


1. 假 [jiǎ]2. 假 [jià]假 [jiǎ]不真实的,不是本来的,与“真”相对:~山。~话。~冒。~释。~死。虚~。真~。弄虚作~。借用,利用:~借。~货。~道(借路)。~手(利用他人为自己办事)。~公济私。不~思索(用不着想)。……









汉语拼音:jiǎ yǐ shí rì






  1. But she added that the transition will occur over time, so virtually nothing will change at least until the deal is inked next year.


  2. Over time, as both the lasers and photovoltaic cells improve, the company hopes efficiencies of up to 50 per cent will be possible.


  3. Still, ETA is not in a strong bargaining position. Mass prisoner-release programmes, if they ever come, must wait.


  4. Any tax cuts must not permanently increase the structural deficit and must be combined with a strategy to reduce it over time.


  5. In the long run, "I think time is on the side of the euro, " he said, provided countries stick to austerity budgets.


  6. Further along the timeline, China, Indonesia, Vietnam and Thailand could also develop into the next group of online markets.


  7. Over time, as countries replace a dollar peg with a mixed basket peg, they are likely to readjust reserve portfolios as well.


  8. He said that this reversal will take some time to play out.


  9. With time, natural selection will tend to flush the deleterious SNPs out, as it has done -- relatively speaking -- in African populations.


  1. 需要假以时日,好的。

    It's a tough adjustment.OK.

  2. 它意味着成功还需假以时日。

    It does mean you haven't successed yet.

  3. 假以时日,将会成为绿化斜坡。

    In time the slope will be safe and green.

  4. 如若假以时日, 试验必获成功。

    Given time, the experiment is sure to yield results.

  5. 他认为这种逆转需要假以时日。

    He said that this reversal will take some time to play out.

  6. 假以时日公共资源便会不断减少。

    Over time, stocks ofthe common resource will dwindle.

  7. 当然, 这不容易实现, 需要假以时日。

    Of course, this is not easy to achieve and takes time.

  8. 蒂娜相信假以时日,她的生意一定会盈利。

    Tina believed that, given time, her business would become profitable.

  9. 你可能要假以时日才会发觉,但我会等你。

    It may take you a while to see that, but I can wait.

  10. 假以时日,你思想的积淀,就会变得丰厚。

    After days, the accumulated sediment of your thought will become munificence.

  11. 假以时日, 非洲也能成为经济发展中的一极。

    Over time, Africa can also become a pole of growth.

  12. 然而,假以时日,这些做法将会变得错漏百出。

    But, over time, these become ever more porous.

  13. 相信假以时日,韬光养晦,川籍艺术家将再次崛起。

    Believe that, over time, stronger productions artists will rise once again.

  14. 假以时日,它才能曲折成长到足以应付大危机。

    Given time, it could crank itself up for a major crisis.

  15. 假以时日, 这些外国驻港机构会觉得成本压力逐步减少。

    Progressively, they will feel some cost relief.

  16. 你需要吸收大量的英文,假以时日才可以使你的语文进步。

    You need large helpings of English input to feed your language development.

  17. 由于信息的禁止和他们的恐怖手法, 假以时日, 他们也许会赢。

    In time they may win due to suppression of information and their terrorist tactics.

  18. 不过,澳大利亚要消除其基础设施方面的瓶颈,仍需假以时日。

    However, it will be some time before infrastructure bottlenecks disappear.

  19. 假以时日,我想她一定会情不自禁想和你同床共枕。

    In time, I'm sure she'll want nothing more than to share your bed.

  20. 假以时间的话,修正这一不平衡现象将有助于经济增长。

    Redressing this imbalance could, with time, help economic growth.

  21. 所以隐语是隐去本事而假以他辞来暗示的语言。

    In general, the enigmatic language is classified into three types, which are respectively code, intelligence measurement and obscure remonstrance.

  22. 给某人以假线索

    give sb. a false scent

  23. 那坏蛋拿它以假乱真。

    The rogue passed it off as genuine.

  24. 桥牌中的以假乱真打法

    Snares and Swindles in Bridge

  25. 世界会回报以假笑。

    Everybody else fakes smile back.

  26. 世界会回报以假笑。

    Everybody else fakes smile back.

  27. 做假动作以假动作欺骗

    Sports To deceive with a fake.

  28. 以假旗帜航海, 纵火, 绑票。

    Sailing under false colors, arson, kidnapping.

  29. 你可以加点面粉以假乱真。

    You can cheat by adding a little flour.

  30. 好的模仿品足以以假乱真!

    A good imitation is sometimes mistakable for the real thing.




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