







汉语拼音:mì yǒu







  1. 最亲近、要好的朋友。

    三国 魏 嵇康 《琴赋》:“华堂曲宴,密友近宾,兰肴兼御,旨酒清醇。” 宋 苏洵 《衡论上·远虑》:“今夫一家之中,必有宗老,一介之士,必有密友,以开心胸,以济缓急,奈何天子而无腹心之臣乎?” 老舍 《骆驼祥子》十七:“妇女们不容易交朋友,可是要交往就很快;没有几天,她俩已成了密友。”



  1. an old pandit exile, who had been such a close friend of Mr Peer's father that she greets the young man as a lost son.


  2. A close friend of mine sent me a picture today that we took together four months ago, just a few weeks before he quit smoking.


  3. He who covers over an offense promotes love, but whoever repeats the matter separates close friends.


  4. Their personally life was regularly discussed by people who did not know them but talked as if they were close friends.


  5. Unless she is a very odd woman indeed, she would not pick the newest hire, and a young man at that, as a confidant on matters of the heart.


  6. When I asked my wife and a few close friends about the matter, they weren't as surprised in me being in my own world.


  7. Apart from my immediate family there are only a few people (less than 5) that I would consider to be very close friends, my pillars.


  8. One confidant recalls advising him to just 'turn it all over to the state and do yoga for three years. '


  9. During the festivities, a newly circumcised bride spends much of the celebration in her mother's hut in the company of her best friend.


  1. 她是我的密友。

    She is my confidant.

  2. 他是我的密友。

    He is my intimate friend.

  3. 密友可以进入病房。

    Close friends were allowed into the sickroom.

  4. 跟密友闲聊很有趣。

    Chatting with a close friend is really a lot of fun.

  5. 你是他的密友吗?

    Are you a close friend of his?

  6. 妄想是外科医生的密友

    Paranoia is a surgeon's best friend.

  7. 凯丽需要新的密友

    Callie needs a new best friend.

  8. 和你那假同居密友?

    With the guy you fake live with?

  9. 然后成为朋友,甚至密友

    And then you're friends with them and then you're whatever.

  10. 而不是你的篮球密友

    and not off with your basketball friend.

  11. 他自称是吉姆的密友。

    He identified himself as a close friend of Jim's.

  12. 她的密友中没有女性。

    There were no women among her close friends.

  13. 向你的密友倾诉你的焦虑。

    Share your anxieties with a confidant.

  14. 她是我的一位密友。

    She is a near friend of mine.

  15. 他是我的一位密友。

    He is a close friend of mine.

  16. 你认识的同胞,密友,你的朋友。

    A compatriot, buddy, home that you know.

  17. 她称他是密友和盟友。

    She described him as a close friend and an ally.

  18. 可他是亲戚,是我的密友,

    But as he is my kinsman, my dear friend,

  19. 她从来就不是我的密友。

    She never was a close friend of mine.

  20. 我大学时结交了许多密友。

    I formed many close friendships at college.

  21. 他正在和密友们亲切地交谈。

    He is exchanging intimacies with his friends.

  22. 我为几个密友办了晚宴。

    I gave a dinner party for a few close friends.

  23. 他俩早已成为一对密友了。

    They have become confidants.

  24. 我是他们的密友, 朋友, 他们的同盟。

    I have been their confidant, their friend, their ally.

  25. 你的同事,你的理发师还有你的密友?

    Your work mates, your hairdresser, your close friend.

  26. 与一两个密友的枕头大战。

    A pillow fight with two of your best friends.

  27. 我在公司的密友和他们的妻子。

    My closest friends at the company and their wives.

  28. 他们由新人的亲戚和密友组成。

    They will comprise of the couple's relatives and closest friends.

  29. 我的亲戚与我断绝。我的密友都忘记我。

    My kinsfolk have failed, and my familiar friends have forgotten me.

  30. 据说他是这位女演员的密友。

    It is said he is cup and can with this actress.


  1. 问:密友拼音怎么拼?密友的读音是什么?密友翻译成英文是什么?

    答:密友的读音是mìyǒu,密友翻译成英文是 close friend; bosom friend; intimate friend

  2. 问:密友帮伙强奸拼音怎么拼?密友帮伙强奸的读音是什么?密友帮伙强奸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:密友帮伙强奸的读音是mì yǒu bāng huǒ qiáng jiān,密友帮伙强奸翻译成英文是 fraternity gang rape



“密友”是个多义词,它可以指密友(2011年罗伯特·鲍威尔导演美国电影), 密友(社交软件), 密友(词语释义)。

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