


奇异,不平常:~诞(离奇古怪)。~事。~物。~讶。~圈(quān )。~话。~异。奇形~状。惊奇:大惊小~。~不得。传说中的妖魔之类:鬼~。妖~。性情乖僻或行为异样的人:~癖(古怪的癖好)。~僻(古怪)。很,非常:~好的天气。怨,责备:不~……




1. 得 [dé]2. 得 [děi]3. 得 [de]得 [dé]获取,接受:~到。~失。~益。~空(kòng)。~便。~力。~济。心~。适合:~劲。~当(dàng )。~法。~体。满意:~意。扬扬自~。完成,实现:饭~了。~逞。~志(多……



汉语拼音:guài bu de







  1. 不能责备。

    《朱子语类》卷一○八:“也怪不得州郡,欲添兵,诚无粮食给之,其势多招不得。” 清 李渔 《意中缘·错怪》:“若还果有此情,也怪不得老先生发恼。”

  2. 表示明白了原因,对发生的某种事情就不觉得奇怪。

    曹禺 《日出》第二幕:“ 陈白露 :怪不得常听人说爱情是要有代价的。”



  1. It turns out that you are Mr. David's son. No wonder you are the very image of him.


  2. It sounds as if all the sounds had one tone. Little wonder that westerners said Chinese was a mysterious language.


  3. some of our workers like to make fun of him. No wonder he lacks self esteem. It's a darn shame!


  4. Grain is often heaped on the ground and covered with a sheet: no wonder the rats get at it.


  5. It was no wonder, the team realized, that they were behind schedule and that their people felt overloaded.


  6. Myrtle: I really had a bit too much to drink. No wonder I feel so rough.


  7. No wonder, though barely a year after the advent of the crisis, that some investors are muttering about Goldman having excess capital.


  8. He has carefully studied foreign trade affairs about this country and that's why he knows so much.


  9. No wonder Betty has trouble keeping her weight down. Between meals she munches all day long on potato chips, salted peanuts and candy.


  1. 怪不得呢。

    Ohh.That explains it.

  2. 怪不得你超重。

    No wonder you are overweight.

  3. 怪不得她咬人

    Ooh, no wonder she bites.

  4. 这事怪不得他。

    He's not to blame for this.

  5. 怪不得你没走。

    It is no wonder that you did not go.

  6. 怪不得天气这么热。

    A Is it No wonder its so hot and stuffy.

  7. 怪不得你叫我来。

    So that's why you asked me to come.

  8. 怪不得我们排第12,第12啊

    No wonder we're number 12. 10.

  9. 怪不得她那么讨厌你。

    No wonder she hates you.

  10. 怪不得那些鬼会找你。

    No wonder ghosts come to you.

  11. 怪不得你无法排尿呢

    Uh, it's no wonder you can't urinate.

  12. 怪不得公主会爱上他!

    No wonder the princess loved him!

  13. 怪不得他们要等我丈夫。

    That's why they're waiting for my husband.

  14. 呵呵,怪不得晒成这个样子。

    Well, that's why you have a suntan.

  15. 尼尔怪不得你看来这么健美。

    Niall No wonder you look so fit and trim.

  16. 怪不得我到处找不到你。

    No wonder I could never find you.

  17. 怪不得她和老男人在一起。

    No wonder she was with an old guy.

  18. 怪不得这里也有一座泰山。

    No wonder there's a Mt. Taishan here.

  19. 怪不得我已经在淌口水了。

    No wonder my mouth is already watering.

  20. 怪不得您英语说得这么好!

    That accounts for your excellent english!

  21. 怪不得她说老师总是对的。

    No wonder she says teachers are always right.

  22. 怪不得你要求我姐姐的护照。

    That's why you asked for my sister's passport.

  23. 怪不得大家都恨你们入骨呢。

    Can't imagine why everybody hates you guys so much.

  24. 怪不得现场的观众都起立鼓掌!

    No wonder he got a standing ovation!

  25. 可能吧。怪不得有很多错别字。

    Maybe. Now I know why there are so many errors in it.

  26. 怪不得一份报纸才卖一块钱!

    No wonder a copy only costs one yuan!

  27. 怪不得这些塑像的颜色那么鲜艳。

    No wonder these sculptures are so colorful.

  28. 晚餐有猪肉, 怪不得你垂涎三尺。

    No wonder you are licking your chops, there's pork for supper.

  29. 怪不得我过去的同事们 那么沮丧。

    So no wonder that some of my old colleagues are frustrated.

  30. 怪不得最近他学习不太好了。

    No wonder he is not doing well in his study recently.


  1. 问:怪不得拼音怎么拼?怪不得的读音是什么?怪不得翻译成英文是什么?

    答:怪不得的读音是guàibude,怪不得翻译成英文是 no wonder; cannot put the blame on



1.汉汉释义: guài bù dé ㄍㄨㄞˋ ㄅㄨˋ ㄉㄜˊ 怪不得 (1).不能责备。《朱子语类》卷一○八:“也怪不得州郡,欲添兵,诚无粮食给之,其势多招不得。” 清 李渔 《意中缘·错怪》:“若还果有此情,也怪不得老先生发恼。” (2).表示明白了原因,对发生的某种事情就不觉得奇怪。

明 冯梦龙 《喻世明言》第一卷:“晴云引薛婆上楼,与三巧儿相见了。婆子看那妇人,心下想道:“真天人也!怪不得陈大郎心迷,若我做男子,也要浑了。”曹禺 《日出》第二幕:“ 陈白露 :怪不得常听人说爱情是要有代价的。” 2.基本释义: 对应词条 no wonder 词典释义 1.(明白原因后, 不觉得奇怪) no wonder; so that's why; that explains why 3.行业释义: 贸易 1. no wonder that 2. no wonder that