


较量高低、长短、远近、好坏等:~赛。~附。对~。评~。能够相匹:今非昔~。无与伦~。表示比赛双方胜负的对比:三~二。表示两个数字之间的倍数、分数等关系:~例。~值。譬喻,摹拟:~如。~方。~兴(xìng )(文学写作的两种手法。“比”是譬喻……


圈子,环绕:~围。~天。~转(zhuǎn )。~匝(a.环绕;b.周到)。普遍、全面:~身。~延。~全。~游。时期的一轮,亦特指一个星期:~岁。~年。~期。~星(十二年)。上~。完备:~到。~密。~详。~正(端正)。~折(事情进行不顺利)。……



汉语拼音:bǐ zhōu








  1. 结党营私。

    《管子·立政》:“羣徒比周之説胜,则贤不肖不分。”《后汉书·朱穆传论》:“ 朱穆 见比周伤义,偏党毁俗,志抑朋游之私,遂著《絶交》之论。” 宋 王禹偁 《寄状元孙学士何》诗:“久居臺阁多忧畏,欲荐贤才涉比周。” 章炳麟 《代议然否论》:“司法不为元首陪属,其长官与总统敌体……虽总统有罪,得逮治罢黜,所以防比周也。”

  2. 集结;联合。

    《韩非子·初见秦》:“天下又比周而军 华 下。” 明 刘若愚 《酌中志·忧危竑议后记》:“且復有 郑妃 与 陈矩 朝夕比周於帝前,以为之主,共举大事,何谓无成?”

  3. 亲近。




  1. The Ji clan was even wealthier than a Zhouduke, and yet Ran Qiu helped them impose a land tax and add further to that wealth.


  1. 实际上我认为它比本周名列榜首的还好。

    I think it's much better than this week's number one in fact.

  2. 周五晚上赴一次舒心的约会要比一周去相五次亲好的多。

    It's far better to go on one comfortable date on a Friday night than five blind coffee dates during the week.

  3. 表明, 核周微丝可能比周质微丝对毒素的作用抗性更强。

    The actin filaments in the perinuclear region showed more resistance to VDtoxin than the cortical ones.

  4. 他心中一定有件比两周后被绞死还要令他专注的事。

    There must be something that concentrates the mind even more wonderfully than the prospect of being hanged in a fortnight.

  5. 这周得课比上周得更加枯燥无味。

    This week's class was duller than last.

  6. 经过几场周中比赛后,英超排名前几位没有发生变化。

    After several midweek games the top of the Premiership remains unchanged.

  7. 周中德比战曼联一个重大的损失有机会出战维拉。

    One of United's main casualties from the midweek derby is in contention to face Aston Villa this weekend.

  8. 科比周三将上场,我周一得到了这个消息。

    Kobe Bryant will play Wednesday, I learned Monday.

  9. 今年的活动将于6月19日举行,比往年提前一周。

    This years event will take place on June 19th, a week earlier than usual.

  10. 我从来没有仁慈比在整个一周的老男人之前,我杀了他。

    I was never kinder to the old man than during the whole week before I killed him.

  11. 本周股票价格比上周显著上扬。

    Stocks this week has shown a significant gain over last week's prices.

  12. 这周的课比上周的更加枯燥无味。

    This week's class was duller than last.

  13. 妈妈比我先到几周。

    Mother came ahead of me weeks ago.

  14. 我这三周的客源比之前翻倍了

    I've been doublebooked for the past three weeks.

  15. 令经济学家们感到困惑的是这一周的数据比上周更加悲观。

    One puzzle for economists is that this week's data were if anything more gloomy than last week's.

  16. 农夫这周辛苦产出了比上周多的黄油。

    The farmer has churned out more butter this week than last.

  17. 阿布达比周二宣布要建造世界上第一座精灵小镇。

    Abu Dhabi announced on Tuesday that it plans to create the worlds first Smurf Village.

  18. 这是科比的第22个周最佳。

    It was the 22nd POW award in Bryants career 。

  19. 比利时到现在已经下了一周的雨了。

    Its been raining in Belgium for a week now.

  20. 周4引入的法案可能比任何州的措施都要复杂。

    The bill introduced Thursday is more comprehensive than any state measure.

  21. 比尔并没有失业只是公司停雇他两周。

    Bill hasn't lost his job. His company laid him off for two weeks.

  22. 坚持每周发一篇比每天都发一篇然后停一周要好。

    It is better to post once per week on a consistent basis than once per day and then nothing for a week after.

  23. 本周,音乐班卓琴扮演歌手阿比盖尔沃什。

    This week, music from banjoplaying singer Abigail Washburn.

  24. 你就比那活不过这周的上百万人更幸福。

    You are more blessed than the million who will not survive this week.

  25. 在过去两周,5000多人从加丹加逃到赞比亚。

    In the past two weeks,5,000 more people have fled from Katanga into Zambia.

  26. 比尔将在北京度过假期的第一周,第二周在上海。

    Bill will spend the first week of his holiday in Beijing and the next week in Shanghai.

  27. 就一周之内,比尔做的好事比我这辈子做的还要多。

    In one week, Bill does more good than I've done in my entire life.

  28. 使用一周以后,我们依然觉得它比一代快很多。

    When we first handled the device, it seemed noticeably faster to us, and even after a week with the tablet, its still zippier than the previous model by a longshot.

  29. 我们要考虑的是明天的比赛,而不是周三的德比。

    We just have to think of tomorrow's game, not of the derby on Wednesday.

  30. 比尔并没有失业。他得公司曾让他停止工作两周。

    Bill hasn't lost his job. His firm laid him off for two weeks.

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