




排成的行:罗~。行(háng )~。队~。~岛。众多,各:~位。~强。~传(zhuàn )。摆出:~举。安排到某类事务之中:~席。量词,用于成行列的事物:一~火车。类:不在此~。姓。古同“烈”,强烈,猛然。古同“裂”,分裂。……



汉语拼音:jiù liè






  1. 就位,任职。

    《论语·季氏》:“陈力就列,不能者止。” 何晏 集解:“言当陈其才力,度己所任,以就其位。”《墨子·尚贤上》:“故当是时,以德就列。”《后汉书·邓彪张禹等传论》:“懹禄以图存者,仕子之恆情;审能而就列者,出身之常体。”



  1. In the beginning of the Book of Matthew, there is a long list of Jesus' genealogy .


  2. They didn't anticipate any openings for many months either, even though I'd put my name on the waiting list in my first month of pregnancy.


  3. And within 24 hours it was cross-listed in five departments.


  4. Why not start your list right now?


  1. 你应该这就列那个单子。

    You start working on that list.

  2. 他陈力就列,担任了公司的总经理。

    Due to his high level of competence he was appointed to General Manager of the company.

  3. 他陈力就列,担任了公司的总经理。

    Due to his high level of competence he was appointed to General Manager of the company.

  4. 那就从列一份清单开始吧, 并按主题分类整理好。

    This list, organized by topic, can help you get started.

  5. 咱们到大厅前面去,就可以列清楚地听到演讲者的演讲。

    Let's go forward to the front of the hall so that we can hear the speaker more clearly.

  6. 因为它的形式不太令人满意,这里我们就不列出来了。

    We don't display it here since its form is not very inspiring.

  7. 自联合国建立以来, 巴勒斯坦问题就一直列在其议程上。

    Since the establishment of the United Nations, the question of Palestine has always been on its agenda.

  8. 你知道的,动画就是一系列的图像。

    As you know, an animation is a series of images.

  9. 她說這就像是列車行駛下轟隆轟隆響的空氣

    And she said it was like a thunderous train of air.

  10. 就下面所列主题各写一个段落。

    Write a paragraph on each of the topics given below.

  11. 此般预算削减的收益就是一系列的预算盈余。

    The payoff for such budget cutting was a string of budget surpluses.

  12. 我们的推荐人名单上列的就是公司的管理团队。

    Our reference list is our management teams.

  13. 这一遗迹在德鲁伊特来到不列颠前就已存在。

    The monument predates the arrival of the druids in Britain.

  14. 这样就会得到若干列。

    There are a few dozen columns.

  15. 就把这些光摆列在天空, 普照在

    And God set them in the firmament of the

  16. 就把这些光摆列在天空, 普照在地上。

    And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth

  17. 你会感到就像被一列火车在干你!

    You'll think you got fucked by a train!

  18. 一旦你有了这些,你就可以 建立皮层列。

    And once you have that, you can actually begin to build the neocortical column.

  19. 唯一一个不向他的人民讲实话的政府就是大不列颠政府。

    The only government which is not levelling with its people is the British government.

  20. 在本部分笔者就对上述所列的保障措施进行了构建。

    In this section the author constructs the above related supporting measures.

  21. 公司在最兴隆时期每隔十五分钟就开出一列火车。

    In its heyday, the company ran trains every fifteen minutes.

  22. 在这个世纪末, 爱德华就像是不列颠岛屿的最高统治者。

    At the end of the century, Edward felt like a sovereign ruler of the British Isles.

  23. 然而, 当板块让开它, 一系列的火上就形成了。

    However, as the plate moves over it, a line of volcanoes is formed.

  24. 如果两个车在同一行或同一列, 它们就可互相吃掉。

    Rooks attack each other if they are on the same row or column.

  25. 老师不耐烦地告诉那个女学生答案就在书的后面列了出来

    The teacher gave the talkative girl short shrift, telling her the answer is simply listed at the back of the book.

  26. 被列出来那你就没有运行对程序。

    You are not running the right binary.

  27. 这个列表会越列越多, 就像在他们之前每一代都会如此一样。

    The list goes on and on, just like it has for every generation before them.

  28. 把这些重要问题列在一同,你就能够停止自我模考了。

    Keep a list of these key questions and you'll have written your own practice test.

  29. 如果你认为其他的也应该列在这, 那就在评论中指出来。

    If you think of others that you feel ought to be here, mention them in the comments.

  30. 单在大不列颠群岛上,就有60多种植物能够结出果实来。

    In the British Isles alone, more than sixty species of native plants produce them.

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