefactor



基本解释 [benefactor] 对自己有大恩的人;给予帮助或施恩惠者 救命恩人 详细解释 对自己有大恩情的人。 明 高明 《琵琶记·义仓赈济》:“恩人相见,分外眼明;仇人相见,分外眼睁。”《水浒传》第四回:“若非恩人垂救,怎能够有今日!”《儒林外史》第十三回:“ 娄 府两公子将五两银子送了侠客,与他报谢恩人。” 袁鹰 《悲欢·深深的怀念》:“醒来不见恩人面,眼泪汪汪喉咙哽。”

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