







汉语拼音:fàng què






  1. 放下。

    唐 许岷 《木兰花》词:“宝筝金鸭任生尘,綉画工夫全放却。”



  1. The generals overseeing the necessarily messy transition have been failing to keep up the momentum of change.


  2. and too boring to have


  1. 却放着不管

    and leave it be.

  2. 我大老远飞过去,你却放我的鸽子。

    I flew all the way over there, you blew the thing off.

  3. 几个男孩去偷西瓜, 瓜农却放狗咬他们。

    Some boys went to steal water melons but the farmer set this dog on them.

  4. 没有地方放风筝却送给妹妹风筝。

    Fancy giving your sister a kite when there's nowhere to fly it.

  5. 不过,修建高入云霄的仓库,里面却放不了多少东西,这种情况还能持续多久?

    But how long can you build warehouses to the sky and not fill them?

  6. 在这里, 你可以放很美却破碎的东西。

    Here, you can put beautiful but broken objects.

  7. 却只能放着

    with her own unfinished.

  8. 可她没把纱线放进锅里,放进的却是些粗麻疙瘩。

    However, instead of the yarn, she put in a clump of tow and let it boil away.

  9. 现在她都认罪了,你却不放他走。

    Now she's confessed, but you keep him locked up.

  10. 父亲要求汤姆清扫庭院,但他却要求放了他。

    Father told Tom to rake the yard, but Tom tried to beg off.

  11. 法官却将我放逐。

    But the magistrate sent me away.

  12. 我母亲那里却热闹,放着十几张床呢。

    My mother's ward was noisy, with a dozen or so beds.

  13. 几个西洋小孩子却在那里放玩具的小木船。

    Several foreign children were sailing a toy boat on the pond.

  14. 大家都在寻找解决问题的办法, 他却在一边放横炮。

    We are trying to find a solution, but he is making more trouble for us.

  15. 大家都在寻找解决问题的办法,他却在一边放横炮。

    We are trying to find a solution, but he is making more trouble for us.

  16. 桌子都放好了,你却没办法吃到东西?

    The table is set but you can't eat?

  17. 不管她喝了多少茶酒, 每天却只需要放一次尿。

    All of us here are in wonder of the capacity of her bladder.

  18. 张某却担心, 放了潘某之后再也找不到他了怎么办。

    Zhang actually worried, after having put Pan also couldn't find him to manage again.

  19. 明末的小品虽然比较颓放, 却并非全是吟风弄月。

    Though the essays of the late Ming Dynasty are rather decadent, they are not entirely devoted to the wind and the moon.

  20. 遇到发财的机会却放过了。

    Had a fortune in their fists and let it go.

  21. 他们遇到发财的机会却放过了。

    They had a fortune in their fists but let it go.

  22. 可是他们却偷偷在里面放了辣椒,鼻烟和盐。

    Secretly, however, they hot pepper, snuff and salt.

  23. 大袋鼠却把小男孩放进了幼儿袋里。

    The great gray kangaroo actually has admitted the young boy in the baby bag.

  24. 那天出门换鞋, 先拿了一只左脚的鞋, 却放下了。

    Immediately took another, wore, choose a that when put down again, put on.

  25. 那天出门换鞋,先拿了一只左脚得鞋,却放下了。

    Immediately took another,wore,choose a that when put down again,put on.

  26. 几个月以来,人们都在批判教条主义,却放过了修正主义。

    Over the last few months, people have been criticizing dogmatism but have allowed revisionism to go unchallenged.

  27. 不会把花季的绚烂假借给明天, 却定将这待放的季节染色。

    Won't the gorgeous flower for tomorrow, but found it to put the will of the season.

  28. 我把腿放在空中,却一无所获

    I put my legs in the air, and nothing.

  29. 驱车远行,高放音乐。简单却美好。

    Go for a drive, blare your music. Simple, yet wonderful.

  30. 但是这却不是放之四海而皆准的。

    But this is not true in all countries.

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