







汉语拼音:cǎo tàn






  1. 主要由古代的水草和藻类形成的泥炭。也叫草煤。



  1. It had a good application prospects for PRB with the peat as the reactive media in the remedy area of petroleum contaminated groundwater.


  2. Wetting agent at 1% concentration level can keep the peat keep more water, that will be very beneficial to the growth of crops.


  3. The results showed that the oxidation degree and aromatic degree of lignite HA was highest, successively with weathering of coal and peat.


  4. The organic content is the main factor of the physical and mechanical properties of turfy soil.


  5. Effects of peat and weathered coal on activity of rice root system and its nutritional absorption.


  6. Generally Shihezi peat is better than Canada peat.


  7. The oxidation degree and aromatic degree of weathering coal FA was highest, followed by lignite FA and peat FA.


  8. When transferred to peat, gardening soil or vermiculite, the shoots can propagate themselves.


  9. In peat pasture areas these emissions are particularly prevalent.


  1. 烤烟漂浮育苗草炭替代基质研究

    The Primary Report of New Type peat Substituted Medium in Floating System of Tobacco

  2. 草炭对土壤盐分运移的动态影响

    Peat dynamic effect on driving salinity movement.

  3. 总的效果是石河子草炭优于加拿大草炭。

    Generally Shihezi peat is better than Canada peat.

  4. 草炭在平菇制种上的应用研究

    A study on the Application of Peat in Mushroom Spawn production of Agaricus tabularis

  5. 草炭分解产物对铜, 锌吸附的影响

    Effects of Decomposed Products of Grass Charcoal on the Adsorption of Cu and Zn

  6. 棉花的水分状况及草炭处理后的变化

    The Water Status of Cotton and Its Change after Peat Treatment

  7. 草炭对砂质土壤保水特性的影响

    Effects of peat on water conserving properties of sandy soil

  8. 水肥耦合下草炭对小白菜生长的影响

    Effect of Peat on the Growth of Cabbage under the Coupling of Water and Fertilizer

  9. 目得为茜草炭炮制工艺得优化提供依据。

    ObjectiveTo provide the basis of the technological standardization of Rubia cordifolia L.

  10. 目的为茜草炭炮制工艺的优化提供依据。

    ObjectiveTo provide the basis of the technological standardization of Rubia cordifolia L.

  11. 草炭与风化炭改良盐碱土的生态效应。

    Ecological effect of peat and weathered coal on alkalisaline soil.

  12. 树皮草炭混配基质对生菜生长的影响

    Effects of Mixed Culture Media on the Growth and Yield of Lettuce

  13. 掺加草炭的地下渗滤系统处理生活污水

    Treatment of Domestic Wastewater by Subsurface Infiltration System with Addition of Turfy Soil

  14. 施用草炭后, 土壤酶活性增强, 土壤微生物数量增加。

    Application of organic peat, soil enzyme activity enhancement, soil microbial quantity increase.

  15. 草炭和风化煤对水稻根系活力和养分吸收的影响。

    Effects of peat and weathered coal on activity of rice root system and its nutritional absorption.

  16. 组培材料移栽到草炭土,蛭石和园土后,均可繁殖。

    When transferred to peat, gardening soil or vermiculite, the shoots can propagate themselves.

  17. 牛粪与秸秆发酵堆肥全部或部分替代草炭的研究

    Study on the Fermented Farmyard Manure from Cow Dung and Straw for Completely or Part Replacing Turf

  18. 最后,对草炭及其制剂在园艺栽培中的应用做了展望。

    Finally a prospect on future of peat application in horticulture was briefly made.

  19. 不同微生物发酵剂及木醋液在草炭发酵中应用效果研究

    Study on the effect of microbial ferments and wood vinegar in peat fermentation

  20. 但增施草炭对土壤中脲酶和过氧化氢酶影响较小。

    There was little effect on soil urease and catalase activity for different peat levels.

  21. 不同草炭处理对植烟土壤理化性状及烟叶产质影响研究

    The Effect of Different Peat levels on Soil Physical and Chemical Traits and Tobacco Leaf Yield and Quality


  1. 问:草炭拼音怎么拼?草炭的读音是什么?草炭翻译成英文是什么?

    答:草炭的读音是cǎo tàn,草炭翻译成英文是 turf

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