


1. 阿 [ā]2. 阿 [ē]阿 [ā]加在称呼上的词头:~大。~爷。~爹。~罗汉。~毛。~婆。~弟。~姊。阿 [ē]迎合,偏袒:~附。~其所好。~谀逢迎。凹曲处:山~。……


1. 的 [dí]2. 的 [dì]3. 的 [de]的 [dí]真实,实在:~确。~当(dàng )。~情。~真。~证。的 [dì]箭靶的中心:中(zhòng )~。有~放矢。众矢之~。目~(要达到的目标、境地)。的 [de]用在词或词组……



汉语拼音:ā dì






  1. 犹兀的。这,这个。

    元 杨瑀 《山居新话》:“ 王衍 以铜钱为阿睹物, 顾长康 画神,指眼为阿睹中,二説於理未通。今北方人凡指此物,皆曰阿的,即阿睹之説明矣。” 元 张鸣善 《水仙子》曲:“做甚么月儿昏昏瞪瞪,阿的般人儿孤孤另另,些娘大房儿冷冷清清。”参阅 张相 《诗词曲语词汇释·兀的》。



  1. "Boa's loss is a bleak reminder that we must not allow this to happen to the other tribes of the Andaman Islands, " he said in a statement.


  2. Hadji Murad was allowed to go riding in the neighborhood of the town provided that he went with a Cossack escort.


  3. Hadji Murad took the glass of tea he was offered and put it in front of him.


  4. Noah, who grew up in France, felt Garnett was hard on him, both for being a rookie and being from Europe.


  5. Hadji Murad gave a scornful sideways glance at this fat little man in civilian clothes who carried no weapons, and made no answer.


  6. A set of simultaneous, linear algebraic equations results for the entire structure, in which the structural displacements are unknowns.


  7. Hadji Murad raised his head and, taking two gold pieces, gave one to each of the scouts.


  8. In 15 minutes, they identified Juma'a, but they were not strong enough to transport his body home in a cheap wooden coffin.


  9. A boost all the way up to 400 ponies should give the Mustang enough firepower to take on the new Chevrolet Camaro and Dodge Challenger.


  1. 阿的平荧光染色法

    quinacrine fluorescent method

  2. 预防中暑药物阿的平研究

    Studies on heatstroke preventive effect of Quinacrine

  3. 来自果阿的阳光男孩在哪?

    The athletic young man from Goa.

  4. 阿的统计数据发现, 在整个财富。

    A wealth of statistical data is found throughout.

  5. 阿富汗总统大选是阿的内部事务。

    The election is an internal affair of the country.

  6. 阿的猎户座星云的恒星托儿所数字的看法。

    A digital view of the stellar nurseries of the Orion Nebula.

  7. 阿的第一次世界大战中英诗歌代表性的调查。

    A representative sample of English poetry of World War One is surveyed.

  8. 阿的翻译,本地化,全球化参与人或有用的网站。

    A useful site for anybody involved in translation, localization, or globalization.

  9. 所有到雷果阿的乘客请上车,随车员大声叫喊。

    All passengers for Regoa take their places, please, called out the guard.

  10. 阿的平保护纹状体神经元免受热处理损伤作用的研究

    Protective effect of quinacrine on striatum neurons from heat treatment injury

  11. 守望的阿,夜里如何。

    Watchman, what of the night?

  12. 云是什么做的阿?

    What is cloud made of?

  13. 挺好的阿 然后呢?

    Okay,that's good.then what?

  14. 挺好的阿 然后呢?

    Okay, that's good. then what?

  15. 都是火箭需要的阿。

    Jerry StackhouseJason TerryKeith Van Horn.

  16. 啊呀,他怎么认识的的阿?

    Wow, how did this crew know about me?

  17. 有人声从西珥呼问我,说,守望的阿,夜里如何。

    He calleth to me out of Seir, Watchman, what of the night?

  18. 我心所爱的阿,求你告诉我,你在何处牧放羊群

    Tell me,you whom my soul loves,Where do you pasture your flock

  19. 我怀孕了,最近总是饿而且犯困原来都是有原因的阿。

    I’m pregnant. No wonder I have been so hungry and sleepy this whole time.

  20. 丁炜的艺术,含有独立不阿的品格。

    Yet Ding's art has a distinctive style.

  21. 马穆鲁克的圆顶屋,尖塔和伽阿的发展。

    The development of the dome, the minaret, and the Qaa under the Mamluks.

  22. 是阿, 今日的卡片不单只有文字而已。

    Do you know, xxx, nowadays cards not only just have words.

  23. 玉女阿,你的脚在鞋中何其美好。

    How graceful are your feet in sandals, O queenly maiden!

  24. 威廉塔夫脱签名信1912年阿很好的例子。

    William Taft Signed Letter 1912 A nice example.

  25. 谁一大早的敲门阿!

    Who's banging down the door so early!

  26. 那充盈着眼眶的泪水阿

    Tears filled with the pool of eye sockets

  27. 排球运动是个国际性的运动阿!

    Volleyball is a international sport!!

  28. 一个多么上下颠倒的星球阿?

    What an upside down planet, huh ?!

  29. 多么让你伤心和扼腕的词语阿。

    What a horrible, candlesnuffing word.

  30. 耶西的儿子阿, 我们是帮助你的。

    Then David received them, and made them captains of the band.


  1. 问:阿的勒算端拼音怎么拼?阿的勒算端的读音是什么?阿的勒算端翻译成英文是什么?

    答:阿的勒算端的读音是,阿的勒算端翻译成英文是 Adil Sultan

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