







汉语拼音:dòng rén






  1. 受冻之民。

    《穆天子传》卷五:“日中大寒,北风雨雪,有冻人,天子作诗三章以哀民。” 汉 贾谊 《新书·礼》:“故礼,国有飢人,人主不飧;国有冻人,人主不裘;报囚之日,人主不乐。”



  1. B Yes. The weather is not very good. It's freezing.


  2. Love Notes in Cold WInter


  1. 对所有渐冻人而言这药是一线希望

    It was hope in a bottle for, the whole ALS community.

  2. 其实每个人都是渐冻人,人的生命没有时间的预算。

    Actually everybody is ALS, the person's life without time budget.

  3. 比起平时冬季的那扇半开的门,这扇门更冻人。

    It was a door even more glacial than that of winter which was ajar.

  4. 剑桥的渐冻人治疗研发机构 他们筹集到了三百万美金

    ALS TDI in Cambridge, they raised three million dollars.

  5. 和波士顿学院的短裤 他说 我接受渐冻人冰桶挑战

    and B. C. shorts said, I'm taking the ALS, Ice Bucket Challenge.

  6. 外面的人冻得要命。

    People outside are perishing with cold.

  7. 外面的人冻得要命。

    People outside are perishing with cold.

  8. 不同冻存液改善人胎肝细胞冻存质量比较

    Comparison of the effects of different cryoprotectants in ameliorating the cryopreservation quality of human fetal hepatocytes

  9. 她的脸被风吹的通红,整个人被冻得瑟瑟发抖。

    Her face was reddened by the harsh wind, and she was shivering in the cold air.

  10. 日落之后, 寒气袭人, 老人冻得发抖。

    The old man shivered in the cold that came after the sunset.

  11. 西伯利亚的人经常买冻在棍子上的牛奶。

    People in Siberia often buy milk frozen on a stick.

  12. 冻人季节的爱情纸条异域文化

    Love Notes in Cold WInter

  13. 谢谢你们为治愈渐冻人症做的努力

    Thank you so much for working in ALS.

  14. 在冬天,缺少住处,衣服和食物的人,可能冻饿而死。

    During this time, people without shelter, food and clothing may starve or freeze to death.

  15. 我要改变 渐冻人症这无法令人接受的现状

    I'm going to change the face of this unacceptable situation of ALS.

  16. 渐冻人症夺走了人所有的器官但大脑却是完好的

    ALS robs the human of all their physical, parts, but the brain stays intact.

  17. 在冻人的寒风中,你们挺拔地站立着,好比雄伟的希腊雕像。

    You stand tall like a colossal Greek statue.

  18. 所以斑的巨细与不对比度是感冻人触觉的间接不败分。

    Therefore the size of the anatkina and the contrast is the direct human vision.

  19. 所以斑得巨细与不对比度是感冻人触觉得间接不败分。

    Therefore the size of the anatkina and the contrast is the direct human vision.

  20. 有两个人冻死了。

    Two of the men froze to death.

  21. 他们当中有两人冻死了。

    Two of them froze to death.

  22. 孩子们在堆雪人,手都冻红了。

    The children were making a snowman, hands red with cold.

  23. 昨天晚上,芝加哥至少有两人冻死。

    At least two people died of exposure in Chicago overnight.

  24. 去冬严寒期街上发现好几个人冻死。

    Several people are found lying dead in the street during the big freeze last winter.

  25. 短冷期里的冬季让人冻僵,重要航道也因而结冰堵塞

    Cold snaps could make winters numbingly harsh and clog key navigation routes with ice.

  26. 冻于人血浆

    Plasma Human Cryodesiccate.

  27. 冻干人羊膜

    Lyophilized human amniotic membrane.

  28. 冻干重组人脑钠利肽

    Lyophilized Recombinant Human Brain Natriuretic Peptide

  29. 人毛乳头细胞的冻存

    Objective To observe optic papilla artery and provide anatomy basis for the eyeground radiography.

  30. 他们当中有两人被冻死了。

    Two of them froze to death.

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